My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 137: Potential Xianxia civilization, future prospects

Fu Qingjun looked calm.

He stood in the mountain yard secretly placed by Miao Chuntang and looked at the sand table civilization of the entire garden.

"The soil that creates everything is flatworms, transformed into a fungal organism with RNA sequence, just like the muddy flesh of Tai Sui meat."

Fu Qingjun knew in his heart that this was indeed a great skill.

In humans and even most animals, DNA is a double helix structure, so the life form is very stable.

However, RNA is single-stranded, so its structure is unstable and it is prone to various variations.

Many viruses in nature are single-stranded.

Their gene sequences are often embedded with other organisms' gene fragments, mutated, mixed, and hybridized, and new varieties appear.

"What does this mean?"

"Generating half of my own genes, fusing other biological genes, and making people from clay, naturally has infinite possibilities." Fu Qingjun sat in a chair and watched the biological evolution below.

This species of soil is equivalent to an embryo, with infinite possibilities!

It seems that this civilization also has the potential to save the planet.

Fu Qingjun squinted his eyes.

The development of Xianxia civilization is currently the most important.

If possible, let this civilization deduct and iterate continuously, and some great emperors and heroes will appear, explore the possibilities above the fourth realm, and provide the backbone for the frontline war.

"Well, the future is still bright." Fu Qingjun thought for a while, put this lump of soil on the table, and controlled the descendant of Nuwa and went back to the room to sleep.

After all, it is the descendant of a secluded god.

Away from the rivers and lakes, hidden deep in the mountains and old forests.

"It's only developed here. The degree of mutation in the next few days, the soil-reducing organisms, will not be worse than in the era of the queen... But it takes time to gestate, so I should pay attention to my Miao Chuntang."

He calmed down, distinguishing priority.




Listening to the door suddenly closed.

At this moment, Tang Meng's heart was shaking.

What have you experienced?

I saw Nuwa creating human beings and creating oriental mythical civilization with my own eyes.

She also looked at this ancient style house building, which was in the style of the ancient Miao borders, and she felt that this life really traveled weirdly.

A Miaojiang wizard who created humans...

Through the window, she looked towards the sky, covered with virgin forest, and the sky was very blue and boundless, without pollution, no haze, and no mysterious apocalyptic fog.

"Our planet ushered in the end, and here..."

"A fresh and huge world." She knew in an instant that this planet should not be smaller than the earth, or even the earth of a certain period of time.

Because vegetation, flowers and plants, although they look a little different, the creatures that should be are similar.

"An extremely mysterious night banquet of gods and demons." She murmured, "If it was before the end, if humans found another earth, they would definitely think about colonization and invasion?"

She is very aware of the greed of human beings, and said silently: "Even the past and future earth cannot stop them from emigrating."

"And now for us humans, the apocalyptic catastrophe is no longer suitable for living... if we can escape to the earth in a certain timeline... this is also a good place."

She wanted to come a lot, silently communicating with the human body of her earth, the giant of the Mayan civilization, Golden Beamon.

At this moment, she was in the highest academy of the God Realm, watching the little angel students walking outside the house, and had helped clean up the slimes on the sheets.

Even Tang Meng felt that the times had become very troublesome, the reproduction speed was too fast, and he had to clean up every two or three days.

But soon, she still knew that she was related to the future of mankind, and soon posted a post on the Internet:

"The doomsday humans in us, where should we go in the refuge? The big evaluation of the return of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons! This time I was reincarnated, and I actually saw Nuwa creating human beings."

Suddenly, this post was topped.

Tang Meng has actually been called "the savior of the earth."

Many people believe that she is related to the mission of saving the future of mankind...Even the government deliberately promotes and establishes a spiritual belief. After all, people really need a spiritual support, and at the same time hope that Tang Meng understands the burden on him.

But for Tang Meng in the end of the world, I also feel weird. I am the entire China, the appointed savior?

Before, before the day when I was drunk on the end of Qixi Festival, I couldn't even dream of such a thing, right?

However, her mentality is quite calm.

Golden Beamon, sitting in the room of the God Realm, typed:

"I have explained before that I might be reincarnated in a certain time and space. Many people don’t believe in passing through time. But when I opened my eyes, I knew that everything is true. That **** and demon is difficult to possess. The mighty power of imagination, He let me travel through time and space."

"Here, I want to say one thing: Praise the nameless **** of the void."

"At the same time, thanks to my respected Master and Shimen, a mysterious ancient school that has traveled through countless civilizations, and perhaps it has made it possible for me to save the earth."

"First of all, let me introduce to you what I have experienced. As soon as I came, I was dressed up by a Miaojiang wizard and held a ceremony on a mound of soil."

"She claimed that she was born in Nanzhao State in Miaojiang, a descendant of Nuwa, and she is preparing to recreate people in an era when the rivers and lakes are declining..."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

When I was reincarnated, I was a pile of clay. The descendants of Nuwa are recreating people and creating civilization?

This is no longer general outrageous.

At the same time, many people are puzzled.

According to that statement, there are already humans in that world and they are still extremely prosperous. Why does she want to recreate humans from clay?

Tang Meng sighed and revealed a terrible truth: "Who said we are humans?"

Everyone was stunned but did not react.

This scolding us is not human?

We are not humans, who are humans?

Tang Meng said: "We are indeed not humans, we are great witches... the mythical longevity species, with the power to move mountains and fill the sea, and have a long life span... There are no short-lived, super-small humans in this world. It's a world with only witches."

Everyone was shocked.

Many people began to discuss:

"Are we big witches? Moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, that is to say, every one of our farmers carrying a **** is a giant moving mountains and reclaiming the sea?"

Some people think this is funny.

But someone immediately said: "It's very possible! The ancient myth, Yugong moved the mountain, and the Emperor of Heaven, feeling his perseverance, sent the two sons of the Kwae clan to move away the two big mountains, Wangwu and Taihang."



"We turned out to be... the ancient witches, Titans, and Golden Beamon per capita!"

Many people tremble.

When a world is left with the kingdom of giants, then giants will only think of themselves as ordinary people.

When there is no contrast in the lifespan of living beings in a world, then they may feel that their lifespan is short.

It turns out that we are all mythical longevity species! !

Tang Meng’s words undoubtedly subverted the entire human history of mythology, "Does everyone understand? In the ancient history of the earth, the ancient apes, and the ancient myths, we are the kind of mythology, not the kind of mortals who die in one pinch. It is necessary to use clay to recreate people and create a real human race."

Many people hold their breath, and no one has ever thought about this possibility.

Tang Meng continued: "Don't you believe it? Let me say another'coincidence'. The ancient records of Nuwa, Gonggong, Fuxi, etc. are all great witches of great height. They are huge in size and have a long life span, but some people think Clearly, how did our ancient humans break through the fourth realm?"

Everyone hesitated.

According to the disclosure of the next door mechanical species:

At least ten thousand great masters, with courage and sympathy, help temper, can break through...

Given the human size, life span, and slow training cycle, even if the entire earth and the whole people practice martial arts, it is difficult to gather so many great human masters in a short time.

She and the sword are in the past: "Hehehe, I have already seen at a glance that we are not human! There is already a guess in my heart! Only now is the confirmation that we are not human, but now you are saying...We are gods, so let Mortal worship?"

"Yes it is."

Tang Meng immediately said: "We are the great witch, we are the myth species... Therefore, the giants of that era, one by one, know that I am a god!"

Everyone had goose bumps.

Tang Meng said coldly: "They were gods and the human beings who ruled the earth at that time. UU Reading was an ancient saint with great merit. Needless to say, Nuwa’s merits in creating human beings and repairing the sky... Fuxi’s merits, Shennong tastes the merits of Baicao, the merits of Cangjie's writing..."

"Many people have discovered that the fourth realm is...the sanctification of merit! This is the truth of the ancient Chinese gods."

Everyone got goose bumps.

It corresponds perfectly.

Perhaps each event is not a coincidence.

Someone shouted: "No wonder we will enter the Age of Domination, because...the human race is extinct."

Someone immediately said: "When there is no human in a world, then there is no god, and God becomes a mortal...As time goes by, we will treat ourselves as human beings!"

Now think about it, when the myth is interpreted in another way, they have also thoroughly understood how the ancients managed to break through the fourth realm and become the civilization of China’s Taoist listeners, living and dying!

"According to this speculation, in ancient China, there must be a civilization of Taoists." Someone said immediately.

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