My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 203: Destined history that cannot be changed

Woo woo woo.

All the mortals who were on the run began to cry.

"Master..." Emperor Lianna choked, but could only stay away.

Everyone knows that the ancient emperor has been fighting for life all his life, working hard to protect this land, even in the last moments, if the troubled times are settled in his old age, he could have lived in peace, but he chose to travel through time before he died and came to the future. .

Just because she knows,

Here, there is a real darkness!

Therefore, I chose to shed the last drop of blood in my old age here.

"The Great..."

Everyone was crying inwardly.

This is the first generation of Angel Emperor, it is she who opened up the spirit of Mayan civilization.

She was the former Angel Emperor, and no one can match her qualifications. She opened up an incomparable era, and she could surpass her merits.

She could have lived an extremely long life, but she had fought all her life, abandoned her cultivation base, and was covered in dark wounds, just to protect them.

This is a selfless emperor, a true hero!

Everyone looked at the long spear and felt the hero's final loneliness and loneliness.

In the underground escape tunnel, someone shouted and suddenly read the stone slab from the Jiaxia period:

"When the common people awaken him from the cradle of heroes, the omnipotent **** will shout and lead the common people on the earth to glory."


"If you see me with sex, beg me with your voice, and live forever with desires, you will walk in evil ways with God's spiritual wisdom, and you can't see the halal... You can see it here."


They lined up in the tunnel, chanting the stone slab myth of the ancient Jiaxia period, and seemed to commemorate the ancient years and the long sleep of their king.

From time to time someone choked up.

Ruin battlefield, a building in the distance.

The squally wind roared in the grey mist.

"this is..."

"The history of prehistoric civilization!"

Professor Nasika separated time and space and controlled a mechanical snail man in the distance, silent, watching the heroic figure fall and turn into fly ash.

She also whimpered and reopened the record book "Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization", recording a new chapter.

"We are back in the distant past, that tragic prehistoric dark earth."

"But...we are weak, nothing can be changed."

"Isaac and us can only quietly watch history push forward under tragedy, watch people of the era cry, watch those destined deeds, great prehistoric heroes stand up and save everything. "

Professor Nassika knew,

This scene is a history that was destined to happen more than 100,000 years ago!

The Mayan civilization was not destroyed because of the unimaginable changes in that era:

The heroic emperor from the ancient times, traveled through time and space into the darkness in his later years, resisted the common people, and fought for the opportunity to escape from the Mayan civilization.

"This is a heroic character!"

She has witnessed the profoundness of history, it brings surprises and remembrances, and the vast history written in blood.

She remained silent, still firmly choosing to record it.

When the people of the new era opened the books, they saw the "Mayan Chronicles" hundreds of thousands of years later, which wrote the follow-up myths of the prehistoric Maya civilization taught by Nassika in archaeology:

[At the end of the Mayan civilization, the old heroic emperor traveled to the future to save the entire common people]



Ta Ta Ta.

They also left soon, fleeing with a small wave of Mayan civilization.

"I think back then, it's like this." On the road, Professor Nasika took a deep breath. She is a historian who can change nothing but record.

She finally understood...

History is there.

And when we go back in time, nothing has changed.

Isaac whimpered a little directly, feeling that he was simply too powerless, and watched the past tragedies happen as usual.

Nothing is more sad than watching the first ancestors die hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"Is everything fate?"

"We see history repeating itself."

"At present, we are not involved in this era at all, that is to say... this scene is the inevitable ending in history."

"Darkness invades, and the ancient first-generation angel emperor saved the people."

Their faces are bitter.

This is a doomed historical tragedy!

In other words...

The first tragedy happened?

What about the second tragedy?

When will humanity be defeated? When did the Mayan civilization end? When did Emperor Lianna fall?


I don't want to...think about it!

It was too dark.

But this is the desperate history of hundreds of thousands of years in prehistoric history. It has long been destined for the trajectory of history. Even the most powerful God can only run into the future of hundreds of thousands of years and want to change this tragedy with small hopes. ..

But, can we really change the past?

I was full of confidence before, but found that I couldn't change anything, and I didn't even have the ability to intervene in wars.

Until now, I don’t know what God said: What is their weakness! ! !

"Our era is still too short to develop... It can't change the history at the beginning, so that the first emperor sacrificed as always, but a part of the Mayan fire was left behind."

Next to him, Professor Nasika said with a serious face: "We must cheer up. Since we can't change at the beginning, we will try, and now we will start to think of ways to help them."

"I know." Isaac said seriously.

The current situation is not so tragic, and it can be regarded as having survived that life and death crisis.

The Mayan civilization itself did not expect that the opponent was so powerful that it would use that wide range of spells together to take away the entire Maya civilization in one pot.

The tens of thousands of true gods and tens of billions of blood and false gods are almost facing the end of annihilation.

Although they have left their last firefight outside, it also means that Maya civilization is completely close to destruction...

"Now, most of the viable power is preserved, and we must prepare for a long-term war...This is a **** battle between civilization and civilization!!"


Fu Qingjun sighed a little while sitting on a chair in an abandoned high-rise building.

Qin Hong is as crazy as ever.

Only live for one life, fighting madly, but this time her price seems to be high.

But his brows gradually opened up,

"How strong are they?"

"After all, they are earth creatures transformed by evil."

"That evil taboo exists in the wreckage, and has lost consciousness. It is impossible to think of the strongest creature on this earth. It is not an eagle with wings and dreams, or a prehistoric dinosaur with amazing size and power, and it is not the most intelligent and intelligent modern Human, but..."

Fu Qingjun bent down and grabbed a handful of sand. "Living at the bottom of the food chain, adapting to any link, living in any dirty and dark corner of the insect."

And those modern humans on the earth and on the Internet, don't interfere...

Fu Qingjun stopped in front of an Internet cafe in the ruins and looked at them. The tragic and **** tears of the myth have ignited the entire network.

"Woohoo! The Mayan civilization on our planet is so tragic!"

"The first generation of Angel Emperor, a **** battle throughout his life, fought very hard, and in the end it turned out to be..."

"They are writing a chapter of their own civilization and protecting our home on the earth, but what about us? We are the protagonists of this solar age! We are the great witch in the myth! Modern people of the 21st century, you really can Bear it?"

"It's going to perish, the end of the earth is coming, a scene like zombies, and we must rise!"


Many people spoke Fu Qingjun shook his head, but he was very rational.

"You just hide in the shelter, and just watch... After all, we don't kill you, and the other side also treats you as a threatless pig in captivity."

This is a civilized war.

The war of civilization for the hearer!

One day a year...

"Wake up, for the human beings hiding in the refuge, it is enough to see the changes of the whole earth... the vicissitudes of life." Fu Qingjun looked into the distance, thinking about how to continue deducing the system of the civilized demon country. How to fight a battle.

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