My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 185: The myth has come, we are all great witches!

"Your Yuri's scientist, the mental controller built is a bit wicked."

Mo Luo glanced at this great witch giant, looking down at the earth from the top of the building.

"I have developed an enlightened civilization with a population of tens of billions. If I continue to study along this line, something interesting may appear."

After all, countries that can provoke World War II on their own will naturally have a lot of black technology.

Mo Luo felt cold in his heart.

"The world is divided into three points. The chessboard is already set. The three myths and extraordinary civilizations are revived on the earth. It depends on who is the winner!"

"The kingdom of these giant giants, the emperor of the giant kingdom, are but the supporters behind our mortal wars."

At this time, while developing the Atlantis next door, the common people of the Demon Realm had already had a population of five to six billion in this period of time.

And, it is still doubling every day.

Time flies, and another few years.

"Lack of an opportunity."

The entire Demon Realm has already gathered tens of billions of people.

At the same time, there has been a lot of progress in studying the dark magic of mind control.

Seventeen years of the Devildom.

Years have passed.

In the autonomous region of Shushan, Tianting has developed more and more rapidly.

The return of Buddhism's reincarnation has also shown great ambitions and emerged in the world.

Only the Demon Realm, although there are many wizards born, such enchanting evildoers that are truly comparable to the Taidi have never appeared before, making Mo Luo feel that there is no one in the Demon Realm.

But this day.

In a tribe named Liu, a baby fell to the ground and went bloody.

The baby was born strangely, and the person who saw him seemed to have seen countless abysses, and his mind was so muddled that he could not help but obey the child's orders.

In the blink of an eye, he gradually became a teenager, and the whole village became his puppet in the blink of an eye, resigning, and at the same time the spirit gradually exhausted, and the soul was scattered, and the soul was absorbed by the child.

Even the ordinary monks passing by this village are so scared that they are confused, and they fall down.

"Ghost spirit?"

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Luo's mouth, and he noticed some characteristics of soul mutation.

This young man was infected by some evil things, coupled with the ghosts of those monks who studied mind control, under various reasons, an unimaginable rare mutation appeared.

"My Demon Realm, after all, is a talent!"

Mo Luo heartily said, "This is an opportunity to disrupt the world. His appearance is enough to give me the opportunity to rule the entire earth and reproduce the glory of the hundreds of thousands of young Emperor Xia in the past!"

Mo Luo smiled, approached the boy, and said with a smile: "You are very good. Since my surname is Liu, it is better to call me Liu Luo. I have countless prototypes of the "Dead Man Sutra" that has been condensed by common people’s efforts. I hope you It can be carried forward."

"Dead? Liu Luo likes the most!"

The young man’s face is innocent and innocent. Looking at this crooked weird man, he didn’t feel any fear. He took over the scriptures and kept reading through it. He was very happy, “Big brother is really a gentle person. I like big brother the most. ...."

"I am not a gentle brother, I am an evil, powerful, and dark Buddha's evil thought reincarnation... the great Demon King Bo Xun." Ma Luo looked at the child and said with some dissatisfaction: "Also, it is called Master. "

"Big brother, I really want face."

Liu Luo smiled, licked his lips, and flashed a touch of tyranny, "I like the gentle person the most. Big brother and me will become one."

He suddenly opened his mouth.


Mo Luo was sucked fiercely, and was instantly sucked into his stomach.

"Ah, this world is really happy...I really want to be with everyone happily." The boy walked out of the deadly village and walked into the distance of the whole land.

"Knowing that I am the demon master, even if I eat it?"

Another Mo Luo's magical thought came, quietly looking into the distance, "At a young age, there is already a third stage cultivation base, it's not easy."

Before, he was eaten a real body by the mortal emperor, very angry, and his strength was compromised, but now he is not angry at all, but laughs.

Even the master kills, this is my disciple of Mo Luo.

He is very satisfied with such a genius.

This is the kind of demon he wants, darkness, tyranny, resentment and remnant thoughts.

"Little guy, you are a ghost giving birth to a human body, a rare and rare physique in the world, you have to live a little longer...for our devil world, open up an era." Mo Luo knew that this might be the beginning of the war.

Time passed for a while, and the boy grew up completely.

After contacting the rulers of various kingdoms, various civilizations began to develop rapidly. Before, they lived densely on several mountains and islands, but now, the flow of people is scattered.

Flying between the world.

In this whole land, branches and leaves are scattered.

They were afraid of being attacked before, but now they are completely full of wings, why should they be afraid?

The level of civilization of the mere witch has already been left behind!

At this time, the New World was empty. Except for the Native Americans, the cities and towns of other human autonomous regions were stationed on the front lines of the war, and the total population was only less than one million.

Millions of people live on this land, but dozens of autonomous regions are scattered in some key nodes.

At this time, in the gap between these autonomous regions, there are already many footprints of mortals.



"This rear strategic earth has begun to completely enter the fourth realm of Taoist civilization."

Fu Qingjun sat in the dining hall, continued to eat, and looked at the sky outside the window. "The natural disasters are breaking out at a reasonable speed and quite satisfactory. At present, he has finally started to work on the American continent!"

If it weren't for his own hair restriction, at this speed of reproduction, he would be like the zombies and aliens in the movie, and he could occupy the entire earth in the blink of an eye.

However, it seems to be powerful, and it is far from enough to face the enemy in the dark!

The civilization of the fourth realm of Taoist hearers is already so terrifying...

What will happen to the next level of civilization?

You have to do it yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to have enough self-preservation.

In the cafeteria.

"Recently, it's best not to go out." Bai Yu warned: "My true fairy told me that it's already dangerous outside. It's safer for us to hide in Dawu's town."

There was a detailed discussion all around.

What are they all... The ancient mythology has completely revived. The reproductive speed of mortals is terrible. We really are mythological long-lived species. The number is so small that none of the sows can give birth to these mortals. They are not mammals at all. Jibao can be pregnant seven or eight times a year at most...

Everyone knows that the world outside the town has changed!

The myth has come!

The land of Shushan, the Demon Realm, and Atlantis have also begun to border along with their expansion... The American continent has gradually changed, and countless ultra-small plants and buildings have begun to cover the outside of Dawu Town.

Things are wrong!

Walking in it, it seems that I am a giant, walking into an extraordinary world of small plants, buildings, and animals.

At this time, Liu Luo was already terrified.

These days, from the Demon Realm to the edge of the Shushan land area, within a month, thirteen sects were slaughtered in one breath and all sentient beings were destroyed!

The entire Xiaonan Territory Cultivation World was completely shaken.

The Xiaonan Territory Cultivation Realm has a population of more than 100 million!

In one month, he swept through towns and sects one by one, killing so many alive, it was murderous, even more terrifying than ghosts and gods!

These warriors in Miao Chuntang were all dumbfounded.

We played for so long, decades, and only tens of millions of people died.

where are they?

A single person killed more than 100 million people, and there was no damage at all!

Many of the warriors in Miao Chuntang were completely stupid. They thought they were going to the battlefield. Who knew that the three kingdoms were now secretly sponsoring those mortals to fight?

The fighting army changed all at once.

They all want to rush to be the emperor of the mortal world, the heavenly court rules the mythical world, they rule the entire mortal witch, and they can also use their advantages to cultivate and become a witch god.

"This person is not a ghost! Why did you kill like this?"

"Eating the soul of the living is the act of ghosts. How can they eat the soul of the living with the living?"

"It can be called a demon of a generation, let it be blamed!"

"Although it is very tragic to say, the mythical world is too terrifying. Under the gods, hundreds of millions of people are dead like playing! But for us, it is also a chance."

"Jianghu, I'm back again."

"This battlefield is no longer what we can imagine! According to their battle, I think it can be fought for a hundred years!"

"I don't think it is necessary. It may be over in a few years. The soldiers are very fast. The Emperor, the Buddha, might not be able to resist?"

There was a lot of discussion in the cafeteria.

However, Clandestine himself is worthy of being a giant of the myth. The reproduction speed of those mortals is indeed too terrifying. As long as enough food and resources are given, this crazy appearance can actually keep up with the speed of the dead.

Everyone chatted, and was still in high spirits at night, and finally fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

When we slept together, I heard a terrifying news instantly.

One day in the sky, one year under the ground, and between their nights asleep on this day, most of the mortal world has passed by half a year.

"Atlantis, badly hit!"

Eleven years of Atlantis.

Devil Liu Luo, unlike the countless true immortals on the land of Shushan, no one can resist, killing another 300 million people, the world is furious.

This demon smashed into the magic continent, slaughtered the gods of the major gods, destroyed the magic net, the goddess of love fell, and the other gods all escaped into the water.

Atlantis, just emerging, was hit again.

Even countless god-level magicians, using countless magic props, forbidden spells, are far from opponents.

"Professor Nassika?"

At this time, UU Reading Liu Luo entered the Magic Dynasty Library.

This man, full of blood and murder, with sharp eyes like eagles, looked at the giants working in it, and chuckled, "God, Nuwa, the two ancient gods will not end because this is a mortal war. , Not involving the scarce witches... I will naturally not kill you."

Liu Luo carried his hands on his back and left calmly, "Huh, is the Hawks Giant Kingdom?"

"The Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization are also can write a "History of the Murder of the Demon Lord Liu Luo" for me, praising me for slaughtering the world and making my way into the Tao!

Professor Nasika did not speak, but stared at him.

The archbishop next to him was so scared that he was unnatural, reading the Bible madly.

Liu Luo is simply a crazy and sick person, and he wants to develop both civilizations at the same time. Even Ma Luo was caught off guard, but he could only start small-scale friction.

Countless children cry because of this, and this demon has already equated death with death.

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