My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 204: The essence of God is a living thing


The ensuing earth ball of light fell instantly and landed on the entire huge ruined city.

The first generation of Angel Emperor could only stop them for a short period of time with his last life. After the death of the Emperor, they resolutely re-created that huge ball of light and destroyed the entire land.

"Run away!"

After all, the number is too much.

Of the tens of billions of people, most of them still cannot be completely dispersed.

In just an instant, the earth was destroyed, and the whole city seemed to be covered by a huge light, like a huge comet crashing down.

Most of the Mayan mortals were submerged.

The light quickly dissipated, and everyone was horrified to discover...

The ruins are still ruins.

The buildings, steel bars, and soil are still sitting there firmly without any collapse.

However, all the mortals have melted, and their flesh and blood collapsed and rotted.

"This is, the impact of the soul's shells?"

"Is that a soul impact shell?"

"Sure enough, it is difficult for the soul to directly interfere with the reality of the so-called magic arts! The use of wind, fire, thunder, and electricity in reality...the magic arts are all soul-level spells that kill the soul."

In other words, there are deviations in the fairy tales.

It is impossible for humans to really pinch a fireball...

Have to talk about physics and chemistry knowledge.

"The ball of light we saw, the thunder and lightning in their hands, the flames... are all extracting their own soul energy, arranging them, and they are huge and strong, allowing us to directly see their spirit."


Isaac, a team of true **** magicians, fled far away.

They are experts in the study of magic. At this time, they were surprised to find that even if the civilization of these prehistoric gods and demons led them by millions, they could not use their brains to interfere with matter! !

For example, they issued a fireball.

It is not that there are three conditions for real burning: 1, combustible, 2, oxygen, 3, ignition point, the fireball produced, but the fireball directly condensed by the soul energy.

It's just that the powerful "spirit" made all living people's nerves and spiritual senses see the highly cohesive fireball.

And this fireball can hardly act on real matter...

Even burned a coin.

"Sure enough, reality is like reality. No matter how strong creatures are, it is impossible to squeeze out the real fireball and lightning in the myth through modern chemical and physical reactions." Isaac whispered, "This is the real thing in the universe." Extraordinary, very real and reasonable so-called gods in reality."

This is in line with common sense.

The so-called control of wind, fire and lightning is impossible.

Even these super universe creatures that surpass the speed of sound follow the basic physical rules of the universe.

"In this way, combined with the development of these years, they discovered that they were originally based on modern science and further developed organisms..."

Tang Meng shook his head and said, "Although they are gods, they are essentially super-living bodies, superhumans. Their biological characteristics are-an animal with a huge soul, super fast brains, and a movement comparable to the speed of sound... It is the evolution of a certain biological essence."

If modern science develops, the future of humanity on the earth may not be unable to evolve its own population!

Even with the inevitable development of scientific society, human beings will study their own weak body, and evolve... will also break through the fourth realm in some way.

Gene Potion, Hulk...

These movies are already very forward-looking.

Sonic life is a pediatric thing in the movie. In the Marvel Universe, there is no face to see people without breaking through a sonic boom... However, Tang Meng did not expect it to be really terrifying in reality.

With time, Tang Meng gradually discovered that none of this had subverted their worldview.


A certain future possibility of human society is unfolding!

This is... the next civilization scale.

"Until today, I have discovered that I have not broken through my knowledge from childhood to adulthood." Tang Meng said: "The so-called gods are just powerful individual creatures, the products of civilization that use knowledge to accumulate...cannot violate the laws of physics. Thinking about it now, although it's scary, it's not so unknown and scary anymore."

"Senior Sister, you have seen through your heart." Isaac laughed.

Tang Meng scratched his head.

"But what's the difference between this and the real fireball, thunder and lightning?" Professor Nasika looked serious, "In our eyes, we have seen all this...At the same time the fireball hits, we will also die."

"Consciousness interferes with consciousness, which is the fundamental principle of magic."

Isaac hesitated for a moment, feeling that his thinking gradually became clear.

"It's true... we really saw that huge fireball, covering and destroying the entire Mayan city, forming a huge impact, shattering the souls of all lives, and even letting their souls imply their bodies, and they are also going to decay. And collapse."

Very subtle.

This method is simply an extremely subtle application of the soul.

They have been blind and groping for the elephant before, until now they have really seen how other people's magic techniques can use their super souls as giants to crush the souls of those low-level creatures...


This is a higher creature.

Not only use your own strong physique to crush the weaker's physique, and use your muscles to explode your muscles.

You can also use your own powerful soul to crush the soul of the weak, and use your consciousness to explode your consciousness.

Arrange the structure of one's soul group, set up the structure, split a part and launch it, just like a variety of spell shells with various forms and functions, with infinite possibilities!

In contrast, they are indeed too primitive, too weak!

Isaac looked helpless, "According to this speculation, they have a civilization that is a few million years away from us, and before our eyes, we understand this, and we are close to 20,000 or 30,000 years in one breath?"

At this moment, as outsiders, they thoroughly discovered that they were not the protagonist of the era, but just a wave of the vast tide, driven by history, involuntarily.

"As before, we can only witness history, but we can't do anything." Professor Nasika whispered, feeling a deep sense of fate.

Even if God says it can change the past.

However, it is far from that simple to truly change that torrent and break free from the general trend.

"Leave aside the others. We have already learned the truth about many spells through those strong in the mist. I heard that there are many mechanical creations in this era. We are worth learning from." A magician said.

They plan to go to prehistoric research institutes and laboratories everywhere to take a look and study the civilization crystallization of this prehistoric earth.

After all, they are the Atlantis civilization. Although they claim to cultivate themselves, they are actually practicing foreign objects and taking the path of mechanical technology.

Magnetite is actually equivalent to the supercomputer of this era.

"They use magic tricks, which look terrifying.... In fact, they just impact our souls! Although they are strong enough to tear metal with their hands, they are still afraid of the super alloys in the real world."

"After all, they are also sonic animals, and they are still mortal wombs... The so-called gods are still afraid of physical blows, that is to say, machinery, which can do them a lot."

"We, Atlantis, actually rely on foreign objects from start to finish. We are magicians on the side of science. It is not too much to say that we are scientific civilization. High-grade alloy metal mecha~www.readwn. com~battleship, go to blast the flesh and blood of those gods and giants...maybe our fastest counterattack possibility." Isaac said.

After all, they are incredibly smart and know their advantages!

Go to the technology side!

They are also civilizations on the technological side.

With the help of external forces, we can better improve ourselves...

They had thought of killing Liu Tiandi in this way before.

But they came from the Second World War. After all, they lack the foundation. Alloys and machinery are very backward, and they are not as good as modern humans... If they can learn from the knowledge base of humans in this era, they will inevitably usher in a huge leap!

"I know there is a local laboratory with the strongest alloy." Tang Meng said without hesitation.

After all, modern humans can only help prehistoric mythical civilizations.

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