My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 136: The world is foolish, I don't know, this is the world of witches!

So beautiful.

This scene is so beautiful that all Huaxia people admire it.

Seeing this, Tang Meng was completely excited.

Ancient mythology, as if appearing in front of my eyes, has no secrets at all.

She was placed on a porcelain bowl next to her, watching everything that happened in the garden, and said secretly:

"Nuwa's creation is from the first to the seventh day, and the seventh day is human. Because before history, the ancients believed that chickens, dogs, pigs, and sheep represented the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and cows and horses represented the earth and the sky. ."

Therefore, on the seventh day, when people begin to be born, it is the canon of mythology.

After all, the "Han Shu·Lv Li Zhi·Part I" records: "The seven, the heaven and the earth at four o'clock, the beginning of man."

This is also one of the sources for the Chinese people to call the seventh day of the first lunar month "People's Day".

She kept sorting out in her mind.

These days, she has not only studied the top genetic technology projects of mankind, but also constantly studied ancient historical myths, hoping to discover our Eastern myths just like discovering the Mayan civilization.

Myths in Eastern Mythology...

Perhaps it can be explained by modern science, and even higher-tech genetic engineering and the evolution of life in the future.

Because of the so-called fourth realm, what is the god?

The scientists in the survivor camp continue to analyze.

Their neural reflexes and movements are 360 ​​times that of humans.

This is another species.

But it's not without precedent. There are also cats in nature. The nervous reflex of cats is seven times that of snakes... so cats can easily tease snakes.

But in nature, animals with fast neural reflexes can't keep up with their brains for most of their movements... This leads to their dynamic vision and responsiveness, but you can still catch them at a faster speed.

"The so-called ancient oriental gods, the civilization of Taoist listeners, are also a kind of super life form that can be explained by science. Their sense of time and movement speed are too fast!"

"As if running in the long river of time!"

She just felt her heart turbulent.

"This seems to be a god, but in fact it is the martial art of the fourth realm. The essence is also a transition of life level."

She watched this scene.

The huge woman, the villain running all over the place, pigs, dogs, cows and sheep, etc., just feel that the myth is reappearing.

"This is probably the reason for the difference in body size between the two sides in the myth." She was cold in her heart and kept thinking about it: "Nuwa took the earth and pinched people. Naturally, she is a super small human being for her size. "

"Finally, a large number of humans were formed by whipping with a cane, which confirmed the size of both sides at that time."

After all, the ancient myths have also been passed down continuously. The ancient righteous gods were all giants, walking on the mountains and rivers, the emperor Wa, and the Nvxi, and the body was a giant with a terrifying height.

Isn't it right?

Giants created humans.

"But... Nuwa turned out to be a ‘human’. We ‘humans’ are not giants at all, but they are too small...this is reverse thinking! Thinking blind zone!"

In Tang Meng's constant thinking, the picture changed at this time.


The descendants of Nuwa, tired and sweating, covered the entire garden with a lot of creatures, allowing them to evolve on their own. After the genes are gradually identified, their body shape changes.

Wow! !

The entire person's huge five-meter body quickly shrank, like a deflated ball.

She reverted to a two-meter tall figure, even with a snake-shaped wet tail, and she began to split slimly, turning into two slender and beautiful feet.


Tang Meng exclaimed again.

She felt that she hadn't been surprised in her life as much as now.

But at this time, the huge monster clan's body became smaller, and the monster clan's snake tail turned into human-shaped legs, which was indeed too shocking.

At the same time, she was observing in secret.

Looking at the area where the descendants of Nuwa had just passed by by the tail of the snake, it turned out to be a wet piece, covered in viscous liquid, and slightly reflecting light.

"Sure enough, it's the Nuwa clan, I didn't run away!" Tang Meng was secretly confused, and said: "Like a snail, there are traces of a snake's tail passing by, there are traces of snail moisture."

At this time, Fu Qingjun controlled this body and walked back again. Naturally, he didn't know that Tang Meng's heart scene was so weird, and he thought of strange and weird places.

He was very satisfied with his movements in this wave.

Nuwa created human beings with nine days of breath, and made all souls from the first to the seventh day, and the last throw of the straw rope is already a perfect re-enactment.

However, even this does not mean the end.

Fu Qingjun wants to create an oriental mythical civilization, so naturally he has to be perfect... He controlled the descendants of Nuwa, and slowly came to the wicker chair in front of the house and sat down, overlooking the clay spirits below.

"The earth has reappeared. I really hope that the ancestors of the past can see this scene."

She said lightly: "The creatures of this world, they call themselves humans, call themselves mortals... They all don't know the truth and text of historical myths."

"They, looking at the ancient historical mythological records, there are already many people who do not believe in the myths. They fly to the sky and escape the earth, the heavenly gods, and think they are stories made up by the ancestors."

"Even if there are some of them, I believe that there was a brilliant mythical flower in ancient times. There were three emperors and five emperors. They also believe that the myth has declined, and the human race on the earth still exists. The great witch family in the mythology, the giant who stood up to the earth, has been extinct.

"Therefore, everyone in the world said: This is the age of mankind, the fall of gods and demons, and the dusk of all saints."

She sat on a chair with a complicated voice, with endless emotions, "But who knows? Those human races are really extinct...there is no more human race on the earth... only the world of the great witch is left. "

"The world thinks that they are human, but they don't know it... They are a witch!"

Tang Meng's mind was shaking, as if rolling ripples.

The text of the history of Eastern mythology...

She seemed to be in a trance, seeing a terrible historical truth slowly uncovering.

How terrible?

There are no real people in the world!

We are actually... witches!

While Tang Meng was astonished, he heard that the descendants of the witch said again:

"Ancient mythology records that each of the Wu tribes, each tribe, is a kind of terrifying longevity, and it is a kind of terrible longevity. Once born, it has the cultivation base of the third realm, and strives to pull the mountains and rivers... "

"Actually, it is us."

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Meng was completely silent.

She had such a guess in the Mayan civilization before, ant friend!

But now after getting the affirmation, I still feel that it is terrible, and I feel like something is pressing and holding in my heart, so nervous that I can't even breathe.

She thought about it carefully, the descriptions of these witches are indeed our modern people...

Body shape is relative.

For those ant-sized existences, we are the mythical witches of great height!

The human race is We... are already a world of pure witches.

She felt that this kind of news was too horrible. If it were spread out, it would cause a subversive revolution in all the myths and history of the earth.

Because as said, every earth mythical civilization has records of giants.

Just listen to the descendant of Nuwa, sitting on a chair, holding a super-small rooster in his hand, and faintly bowed his head and said, "This world is no longer there."

"So, my descendants of Nuwa will recreate people and restore the ancient mythological years!"

"At this point, the world will know that I am a **** and break into the fourth realm!"

Tang Meng violently thought of all this as soon as the voice fell.

Knowing...I am God! ?

At this moment, she remembered something in ancient times, and her heart was like a vast torrent, washing her brain, vaguely grasping some structures of this huge world.

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