My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 200: Mo Luo's sense of mission! (happy New Year)

"Kiligulu..." the other person said, full of doubts, speaking all the language that does not belong to this human cognition, that is not a syllable that a human Adam's apple can make, like the roar of a wild beast.

"Kiligulu..." Mo Luo responded calmly.

After all, he learned this language secretly, and it was not difficult for him.

In fact, those guys who claim to be righteous in the world have traveled to prehistoric times. How could he not come to the demon of the generation?

Moreover, after secretly listening to the analysis of the magician of Atlantis, even though he was killed by the evildoer...but he completely realized it.

It turns out that this prehistoric fog was transformed by the remnants of the corpses of prehistoric gods and demons. Isn't that my kind?

If we say that Atlantis is a descendant of the Mayan civilization and is related by blood...

Then, Tamaluo was born in the evil thoughts of the gods and demons of the Shushan land. Isn't it because these evil thoughts of the prehistoric floods are related by blood?

Are you one of their descendants?

Unfortunately, he wants to recognize his ancestors...

But they didn't believe it!

After he was beaten to death by the evildoer, he secretly went to find the existence of several fog giants in the battle and told them the truth. As a result, they looked dazed and said the words they had said before:

"You low-level creatures, have brain problems?"

"They regard us as some native enemy on this planet? The obsession that the dead bodies of some gods and demons destroyed by the so-called "great flood" turned into after death?"

People slapped Mo Luo to death.

This makes Mo Luo very angry!

They are not lying to the Maya civilization, but they really don't know.

They forgot the truth of history.

Obviously the destruction of the great flood, the gods and demons killed by Jiaxia, you were born on the wreckage of each other,

But he has abandoned the history of his ancestors and forgot his origin...

"Although it is a demon, you must also know who gave birth to yourself!"

"Although I am the demon, the demon of all demons, the shadow that tens of billions of people are afraid of, but I also know that it is the corpse of the Buddha's evil thoughts that gave birth to me...this is the bottom line of the devil."

Mo Luo suddenly felt a heavy sense of responsibility and mission on his back!

Let these ancient misty companions of prehistoric, know the true face of history.

At the same time, help them overcome the Atlantis, the Eastern Heaven...

And he can rise up and receive the civilization heritage of the prehistoric Jiaxia Sun Pagoda dynasty!

After all, he was jealous.

The opponent killed a clone of the evildoer with a few moves, and forced the opponent to die. It is indeed a horrible civilization. It is conceivable that the civilization system that the opponent has is extremely powerful.

It is indeed the Jiaxia Dynasty before the Flood, Anunnaki.

If I can practice...


Mo Luo looked serious, and explained patiently in this survivor camp, "Is my breath similar to the breath in your mist?"

The muscle licker was a little puzzled.

It's somewhat similar, but completely different.

They are all of the "ghost after the fall of the gods" type, but they are not the same creature at all.

After all, the other party is too weak and small, it is just the disability magical thoughts conceived by the gods who have not yet been born in the embryo.

"Yes, I am not the same breath as Misty, but you are my ancestors!!"

Mo Luo's words made the other party even more dazed, "Actually, you may not believe it. This world is terrifying. I come from a distant future and travel to this era. Come...recognize the ancestors!"

Mo Luo looked patient and told the other party the canon of history.

"Do you know why you were born?"

"From the wreckage of the gods and demons, let us revive him." The other party said, his memory is vague, but he has a firm goal.

Because of that crazy babbling, constantly whispering, bewitching him to resurrect him.

This is the horror of this ancient life. Even if it is dead, it can be similar to "rebirth from blood". As long as the people chant his real name and remember his horror, they will gradually recover from the graveyard of death.

"Yes, from the remains of the gods and demons, let your family members who were infected in the mist resurrect him...then the question is, what is the origin of the gods and demons?"

The other party was at a loss.

I really don't understand this.

Because they are too weak to know.

"You really don't know."

Mo Luo sighed and turned into a bitter old man.

This time he changed his policy when accepting disciples and entered the Taoist way with kindness. He remembered the folk street stories. The devil always turned into kind old people to confuse others. "It seems that the prehistoric existences have forgotten a lot of things. Archeology only knows, so let me tell you... the text of history."

Mo Luo patiently took out a book "Three Heavens of Gods" and talked about the ancient canon of Gods and Demons.

"Come on, kid, read to me—"

"On the first day, Amiro created everything."

"The next day, Hormons gave knowledge."


Mo Luo was patient and kept telling history.

The other person has just born consciousness, just like a newly born baby, very strange to the world around it, it should be easy...

It's a pity that the other party is determined and doesn't believe it at all.


Mo Luo was completely anxious, "Never mind those powerful guys. This newly-born guy has no practice at all. He is just a newborn baby and can't accept the truth of history?"

"Their inheritance makes them not believe these things? Make them instinctively think they are fake?"

He Mo Luo, don't believe it!

He even used mental power and various spells to constantly brainwash and induce each other.

He stepped on the bar and continued to tell the ancient history,

"Jiaxia, the **** of wisdom, saw that the common people on the earth were sinful, so he tilted the world and destroyed all living beings."

"That day, the whole world was tilting, the earth began to crack, the buildings collapsed one after another, the four pillars began to shatter, people began to scream, the gods of the sacred mountain, the demons under the earth, wrestling in that chaotic world..."

He talked about Fu Qingjun's desk civilization a month and the bucket of water that fell down at that time.

With repeated repetitions, the other party gradually believed...

Mo Luo was very pleased, "Sure enough, those stubborn big demons have forgotten their ancestors! Ingrateful! Rebellious! Forgot the glory of the ancestors! Forgetting their origins, we must start from the baby."


Fu Qingjun's eyelids jumped wildly.

Mo Luo, it's really a show of continuous operation...

The righteous side here believes in the fog caused by the flood.

Didn't expect that Mo Luo, as an aboriginal in the land of Shushan, also believes deeply, and even as a villain, will begin to secretly bring these infected guys with him, seeking revenge for the Liu Tiandi who pretends to be dead?

Everyone is an old lady.

Fu Qingjun sighed, for a moment he didn't know what to change.

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