My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 186: ·The fall of the Buddha, the devil ruled the world

"Amitabha, the disciples of Mo Luo came to this world, more tyrannical than Mo Luo."

At this time, above the sky, the face of Buddha should show compassion.

Princess Yin Shang was already a reincarnation Buddha. She has been reincarnated dozens of times, and she has cultivated into a true Buddha. She has gradually integrated into Buddhism. Although she is not as good as the Emperor of Heaven, she is also regarded as a giant, and is gradually on track.

"Hundreds of millions of people on the earth, town sects, have been destroyed, and only the world of mortals can do such an exaggeration. Changing to the big witch giant clan has long been extinct."

The Buddha of the dynasty sighed, this is a monstrous demon that kills people like hemp, the source of disaster outside the Three Realms, if you don't kill him, the chaos in the world will never stop.

"You are the Buddha today?"

At this time, a slender black-clothed young man slowly descended into the world on a ferocious black dragon.

The pupils of the contemporary Buddha shrank slightly.

The killer flames eliminated in this way are tens of thousands of times more terrifying than the killer generals on the battlefield who condensed the murderous spirit. They can be called the most terrifying murderer in history.

There are endless unyielding resentful spirits lingering around, as if the whole person is standing in the abyss.

"It's just that you killed hundreds of millions of people, so you're angry?" Liu Luoyin smiled coldly, holding a book of Buddha, shaking his head like a scholar, reading, "Buddha said, everyone lives in a sea of ​​suffering and suffers endless grievances. Isn't it a great thing for me to send them out of the sea of ​​suffering?"

Liu Luo sneered and pulled out another book.

Holding "Due Buddhist Scripture" in the left hand and "Darwin's Evolution" in the right hand, he talked eloquently: "The world of the great witch, although I did not kill...then a little bit of people is not enough to kill, but I have been to them. In the world, this biological science theory is also interesting."

"Natural selection, nature is the real law of beasts!"

"Humans are also beasts. Our ancestors have survived millions of years of killing. Killing is the nature. The so-called compassion, kindness, and retribution are all fakes made up by human society!"

Liu Luo laughed.

What kindness, what rules, in his view, are the shackles of human self!

They are all hypocrisy, and he releases the most primitive **** like a beast, which is the truth, goodness and beauty between heaven and earth!

"Bold, you demon!"

The Buddha shouted angrily.

Unexpectedly, seeing the craziest magic gate in their world is far less crazy than the person in front of him.

"I killed Mo Luo, the overlord of ghosts, and killed endless mortals. Now, I want to kill a Buddha and have a look!" He laughed.

He has already practiced the power of devouring the devil, walking in the path of ghosts in a human body, like a ghost, relying on the practice of eating the soul of the world, so as to form an alternative enlightened supreme true demon overlord!

"Goodness, then I will save you." The Buddha folded his hands together.

"Dead bald donkeys are all over the heads of all living beings. You are traveling alone now, thinking you are really my opponent?" Liu Luo laughed and suddenly launched an attack.

Shura, a demon condensed into vinyl, holding a steel fork, actually transpired from him and turned into a vast ghost fog giant, suddenly growing countless ferocious arms and heads, like a thousand-handed demon **** .

"Then let the Buddha come to save you."

The Buddha did it directly, his body was full of golden light, and his black curly hair was covered with a huge ring of Buddha behind him, "The devil! Your power is too easy, the cultivation base is quick, and you can become stronger by eating people... even no longer. Slowly reincarnated below me time and time again, but this way of self-lost magical practice, I advise you to turn back to the shore."

The two sides fought fiercely and started quickly.

far away,

A tribe in a big witch town.

Holding an ancient book, a child shook his head and read under the big tree: "The ancient book "The History of Natural History. Alien" records that Long Boguo was tens of thousands of feet long, and he died eight thousand years old!"

"According to records, the giant races that grew up in the "Longbo Country" still existed in the times of Fuxi and Shennong...Now that we come to think about it, we are the Longbo Kingdom!" The child next to him laughed, very precocious.


The sky shook violently.

People stopped hawking goods, and the bicycle seller stopped the car. The big belly boss in front of the nightclub still held the young girl in his arms, looking at the sky, a phantom Buddha and a demon.

"That is..."

"Could it be, Buddha, and Demon, did you do it?"

"Quickly, don't go out! The war has broken out!"

There was a mess on the street.

Soon, that war formed an invisible spirit, as if an invisible tsunami washed the earth.

In the fourth stage of the battle, the true Buddha and the true demons, their figures turned into afterimages, have been pushed all the way, exploding hundreds of meters of land.


Suddenly the wind and the waves were calm in the distance.

"So soon, will the winner be determined?"

Everyone felt a little uneasy.

But the next second, the devilish energy between heaven and earth soared to the sky.

A mad and arrogant laugh came,

"After a **** battle for seven days, the Buddha sat down, and the Buddha world is in a big disaster again. He has not risen and declined. Who will save?"

The reincarnation of the contemporary Buddha, who has risen like a comet and led the splendid overlord of the Buddha world, has fallen!

The whole world has actually entered the era of darkness ruled by the Demon Realm.

"The Three Realms Calendar of Ten Thousand Races: The Buddha Realm": "At the bottom of the southwest, there is a big gully, there is a country of Mo Luo, and there are women called Tang Xi, and the birth of the Mo Luo Zi Liu Luo, born with the demonic appearance, eight arms and nine heads. Three hundred mortals, the Buddha was defeated by reincarnation, so he slaughtered the Buddha and established the Demon Kingdom.

The reincarnation of the newly returned Buddha, who has reigned for sixty-seven years, is about to usher in the peak of his prime, but he was instantly strangled in the cradle.

The disasters in the Buddha realm recur, and the entire population of people will usher in the dark catastrophe.

"Yinxu princess Ziniang, reincarnated, so she was beaten to death?"

This result did not exceed Fu Qingjun's expectations.

After all, the Buddha's cultivation speed is very slow, steady and steady, and he has practiced for a lifetime, relying on the accumulation of time.

However, the speed of the demon's cultivation does not depend on the time at all. The more people eat, the faster the cultivation.

"Things seem to be in trouble."

Fu Qingjun shook his head, "The Yinxu princess who rushed to Miaochuntang to become a Buddha with her reincarnation and joining my demon kingdom is indeed amazing, but the time is too her fifty lives, Being eaten in one breath, his strength was completely damaged... But Liu Luo, because of such a big tonic, I am afraid that there will be no one to stop him in the world."

Fu Qingjun continued to pick up rice in the cafeteria.

He is just a witness, a person who leads civilization, and does not intend to interfere.

"However, in this battle, countless casualties can be expected, but it will allow me to absorb and harvest the power of returning from the common people, and it will usher in a major transformation."

The other side.

Qin Hong heard the news and pressed her temples, "My sister is really passionate and reckless, and has suffered a great loss."

Buddha repairs forever.

This reincarnation superimposed from generation to generation will be extremely tyrannical.

But it is also a fatal flaw.

If someone targets the reincarnated body and kills it, intercepts it, and devours the fruit of practice in it, he will suffer heavy losses and many reincarnations will be in vain.

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