My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 160: Taidi: The witch clan has fallen!

On the old-fashioned green train, the chimney is humming with smoke, walking on the rails.

Taidi's expression was calm, and the young man with red lips and white teeth looked out the window.

The car is full of sweat, the smell of all kinds of seafood, goods, and food mixed together.

It's like the noisy environment of a vegetable market.

A group of tall, shirtless men, dressed like dockers, were chatting in full swing. They seemed to be members of certain gangs. The environment seemed to be smoky, and there were people of all kinds.

After all, it is still a transitional period in the ancient arena.

At this moment, a smiling old lady walked up, "Little youth, are you going to Duguan Town?"

Taidi glanced at her, nodding calmly.

The emperor's majesty is convergent.

"Although Qingshi Town is a station where trains stop, it is very small. It is rarely visited by people." The old lady is very talkative, carrying a baggage, and showing her yellow teeth with a smile, "You are going to Duguan Town to find Let's work?"

Taidi still nodded.

He is a person with the world in mind and a mind to dominate the world. At this time, when he descends from the heavenly palace of the universe, he naturally wants to see the prosperity of the world of the great witch of the world.

It's not like Fu Qingjun's dead house salted fish. Every day at two o'clock and a line, he didn't even go to Duguan Town, let alone go out to take a look at this chaotic World War II period.

Recently, Fu Qingjun has also been hiding in the house all day, playing the game "Cyber ​​Snail 2077" developed by the mechanical snail before, playing the role of a mechanical snail in a highly developed cyberpunk world.

The past few days have been so enthusiasm that I can hardly hear things outside the window.

"I'm going to visit my child in town. This train also runs several times a year, but it's still messy. You have to be careful. You are a good-looking teenager like you. They like to sell you to nightclubs."

The old lady looks full of walnut patterns, Zou Baba's is very scary, but all the broken words are friendly words.

"Is there anyone who sees a sword sign on his chest? That is the warrior of the Ten Swords Association, who manages the security of this train. When you encounter pickpockets and traffickers, you can't find them wrong."

The Taidi listened to the old man's chanting all the way, but he also felt a kind of unexpected kindness. After all, he hadn't known the incense of the world for many years in Tiangong.

Soon, the old lady insisted on stuffing him with fruits from several villages, saying that the child was not easy, so Taidi got out of the car in Duguan Town.

Looking at passers-by carrying luggage and briefcases, he glanced around and followed the people down the station.

Entering the street, he saw the world of the great witch.

There are some disturbances in the streets similar to the mortals of Shushan, but they are also different.

The man who yelled on his bicycle...

The nightclub on the street...

The black-clothed inspector with a gun on his back..

A tall, muscular warrior...

"The world of the great witches, the giants, is indeed long-lived and immortal." The etheric emperor's expression is calm and leisurely, just like a heavenly emperor, visiting the world privately.

"However, it's also interesting."

"On the street, there seem to be all kinds of strange people and strangers lurking in disguise, watching the surroundings vigilantly, as if to welcome the arrival of some big man?"

He felt that it had come at just the right time.

"The fruits of this great witch's world are so terribly big." He was eating the fruits, and suddenly looked over, and found an old man in a robes on the side of the road, who was setting up a street stall with two couplets.

Shanglian: criticize Yin and Yang to break the five elements, watch the sun and the moon in the palm

Bottom line: Fengshui survey **, take the universe in the sleeve

Hengbiao: Jishi Shenxian.

Taidi smiled, crossed the pedestrians, and sat down slowly, "Your fortune teller?"

The old gentleman nodded, and casually glanced at the extraordinary-looking young man in front of him, smiled and said, "Yes, fortune-telling, fortune telling, I can't ask for money."

The Great Emperor smiled and pointed to the vast blue sky, "Can you count the heavens, today, the itinerary of the gods and gods of the heavenly palace?"

"The Heavenly Palace is home to the ancient gods and the Jade Emperor. I can't count them, and I don't dare to count them." The fortune-teller was stunned, but he answered politely.

"If you really have magical powers, you can see that I have some ways, and I can promise you that you are not guilty." The Great Emperor Taitian said lightly.

The old man stayed, he was crazy.

You promised me not guilty, the slot is too big, not to mention the outrageous calculation of Tiangong.

He hurriedly waved his hand, "Speeping on the secrets, it takes too much life span. The old man is old and can't stand the toss, so he wants to live a few more years.

The Great Emperor continued: "Xianmen Dadi, recently, the Emperor of Heaven has newly appointed the Dragon King clan, and he is in charge of the rainfall points of the mortals in the heavens and the earth. You may calculate whether there will be rain tomorrow?"

"Leaking secret secrets, for fear of being held accountable by the Emperor of Heaven. I, an old man, dare not do such a thing." The fortune teller could only smile.

"Whether it can be counted, the Buddha world is in great trouble, the Buddha sits and turns, and the reincarnation is dangerous. The world is one and two sides, and the Buddha is no exception. It was once transformed by the Buddha's thoughts, knowing the deepest secrets of the Buddha, did he appear here on the extinct black lotus, looking for an opportunity to kill the Buddha's body reincarnation?"

The fortune-teller was sluggish, "This is a secret, not to be revealed."

"You don't know this or that."

The Great Emperor pretended to be furious and was about to tear down the other party's sign, "Proclaims himself a **** of the world, counts the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and does not even know what has happened in the three realms recently. Is this such a virtue?"


This old fortune teller stayed.

This person is crazy.

He was a great master in the imperial palace. He only believed that he was also proficient in the Five Elements of Zhouyi, and his fortune-telling was also accurate.

But in front of me, what is this?

Great Emperor Taitian shook his head, "Also, the world of the mortal witch has fallen into the mortal world, but I did not expect it to fall to such a level, such a sign. I really think that among the witches, there are ancient witches similar to the Nuwa Empress. There are still three emperors and five emperors. Inheritance, but I can't think of the signboard without any truth, so Haikou exaggerates it."

"No wonder, Empress Nuwa, you have to warn me to tolerate your ignorance." He looked helpless.

The old fortune-teller was dumbfounded.

Three emperors and five emperors, Nuwa is the three emperors, according to legend, is a great witch **** emperor, Nuwa created human beings, only humans...

However, where the rumors of this person came from, they are all myths and legends.

How could there be Nuwa in this world.

"Since I don't know anything." He dumbfounded the fortune-teller, just stretched out his palm, "Then count my bad luck today."


The other side.

Fu Qingjun sat in the cafeteria to Seeing the threshold was broken, she was a little dumbfounded.

Sitting in front of them were beautiful beauties, slender and vigorous. Although they weighed hundreds of catties, they had strong muscles and looked very tall and beautiful.

"Sure enough, the warrior can only marry the warrior." Fu Qingjun secretly said in his heart.

After all, how terrifying is the grip of the Great Master Warrior?

With a light touch, normal women are all turned into mud, not to mention getting married, like being impacted by a big truck, turning into mud in an instant.

Only this kind of women who practice martial arts with a few hundred jins seem to have strong muscles, and ordinary people can't beat them. Shan is just right for the martial arts master, and it seems to touch the elastic and soft normal female skin.

"It's all monsters." Fu Qingjun secretly said in his heart.

Didn't you think that the letter you wrote in the world was so popular?

At this moment, the atmosphere is very embarrassing. I don't know how to say about blind dates, not to mention so many at once, making it like a stallion pairing.

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