My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 280: Come back and we'll make peace

Chapter 280 You come back and we make peace

"Cough." Ye Xichen's cold has lasted for half a month and still cannot be cured, and he has lost weight.

He was sitting quietly by the window and seemed to hear someone shouting. He accidentally opened the window and saw the pure white snowflakes falling to the ground silently like light feathers.

Ye Xichen stared, "Is it snowing in G City?"

Su Che shivered as he was cold when he opened the window, "Brother Chen, don't you know? It snows every year at this time in G City, and today it's the first snow."

The buddy who was playing games on the bed suddenly poked his head out and said, "At this time, I should ask a girl to watch the snow together."

Su Che nodded with deep understanding, "Girls like the legend of the first snow. With the beautiful snow scene as a backdrop and a confession, girls can easily catch it."

 “Cough cough cough.”

Ye Xichen lowered his head and coughed a few times, then skillfully took out the medicine from the table and took it.

 Taking medicine seems to have become an indispensable daily routine for him.

 After taking the medicine, he opened the browser, and his search history was all about weather forecast.

He has been paying attention to the weather forecast in City S. It is said that it will snow this year.

 Because I once promised a person that if it snowed that year, I would help her build a snowman.

 When I entered the S city post bar, a 3-second picture post happened to pop up, with the title: It’s snowing! Snowing! Snowing!

In City S, the first snow has arrived.

The mobile phone is typing rapidly on the keyboard, and the computer is shut down.

 He pushed the chair away with a sudden movement, stood up, and took away the brown windbreaker hanging by the bed.

Su Che had just taken out the review paper and was about to ask the boss, but he saw the boss rushing out of the door, "Brother Chen, I have a question here, hey, where are you going?"

 “Go back to City S.”

 The remaining echoes could not even be captured.

Su Che held the paper and looked confused, "No, this, this, there is an exam tomorrow. He wants to fly home?"

The roommate who played the game shook his head and was relatively speechless.

S city.

  When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, someone was surprised to find that there was a layer of white outside the window.

“You guys, get up and look, it’s really snowing!”

 In a place where snow does not fall all year round, it snowed unexpectedly this year.

The students ran out of the classroom to watch, and everyone found it strange.

“According to legend, on the day when the first snow falls, lovers who meet will receive eternal blessings.”

 The best time is when it first snows.

Ye Weiwei stood by the aisle with her hand on the railing. She stretched out her palms, and soon crystal snowflakes fell into her palms. She closed her palms as if to grab something, but in the end, nothing was left except wet watermarks.

Lu Baiyang saw a picture of plum blossoms and beautiful plum blossoms on the Internet. The pure white snow wrapped the delicate plum blossoms. The picture was extremely beautiful.

 He shared it with Su Yichen.

Su Yichen bought two e-tickets online and sent an invitation to Ye Weiwei, "It rarely snows in City S, and the plum grove in the park becomes a wonder. Do you want to go and see it together?"

Su Yichen was full of hopes, but was rejected by Ye Weiwei, "Sorry, I don't want to go."

 It wasn't that she didn't want to go, it was just that she didn't want to go alone with Su Yichen, so she had to refuse.

Su Yichen couldn't figure it out after being rejected. Lu Baiyang laughed at him, but he pretended not to hear.

 The last person went to the park with a disappointed attitude.

 But after Su Yichen left, Ye Weiwei also searched online for information about the current situation of the park’s Merlin.

 Seeing those pictures, I accidentally bought two park tickets and smiled to myself, "Brother Chen, if you still remember your promise, we can make peace."

   Thank you to "Su Nian" and "Lulive.cnhan" for the reward~

So the question is, who will meet the only one first?



 (End of this chapter)

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