My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 163: Offend the ancient Buddha, be punished!

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Several people reacted and hid from the perspective of the window.

But with just a glimpse, I saw the clear sky outside the window, and vaguely saw a black spot on the sky.

"A plane from the European Kingdom, a sniper rifle."

Ziying's eyes were sharp, and there was an astonishing bitter chill. "Sure enough, our whereabouts are still exposed. It is unexpected that there will be this assassination. The mechanical era of World War II is indeed special."

The whole street panicked after hearing the gunshots.

"Get the bow and arrow."

Zi Ying said to the old **** next to him.

Soon, an exquisite bow and arrow was fetched, and Ziying directly walked towards the window, and quickly hit the sky with an arrow.


Li Jian seemed to endure unimaginable acceleration, and flew into the sky in an instant.


In the distance, the high-altitude plane fell instantly.

In this scene, the pedestrians on the streets of Duguan Town were all dumbfounded.

Even Bai Yu and Little Horn were stunned, and they were stunned, "I'm afraid that this has been flying at an altitude of seven or eight hundred meters, this arrow is still so accurate?"

"It deserves to be the current sage." Bai Yu said shockedly: "The emperor's spirit is tempered by hundreds of great masters, and the endless earth worships and tempers the soul..."

These creatures have reached the limit among the strongest creatures on the ground!

Even if there is a rain of bullets, it is difficult to keep him!

Unless a huge number of hundreds or even thousands of mechanical gunners are used to gather fire from a distance, can he stay!

When the two saw this scene, there was indeed an unimaginable shock in their hearts.

After all, this symbolizes the highest force.

"It's a world of devil muscles. Great witches, shooting the sun may not be necessary, but you can still shoot an airplane with a bow and arrow." Fu Qingjun sat in the dining hall and continued to watch.

Worthy of being a martial arts world.

But the next second.

The plane fell, but a person was vaguely seen jumping down from above.

He fell straight, like a meteorite from outside the sky, generally forming a huge crater in the street.

Among them, there is a naked man with brass skin, slowly standing up, and his cheeks on both sides are covered with colorful stripes.

"Native Indian?"

"This person actually fell from such a high place, surpassing the limit of the great master!"

"Is it possible to be above the third realm?"

far away,

People from the Ten Knife Club also arrived.

Both Song Qing and Li Jihao were stunned.

They looked at the human beings in the pit, with an unimaginable grandeur, forming a huge wind pressure, which made them unable to lift their heads.

"Just this momentum..." countless martial artists, as if bearing the roar of an eighteenth-level typhoon, the whole person could hardly breathe.

This is not a real strong wind.

It was the coercion of the huge soul spirit, which almost blew their souls away, leaving them with the illusion of breathlessness.

"Sure enough, God is staring at me."

Ziying has sharp eyes.

The man opposite smiled and said: "Introduce yourself, the emperor of Yinxu, my name is Pilk, I am the reformer of the latest biotechnology in Oudli Kingdom Building."

"More than ten years ago, we excavated ancient relics and discovered an ancient primitive human named "Pique" by our scientists tens of thousands of years ago, because the geographical environment was preserved."

"According to the dressing, we discovered that he was the corpse of the leader of the Hopi tribe. After countless studies, we used the grandmaster as a captive and kept performing vivisection cloning, and finally succeeded in cloning."

This one Pilk talked freely.

"It is undeniable that through continuous cultivation, ancient primitive humans have all appeared creatures called'gods', but the so-called gods, from a scientific point of view, are nothing but powerful beings."

"No matter how talented you are, you will never be able to break through this realm."

"And we can do this by using cloning technology, and even more advanced biotechnology."

Ziying frowned and looked at the cloned **** in front of him, "You know that you are a cloned baby, raised up, and born as a warrior, but you work for those scientists?"

Pilk sneered: "They gave me life, and technology has completely risen. You are just poor people who have been eliminated by the times."


The warrior of the whole street.

They were all dumbfounded.

Is the Odili Kingdom already so powerful?

It is not only possible to clone creatures, but also martial arts, and even "gods"!

"Our arena is going to fall completely!"

"It turns out that there were fairy gods in ancient times, but they were just..."

"Technology can make gods!"


On the street, people from Miao Chuntang and the Ten Swords Club came.

Seeing this horrible scene, their hearts are completely disturbed!

The enemy country is so terrible, how can we fight it?

The rivers and lakes are really gone!

Many people's minds are desperate. They have practiced martial arts for a lifetime. What are they going to do?

And now, your Majesty today has been descended by a **** to assassinate him. Isn’t that in danger?

All kinds of doubts crossed everyone's minds.

I just feel that I have been hit by the successive changes, and I am completely desperate.


However, there were still some righteous men who stood up and shouted loudly: "The world must not be without a monarch for a day, your majesty, hurry up, warriors, follow us to stop him!"

On the street, some warriors came out.

Many warriors have already made the determination to die!

Since the arena is gone, then we will accompany the arena to death together!

Even some ordinary people in the nearby shops walked out slowly with a shotgun.

This is an autonomous region, and there is no room for others to run wild.

Ziying also frowned slightly, knowing this was a crisis, and numb in his heart, "The other party is a weak **** with weak divine power. God's time is different from that of a mortal... and the other party is San. It’s already terrible at a speed that is more than doubled per hour."

Three times faster than you, it's already scary.

What's more, the opponent's strength, physical strength, and various qualities are higher than you.

"Go to hell, the emperor of the martial arts arena!"

Pilk laughed, faster than ordinary people, and slammed his hands.

At the same time, several cavities suddenly appeared in his abdominal cavity, and bullets began to pop up frantically.


Da da!

The guns were constantly flying, and the blue fire was constantly braving, and there was a handful of the latest Gatling in his stomach.



Some disguised hawkers and businessmen nearby suddenly burst into the arrogance of the grandmaster, and one after another shot.


The scene was a mess.

And in the distance,

Taidi was still telling the fortune, and the fortune-teller had been dizzy.

But I also heard the yelling "Guardian" from the street next door. Knowing that your Majesty might be in danger, he suddenly jumped up and said, "I have a secret plan, come here to help me!"

In the next second, Taidi suddenly pressed the opponent with a white and tender hand, "What are you going to do? I haven't calculated my marriage yet, and said what kind of woman I am suitable for."

The secret of heaven is dumbfounded.

He wanted to break free, but he couldn't move, and he was shocked.

"You are an unimaginable strong man. Your Majesty has been killed. You will not serve the country as you go?" Tianji Shenshu shouted loudly, knowing that this man was unfathomable.


Taidi, a young man with red lips and white teeth, just smiled.


He looked leisurely, as if an ancient true **** in the game world finally revealed his true face, and said with majesty: "I, in charge of the heaven, is the emperor of the heaven... and the contemporary witch emperor of the world, the great witch who rules the world, has not fallen here. This kind of degree has nothing to do with me."

That day's wit was dumbfounded.


His whole mind was blank.

Seeing this ancient **** in front of him, his face was full of horror.

Just listen to the great Emperor Taitian said again: "However, since it offends the Buddha in the heavens, how can the gods be easily insulted? Then, the false gods will naturally be solved by someone."

Offend Buddha?

The secret of heaven is dumbfounded.

Isn't this offending your majesty?

Where did the Buddha come from?

Buddha, Sakyamuni, is a great figure in mythology!

Did you see the myth?

The Great Emperor, looking far away, "I said before that the world of the Buddha was in great trouble, the Mo Luo was born, and the creatures were overwhelmed. Hundreds of millions of people have already died..."

Hundreds of millions?

Hearing this number, Tianji was shocked.

Only a few million people died in World War I and World War II, which is an astronomical figure.

Taitian the Great continued: "The Buddha sat in a seated form, reincarnated, and reincarnated several times, but he still had no power to regain...Mala is the evil side of the Buddha. Knowing the memory of the Buddha, he specially came to kill his reincarnated body. "

"The gods of the Buddha world naturally know Mo Luo's evil intentions, and I am afraid they have already come to protect it in secret." The Taidi looked at the street next to him and spoke calmly, "but he didn't expect that Mo Luo did not make a move. The mortal witch, it is naturally unbearable to do anything to my Buddha."

The old man was dumbfounded.

He has fooled people all his life and said anything outrageous.

But there was someone in front of me, talking about even more outrageous things!

But the next second, his eyes popped out.

far away,



The voice of heartbreak and lungs resounded through the streets. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Your Majesty can't die!"

"It's simply vicious. He doesn't talk about martial ethics. He is clearly a god. He even used firearms and became a mechanical martial artist!"

"This is going to be killed by one blow, so vicious!"

The scene was critical and shocking.

Your Majesty and the princess, the two strongest men in the world, dodged along the street bunker, but they were already injured and almost unable to support them.

Stop it!

Everyone was dumbfounded on the spot, and their minds went blank.

But the next second,

Pilk's movements stopped abruptly, and his mind was shocked, as if he had been attacked by some existence.

The sky is shining,

Taoism and Buddhism sound,

The sacred light envelopes this street,

"Bold, today's great witch, who dares to offend the human reincarnation of my Buddha, should be punishable!"

Pilk got goosebumps all over.

"Am I just killing an emperor?"

He felt the overwhelming courage, like falling into an ice cave, but Gatling in his chest was still emitting blue fire, but said: "How come there is a **** in this world? God, has come to save today's martial arts emperor? "

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