My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 279: Dream (2) Childhood Promise

Chapter 279 Dream (2) Childhood Promise

“According to legend, on the day when the first snow falls, lovers who meet will receive eternal blessings.” - Chuxue.

“Brother Chen, let’s go skiing tomorrow. Mom said it would be fun!”

It rarely snows here. When Qiao Ling was conscious and could play in the snow by himself, he spent the first year with Ye Xichen.

 The little girl thought the white snow falling in the sky was very beautiful and strange.

Now, she wants to ski.

Ye Xichen lowered his eyes and glanced at her thick red ski suit, and felt that the guy in front of him wrapped into a small ball was really... interesting.

However, the boy, who has been calm since childhood, has no interest in playing. He thinks: "Going skiing so far away is a waste of time."

“It’s a bit far.” Xiao Qiaoyi patted his head, was silent for a while, and then suddenly raised a smile and said, “My dad built an amusement park, so just ask your dad to build another ski resort!”

  “…” What an unexpected answer.

But Ye Xichen told her, "If I want something myself, I will figure it out myself."

Little Qiao Ling was very confused, "But why did dad say that if I want anything, I just tell him directly?"

 “Because you are a girl.”

 “Can girls just make requests?”

"of course not!"

 Perhaps he denied it too directly, which frightened the little girl.

The little girl's black spar-like eyes stared straight at him but said nothing.

Ye Xichen moved his lips, and finally put his hand on her head, clearly promising, "But you can make demands of me."

Upon hearing this, the little girl who was stunned just now hugged him with great energy, "Yeah! That's great, then Brother Chen, let's go skiing with me!"

  But how do you say a word?

 Easy to speak but difficult to do!

Little Qiao Ling doesn't know how to ski, but he likes to hang out with Ye Xichen. The adults couldn't pull him away, so they simply found a few skiers to accompany him and let the two children play.

 As a result, Paji accidentally fell down and hurt his face.

The little girl who is usually very strong suddenly cried out in pain. Her parents were not around, and she kept shouting for "brother to hug me".

They treated the little girl's wounds as quickly as possible, and Ye Xichen hugged her tightly, hearing deafening cries.

 “Brother, wow wow wow, it hurts so much, woo woo woo.”

 “It’ll be fine soon.”

 “No more skiing, I’ll never ski again!”

 “Okay, okay, no skiing.”

No matter what the little girl said, he now agreed.

When the cool ointment was applied to the wound, she finally stopped crying and complaining of pain.

The little girl hugged the person she relied on tightly, looked at him longingly and said, "But I want to build a snowman."

Ye Xichen couldn't help laughing, "I'll help you build a snowman."

 “Will you help me build a snowman every year?”

“Well, if it snows, I will definitely help you build a snowman.”

 If it snows, I will definitely help you build a snowman...


 The math textbook accidentally fell to the ground.

Feeling someone was shaking her arm, Ye Wei slowly opened her eyes and saw that everything outside the window was black.

Then she remembered that she was studying in the evening and there was no teacher. She lay down for a while and unexpectedly fell asleep.

 “Don’t sleep anymore, it’s easy to catch a cold in such a cold weather.”

 She heard Yu Anran's voice and said, "Thank you."

Ye Weiwei picked up the textbook and heard the voice of the classmate at the back desk, "I heard it's going to snow this year."

 “Is the first snow coming? I’m so looking forward to it!”

 “It feels like trying to build a snowman.”

The classmates at the back table chattered a lot, but Ye Weiwei heard everything clearly.

Yu Anran was about to ask a question when he turned around to look at Ye Weiwei, only to find...

 “Qiao Li, why are you crying?”

 Silent tears suddenly fell from the corners of his eyes.

When writing, I need to make up for the scene and the emotions of the characters. When Qixi thought of that sentence, Ma Ye magically shed a tear.

Wait until you feel sorry for Brother Chen



 (End of this chapter)

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