My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 199: Forgot the glory?


The terrifying spirit covers the earth.

His eyes were replaced by indifference, and the eyes of killing intent bloomed with coldness, "Kill them all, kill these **** bugs."

Several deformed creatures nearby began to take action.

Before, the mist enveloped the whole land, and they didn't plan to go to the camp of human survivors.

After all, the visibility is extremely low, even for them, it is difficult to find the various bunker camps in the ruined city, after all, the fog has the same effect on them.

followed by...

no need.

Because what do the human camps looking for survivors do?

All there are places to produce companions.

Those sad ordinary lives, no matter how strong their will, will sooner or later in the end, they will have a nervous breakdown, women are bullied, food is scarce, stars are reduced to everything, and the ugliness of human nature is revealed in front of death...Finally, the will appears flaw , Accept the chatter of the evil **** in the night and become one of them.

Just be in the mist and let the flow go.

But now, in this earth’s mythology, a bunch of Taoist civilizations have emerged?

"Didn't it mean that this planet cannot have this kind of advanced civilization?"

They are all dumbfounded!

These high-level zombies, after awakening their memories, just in case, they began to look through the information to confirm that the level of civilization is very low, and there is no prehistoric high-level and bad civilization. Who knows...Hid so deep? ? ?

This is outrageous.

"There are even the native resistance of the fourth stage, keeping up with the speed of our gods, which means that they can resist us...kill them all." The fog giant headed said lightly.

"let's go!!"

Lianna the Great and the others knew that they were far from being opponents, and any of the lowest-ranked Cthulhu giant soldiers could easily kill them with a few strokes.

The accumulation level of civilization, and even the size, are too far apart! !

They are like real ants, facing humans holding insecticides...

Lianna found it difficult to escape.

In an instant, the whole land wailed, and blood stained the land.


"Escape to the devil world!"

Quite a few people fled into the pipeline below, the land extending in all directions.

The Mayan civilization has long been ready for an all-out war, and even the whole planet has the intention to go to war... the underground refuge is naturally spread in all directions and extremely hidden.

"Poor bugs, you still want to leave?"

A demonized earth life in the mist speaks indifferently.

Some of them are office workers, some are housewives, some are children, and even cats and dogs and other animals are among them.

The doomsday broke out for more than a month, most of them were turned into wild beasts by crazy babbling, but a small part of them were infected by the blood of God, opened up wisdom and practiced.

Just like Fu Qingjun's dependents.

They were infected by the evil taboo existence, and within a month, the civilization system had been re-established in the civilization of those who heard the Tao.

Some powerful true gods looked solemn and solemn as they ran.

"I wanted to die, but who knows that I don't even have the qualifications to fight! It is indeed the prehistoric Jiaxia civilization, and the civilization of the gods and demons at that time remains."


"This fog is exactly the horror of the prehistoric Sunhua Jiaxia dynasty. Just showing a corner at this time makes us tremble."

"It's hard to imagine how the magnificence of the Jiaxia civilization era will be dazzling!"

Just the remaining thoughts of the gods and demons haunted the fog, and a group of such powerful gods and demons appeared, trying to revive the ancient gods and demons who were killed by Jiaxia...

The Sunflower Dynasty in prehistoric times was definitely not the Four Realms civilization.

The Fifth Realm?

Even the sixth state?

"No, the third realm."

Fu Qingjun was sitting on the roof of a tall building, holding an umbrella, watching the war in the distance, drinking tea quietly, but his face turned weird. This is all a misunderstanding.

"However, it seems that every realm is a qualitative change..."

This indescribable evil existence, I don't know what realm, it can be so powerful that it is dead, and the corpse accidentally floats to the earth, infecting other creatures, becoming his own **** blood heir, trying to resurrect himself...

Perhaps, this is really-destroying you, has nothing to do with you?

Passing by accidentally, it was like trampling to death an ant nest on the side of the road.

"However, the corpse passing by is also a possibility in my expectation." Fu Qingjun squinted, looked at the Internet on the earth, went out for more than a month in retreat, and immediately launched the first wave when he came back. Charge and fight.... The major survivor camps are also very excited at this time.

"My god, Mayan civilization!"

"Oumaika, World War III?"

Now, it has entered an unprecedented boiling moment, and everyone is discussing this matter.

Even if the visibility of satellite monitoring is extremely low, a dense cluster of creatures have been discovered from the moon to the earth.

What's more, Fu Qingjun didn't bother to pay attention here.

But these days, foreign countries can't hide it. They also joined satellite communications, and gradually learned the "truth" of the fog here.

Tang Meng takes pictures!

Some students from the survivor camp are also taking screenshots!

In the mist, all survivor camps are watching.

They are even discussing, just about to move.

But everyone didn't dare to go out. They could only watch the war outside, watch the civilization in the myths, and resist the invaders, and pray silently.

"Mayan civilization actually exists! God, thank you for saving us!"

"The emperor of our Eastern mythology has also come, because a time and space Nvwa, Nvwa is watching here!"

"You must win."

"I want to cultivate immortals, I want to fight!"

This is crazy.

There is already a war outside in the fog, and the ancient earth civilization is fighting each other bloodily. I'm afraid this is the third world war, right?

In this Mayan civilization, more than 10 billion people died in the blink of an eye, more than people on earth...

These people are talking nonsense.

But some people are discussing seriously,

"It's no wonder that the camp next door was suddenly attacked. We have seen the ruins. It was breached internally. I'm afraid that someone has been infected by the fog, regained wisdom and joined the evil fog civilization!"

"Mist is simply a super weapon, comparable to a nuclear bomb..."

"No, it is more advanced than a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb destroys the enemy and then gets nothing. It is a weapon of our low-level civilization. The weapon of others is a large-scale soul weapon!"

"Seal of thought! Assimilate you!"

"It's horrible, this is a super weapon we couldn't imagine before."

"Ah! According to this, if it weren't for the Mayan civilization, wouldn't we let it be kneaded? We all died in the end and were assimilated into..."


In an underground supermarket.

A brawny man with a fierce scar, holding a mobile phone, watching this scene, shouted: "Myth! Myth actually exists, and there has already been a fight over there."


It's so enjoyable!

Those screenshots are so cool!

I heard that the speed is different at this time. The picture over there is not clear to us mortals. We can only see the afterimage of the sonic boom, shaking fast.

The reason why they were able to take pictures and screenshots, those lucky survivors were taken into custody by the Mayan civilization. They have now been infected with the blood of God, and have gained extraordinary powers. They practiced and projected them onto the mechanical magic core phone with mental power, and uploaded them to The internet...

It's too advanced.

A few people dressed up as scumbags are also looking at their mobile phones, their faces are full of excitement.

"The mist, turned out to be the wreckage of a super universe life, approaching here? Isn't this too outrageous? Then when this creature is alive, isn't it energy comparable to a sun?"

"What's an exaggeration. Aliens have myths, and our earth also has myths! It's just that we mortal fetuses can't think of it. The emperor from the future has already come here to help, although he was slapped to death."

"I've seen this **** sci-fi movie about the wandering earth!!! It's so shocking, the end is also an opportunity, if we..."

Several strong men looked at the picture and laughed.

"Fuck! Big brother, I can actually cultivate, become a god, and travel through time and space! This is too hanging, although this doomsday has a very good time, those beautiful women who are aloof, domineering, are bored by us... This supermarket is very cool, eating and drinking enough to play with women, but life is boring, or...",


Slapped the bastard's face with a slap.

"Are you really proud?" The headed strong man sneered: "You won't be so happy for so long. After killing a few stubs, you really think that you are something extraordinary, don't you?"

In addition to large camps, order is maintained. Small private camps. One month later, many have shown the ugliness of human nature, food shortages caused by not daring to go out, mental hollowness, and various...

His expression eased, "Anyway, let's look at it again."

Although he refuted, his ambitions flashed past his eyes!

This scene made him jealous!

Sunflower Dynasty, God's Jiaxia, the myth of the Great Flood...

Mayan civilization..

Nuwa made people..

This is too bad, the history of these ancient myths.

In the last days, people live like dogs. Although he lives well, he is not reconciled.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, there was a roar of wild beasts in the warehouse next to it.

"What is noisy, those stinky women, don't you owe them again?"

In that room, the detainee was a woman.

All the men were killed, and the women stayed beautifully.

Accompanied by the sound of cursing, a **** went to open the door.

"It's not right, this is not the roaring sound that humans can make, grunting...that's not the syllable and language that humans can make."

Suddenly, the strong man seemed to have thought of something, and the big man suddenly said: "It said that in the fog, people with mental breakdown and weak willpower can become evil crazy monsters. It won't be..."

The people in that room fit the characteristics perfectly.

Could it be, mental breakdown in despair, accepting those babbles...

"Those **** women!! It's not about—"

He was about to stop...


The door opened suddenly.

A monster came out from inside, his snow-white skin torn like a strip of cloth, bright red muscles blooming, his eyes flushed on the ground, like a biohazard licker.

"kill him!"

The big brother responded quickly.


Bang bang!

Shot suddenly.

But the opponent's speed was extremely fast. A few bounces hooked the ceiling, and he was hit by a few bullets, knocking down the men in front of him, biting them frantically, like a real zombie, devouring them alive.

after awhile,

The ground was in a mess, and the whole room was splashed with blood.

The surroundings were empty and filled with sadness.

Suddenly, a hazy misty shadow slowly condensed, overlooking this scarlet muscle monster that no longer has a human form.

"I, Naimaluo."

That figure, looking at the new Cthulhu people who were infected by the fog in this camp, said lightly: "I, finally came to prehistoric, hundreds of thousands of years ago, come to save my people..."

The newly born Cthulhu looked The ghost of this stupid planet, what is it talking about?

It was also inherited, and some vague memories also appeared in the mind along with the practice.

Did he admit the wrong person?

"Why doesn't this person believe me?" Mo Luo whispered to himself, "I said clearly that the text of history is correct, why did they forget all of them? It's incredible, even Jiaxia doesn't know, you forgot too much. Right?"

He couldn't figure it out, but he said seriously: "Yes, there is nothing wrong. The two civilizations of Atlantis and the Eastern Heavenly Emperor are trying to change the prehistoric history of our victory and travel to this time and space... But, how can I May allow them to trample on the dignity of their ancestors more than 100,000 years ago?"

He looked compassionate and bent down, "So, I'm back, I save you, help you, and maintain your history of defeating each other in the mist."


The licker looked blank.

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