My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 159: Wind and Clouds Chongguan Town

Li Jihao never expected it.

The mortal earth suffers from suffering and devastation!

After the fall of the immortal, ghosts formed, raging everywhere!

However, a heavenly god, instead of saving the common people, he went to the outside world alone. The world of towns and villages of the great witch today depends on the prosperity of the mortal world!

Although, it can be understood that Mo Luo was hit hard, but it is not so easy to kill...

"What big man?"

Several workers and martial artists around were puzzled.

"It's...who is the great man in the sky!" Li Jihao remembered stomping his feet, his expression tense, and his face flushed.

"It can make the second master, a person who is so nervous, must be a big man." Several workers next to him suddenly reacted.

"Could it be that a great master came?"

"Hush! Although there are few great masters, the second master was also a person who had been on the front line. He had seen the body of the great master and lived much better than we had ever seen!"

"I'm afraid, he is an extraordinary master!"


The surrounding words made Li Jihao sigh with their short-sightedness.

The third realm?

The strongest creature on the surface?

The elders of Zongmen Taishang have seen a lot of Sanxian in the fourth stage!

Even, by chance, the heavenly real immortal, descending from the universe to do things, the horror and powerfulness of that kind of true immortal, has seen the heroic emperor who pushed an era!

But this is about to come, is the head of all immortals!

Contemporary Nuwa, the first human being in the world created by clay-Taitian.

For a while, Li Jihao didn't know what to say.

Say it, they will believe it?

Even I can't believe it!

He sighed, his expression complicated.

At this moment, just when the atmosphere was tense, there was a young master next to him, as if he had thought of something.

"Ah, I know, there are indeed big people coming to Duguan Town!" he said.

Li Jihao was a little stunned.

This young man knows him, he is more exquisite, but do you know that the emperor is coming?

Who knows, this warrior smiled and folded his hands against the sky, saying: "There are indeed many big men who have come here, they are the elders of various schools, seniors!"

"Ah! Why do these big people come to our Duguan Town?" Someone next to him was curious.

The young man smiled and said: "I heard that Fu Qingjun, the contemporary head of Miao Chuntang, has already broken through the fourth realm, a great master who is less than 30 years old!"

"Yi Bo Yuntian, he is bold and righteous, and he is also a great master. He stabilized and stabilized our ten knives!"

"Recently the limelight is booming and the watch industry has attracted the attention of many wealthy families. I heard that more than a week ago, there were correspondences. Many young girls knew me about the witty letters of introduction, and they won over the hearts of countless powerhouses. Come, come with my baby girl."

The warriors present were completely speechless.

Miao Chuntang is going to soar into the sky!

Song Qing, our gang leader of the Ten Knife Society, had been working hard before, building factories and developing industries, and also robbed the train station. The achievements in these years were originally thought to be far beyond the opposite. Who knows that in the face of Fu Qingjun's hidden development, it is simply a pediatrics.

Li Jihao sighed from the bottom of his heart,

"Speaking of which, Fu Qingjun is indeed a strange man of a generation, and a man of all sorts in our crossing town."

"This aptitude is really a little scary. It's still a great master. If I secretly extradite him another day and let him get into my Buddhism, there is a root of wisdom on my head, I'm afraid it can suppress a lifetime and have unimaginable achievements."

"It can suppress the current demonic disaster, maybe..."

As soon as he thought of this idea, he laughed and laughed.

"What am I thinking about? Even the Tianjiao true immortal of every era in the sky is powerless. At best, he only has the aptitude to become an immortal, the emperor."

Li Jihao shook his head and shook his head. He is also very qualified and knows the blood and cruelty! !

Those evildoers are very scary.

Just when everyone was discussing.

Song Qing, the contemporary head of the Ten Swords Association, walked over, the martial artist had strong ears, and he had obviously heard the conversations of these people from a distance, and he scolded:

"What are you talking about? This is not Fu Qingjun at all. You feel that the guy attracted the big person. The big person Li Jihao said, I'm afraid it's not the young girls brought by those sects! Don't guess!"

Li Jihao looked at everyone's doubts and nodded, "I said that the big man who is coming is indeed not the precious daughters of the various schools who came to have a blind date."

The warriors around were stunned.

Isn't even such a big event a big man coming to Duguan Town?

How high is this character and level?

"I said so! I admit that Fu Qingjun is a little capable, but he is not worthy." Song Qing blew his beard and stared.

Obviously, all members of the school were playing Fu Qingjun, which made him look very ugly.

In addition, they have been discussing recently that Fu Qingjun’s subordinates are well paid, and they can practice martial arts without having to fight iron in the factory. They can also eat delicious food, which makes people drool...

They all want to take refuge, so how can Song Qing not be angry?

What do you know?

Work is the most glorious, letting you strike iron is also training martial arts.

I make money, and you practice martial arts and kill two birds with one stone!

What about Fu Qingjun, Yi Bo Yuntian?

Although he is upright and upright, I also respect him as a man, but in doing so, he cannot make ends meet, does not understand a little businessman thought, and does charity, and sooner or later the school will go bankrupt!

"Hmph, that kind of big person is not a person of Fu Qingjun's level at all, it can be attracted."

Song Qing bowed his head and looked at Li Jihao with some surprise, "Unexpectedly, you are so well informed! There are indeed great figures in the sky who are going to Duguan Town."

"Master, you know?"

Li Jihao looked at his brother who was once in awe.

Is it possible to know that the emperor is coming?

It seems that our Ten Knife Club is really a lot of Qianlong, hidden very deep.

Perhaps the gang leader has already been shaved?

Are you all the immortals?

However, he looked at the gang leader, and he had no root of wisdom on his head.

Without exposing the longevity, the truth in the world cannot be seen.

But Song Qing spoke, and said a sentence that made him even more jaw-dropping.

"Most people really don’t know, not even those martial sects... It’s said that the contemporary sage of Yin Ruins is very talented. He was just over 30 years old and he was in his prime of life. He even abdicated and rushed to the New World. It is said that I will arrive in Duguan Town soon!"

"Only the two major indigenous sects in our region have received the news of the advent of the Holy Spirit, so that we can manage public order and be alert to the foreign population."

The surroundings exploded all at once.

"This one is really a big man in the sky!"

"No wonder! No wonder! The whole land, this is still the most noble existence!"

"The sage of the Yin Ruins today, rushing to the front, what is the plan?"

"Is it possible, knowing that the front line has been surging recently, so... the emperor guards the gate, and the emperor died?"

The Yin and Shang Dynasty were subjugated for three thousand years.

But the specific truth is that the blood is gradually thinning, and without the strong of the fourth stage, it is no longer possible to rule the various sects in the world.

However, it is still the most powerful.

He is a veritable martial arts leader and has the greatest influence in the martial arts alliance.

"It is said that this saint is one of the strongest great masters in the world. It has the strongest imperial spirit, and its combat power is even higher than that of Jiang Yang, a genius who has been difficult to encounter in thousands of years!"

"But... but guns have no eyes, the Kingdom of Europe must send the strongest master to assassinate, our martial arts leader, if..."


Even the Ten Swords Association only got news from above. Today's sages are coming to the New World, but no one knows the specific trends, they are looking for the princess Qin Hong who is living outside.

I wanted to find out whether there was a resurrection of the blood of God, and whether he could reenter the fourth realm with the blood of God.

Hearing this news, Li Jihao, a martial artist, was even more shocked and dumbfounded.

What exactly is going on?

Today, the Holy Spirit will come too?

He already didn't know whether this was a fixed number in the dark, or whether there was invisible air transport in the crossing town.

"Why are there so many things? Let's cross the pass, really don't know what is going to happen!!" Li Jihao was already stunned, feeling that the Ten Swordsmen on his side were also constantly gossiping.

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