My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 164: Princess: I turned out to be the reincarnation of the Buddha?

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"God?" Pilk was surprised. He himself was a clone of this super life, and he naturally knew this ancient top secret of the world.

The three countries, Yinxu, Oudili, and Hawkes.

They have a long history, strong national power, and dominated the world war at this time. Naturally, they knew more than other small countries. The Oudili Kingdom studied many ancient documents and knew no less than the Yin Ruins.

Moreover, they are technologically advanced, and their research is more rational and scientific.

"This prehistoric civilization is not yet extinct!"

Pilk, a tall and strong man, showed surprise.

Wait for the light to dissipate.

Several super-small humans, sitting on various beast mounts, with a sacred and kind face, turned out to be a Buddha with curly hair and golden Buddha light on his head!

This stunned not only Pilke, but also everyone on the street.

Because this picture, Buddha light, curly hair, riding a mount, is exactly the same scene described in mythology, exactly the same.

"Bold, attack the Buddha's reincarnation!"

A true immortal from the Buddhist world, the size of an ant, shouted coldly.

After all, like the land of Mount Shu, the land of the Western Earth has also been continuously developing, with a number of large and small Buddhism schools, and there have been constant testimonies, pushing across the world, and ascending to the heavens.

"A stray immortal with mixed blood."

A true Buddha like a tiger, riding a flying tiger, the size of an ant, full of the supreme majesty of a true god, said angrily:

"The difference between immortals and mortals is that when the time of gods and mortals are different, you are only three times as mortal, and you claim to be immortal?...has the world of great witches fallen to this level? Even ours. Divine blood mortals, the concentration of divine blood is far inferior!"

"you guys!"

Pilk was surprised.

A group of ant creatures, so clamoring...

But their auras were many times stronger than that of the fake one, and they were extremely mellow, forming a kind of blood pressure, which made him feel terrified.

Even the emperor in the distance of the street wins, and the princess is stunned.

What do you mean?

It means that they rule the earth, and any mortal has such an extremely strong blood? Is it possible for even a mortal to break through and become a fairy?

"Even, from their tone of voice, they are full of disdain."

"They call the fourth realm that they rely on divine blood to break through, called Sanxian, which is very unpopular in their world?" Ziying, the emperor, was a little embarrassed, but his eyes were still cold and stern, but he looked at the distant streets. Of those gods and Buddhas,

He is also very smart,

From a few words, I guessed the situation of the Shushan land, and it was almost correct.

He naturally knew that there were two ways to break through the fourth realm.

The first is to break through.

The second type is the heirs of gods, breakthroughs with blood inherited in the body by the ancestors of the race.

Zi Ying squeezed his palms blue, his eyes were fiery, and he sighed: "The world doesn't know that we are the great witch, the real mortals are already extinct..."

After all, as Fu Qingjun guessed.

He changed the history of this earth.

This world, a real human being, is really the size of an ant.

The reason is naturally simple.

It is preconceived.

If the first human is a person of normal size, then he is orthodox. When he sees these ant humans, he will call them villains.

If the first human being is an ant-sized person, then he is orthodox. If he sees a normal-sized human, he will call them giants.

Therefore, humans in this world are giants, but ants are normal people.

Zi Niang was also dumbfounded, feeling that the reasoning of the elder brother was right, but she said: "However, what do they mean by offending the reincarnation of the Buddha? After all, it is just assault on the two of us."

Suddenly, the two were puzzled.

Is it possible that one of us is the reincarnation of the Buddha?

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and hesitated.

But quickly shook his head, this is simply impossible.

Both are very rational.

However, just when the two of them hesitated, they started to do things in the distance.


A Buddha, chanting magic tricks, giving birth to flowers in a wonderful mouth.

This Pilk is indeed a disabled immortal. Although he is huge, his speed is three times as fast.

It's okay to bully the Grandmaster of the Third Realm. When Pilk encounters the real fourth realm, he can't even see the scattered immortals moving at 360 times the speed and the speed of sound, let alone these true immortals?


Bang bang!

Pilk showed holes the size of ants all over his body.

He was pierced by those stray fists, punched through his body, and blood kept coming out of him.

It's like piercing a pair of needles with a needle.

"These great witches are indeed huge in size and tenacious in vitality."

"Even if you can't resist, it will take a while to kill him."

"If it's Sanxian, although the opponent can't catch up with him, I'm afraid that he won't have enough physical strength to kill him."

Several true immortal Buddhas spoke lightly.

Each of them is the arrogant of the times.

Killed out of countless billions of people, the corpses piled up at the feet, and the combat experience is extremely rich, and it is natural to take this person easily.

It's just that his resilience is too strong, and although the opponent can't keep up with the action, he deliberately avoids the vitals.

"We will kill him slowly. Go and see the Buddha to ensure safety." A Buddha looked at a Buddha next to him and said, "After all, this is just a small matter."

They quickly made the most correct decision.

After all, guarding against Mo Luo is the most important thing.

When the Buddha informed them of their arrival, he also knew that Mo Luo had appeared, and inherited part of his own memory. Knowing his location, he would definitely attack him.

Otherwise, Emperor Taitian would not be invited to come here.

When the emperor came today, he also knew that the Buddhist world was in great trouble, just to make the final precautions and to ensure that nothing went wrong.

"But, how do you recognize the Buddha's reincarnation?" A Buddha spoke with a hesitant expression. He just said that he knew the breath of the Buddha.


Another true immortal scolded: "The Buddha has been reincarnated for so many generations, and generations have the same appearance."

That Buddha is awe-inspiring.

His gaze swept across the surrounding circle, and finally, his gaze focused on the current princess.

Soon, this **** slowly approached Ziniang, full of piety,

To this princess, he respectfully said:

"I am the present-day arhat, descending from the Buddha realm in the sky to welcome the return of my Buddha's reincarnation. Hereby, I pay respect to the Lord of the Buddha realm!"



Ziniang's mouth opened into an O shape: "???"

Beside, when on the pilgrimage, she also looked at her sister in shock.

He is also stupid.

What happened today is getting more and more outrageous.

I looked at my grown-up sister since I was young. The blood is thin. It turned out to be just a cover up. The real identity is actually the ancient master of the world, reincarnated?

Or the familiar Tathagata Buddha of Western Tian Buddhism?

I saw this tiger arhat sitting on a flying tiger with golden hair and bronze skin, and he said in a deep voice: "The great disaster in the Buddha world, the coming of the Mo Luo, is the other side of the Buddha's malice. I'm afraid, will Come attack my Buddha!"

Turned by my evil thoughts?

Unlike Qin Hong's deserted temperament, the contemporary dynasty princess, this mature, **** and approachable beauty, was completely stunned.

She has more question marks on her face.

And the whole street.

Even the warriors of the Ten Swords Association and Miao Chuntang.

Even the great masters who are paying the royal salary are dumbfounded at this moment.

I was shocked directly.

Needles can be heard throughout the streets under the jurisdiction of Miao Chuntang.

There is only one place where the sound of clicking is still heard.

Everyone turned their heads to look, cast through the windows, and saw that the Lord Fu was still doing things the same, while Bai Yu and the small speaker at the same table had looked dumbfounded at the street, with their mouths wide open.

Only Mr. Fu was still eating calmly in the cafeteria, and the whole street was only the sound of his eating.

Qin Hong was also very calm while hiding in the room. He seemed to smile when he saw this scene. He left this elder sister with a symbolic atmosphere, and he was considered so deliberately.

On the street, the calmness of Gang Master Xu Shifu brought others back to their senses, and the squeaky voice finally broke out.

"Oh my God!"

"The Jade Emperor is here!"

"The princess of turns out to be the reincarnation of Tathagata Buddha!"

"A trivial European kingdom, blaspheming the gods, cloning the gods, and as a result, I was punished by my Buddha! It's too tempest!"

"It turns out that, today's Buddha, reincarnated in the human world, and became a princess of the first dynasty. He saw the sufferings in the world and stopped at the third stage. He came to the world to revive the fairy gate!

"Meet the Buddha!"

"Meet the Buddha!"

"Please, Buddha Tathagata, teach mortal beings, free from suffering, longevity and immortality!"

Throughout the street, countless warriors and masters fell on their knees with thumps and thumps, extremely pious.

If it were other people, they might not kneel down so quickly, but if it was a princess, they would just kneel down and petition.

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