My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 205: The possibility of civilization!

Fu Qingjun raised his brows.

"Are the mechanical technology and craftsmanship of the modern earth?"

Various technologies such as alloys and smelting are naturally not low.

If this is the case, it means that the humans in the survivor camps on the entire planet have begun to accept the protection of their own "demon country civilization" and stand on a unified front.

This has to be said, it is a great thing.

It is likely that the efforts of the first Mayan emperor, the tragic sacrifice, and the complete let down of the country's vigilance, made Tang Meng accept their laboratory.

"It's just that I'm losing my hair again."

Fu Qingjun was sitting cross-legged in the room of Miao Chuntang, his eyes calm, and he looked at the dark frontline battlefield on the other side of the earth, fierce and bloody, and sorrowful.

Here, his whole person has ushered in a huge change.

"After all, too many deaths." He slowly closed his eyes.


rumble! ! !

As if the invisible galaxy swirling slowly.

Fu Qingjun sits in the spiritual space, like an ancient eternal giant in the void, surrounded by a huge chaotic air current that fluctuates the fate of the world, creating billions of lives, the supreme great master...In an instant, the dead souls of countless mortals. The soul, returning to the ancient abyss of death, returns to his brain.

One of my thoughts is the source of life that nurtures all things.

My sea of ​​knowledge is the home of death and life.

Fu Qingjun vaguely had this perception, and could not help closing his eyes, counting the number, and sighed: "Too much has returned. That one ball of light has destroyed 90% of the Mayan civilization."

"They were all ants before... but now, they are already living lives, with pain, joys and sorrows, relatives and friends..."

He walked to the window sill, overlooking the busy traffic of World War II below.

He can clearly perceive...

Countless true gods of the fourth realm have fallen in it.

And those hundreds of millions of fourth-level pseudo-gods who broke through with their blood, were weak in strength and hardly escaped!

The ant demon country Maya civilization that he worked so hard to split his soul, and the previous crazy accumulation, was all destroyed.

lost heavily!

But it seems to be ruined, but to oneself, isn't it just one break and then stand up?


As the bicycle drove by, a newspaper seller was braving the daily newspaper, shouting: "Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! Today's New World trends, God opens the door to the end of the past, where should we go, Dawu tribe?"

Times are really changing.

It has already subtly changed the entire world of World War II...

He raised his head amidst the noise and looked at the dazzling sunshine from the window, "The transcendence has revived, and my demon country is letting the earth go out of the earth and see the real outside world through deduction of civilization."

The sun is shining here.

Unfortunately, the other side ushered in huge darkness.

He lowered his head and looked at the people, and suddenly felt an inexplicable heavy feeling, as if he was carrying a heavy mission...


"I am like the luck of the entire civilization, or is it... the destiny of the entire earth civilization?" He laughed, his previous hair could give insects wisdom and develop civilization.

But now, not only insects, but even humans can give...

This also means that the entire human race on Earth will also be shrouded in their own "Qi Luck".

"Fine, nothing, the death of tens of billions of people, the fall of countless true gods...this time, what will happen to my hair?" Fu Qingjun closed his eyes slightly.

The brain is stirring up.

Fu Qingjun didn't know how long it took before he woke up from the turbidity, and looked at the data given by the ancient ship:

Fu Qingjun: The Fifth Stage of Consummation (Seal)

Character Card: SSR-class Jiaxia (missing), S-class Udurah, A-class Qin Hong, S-class Hongqi

Gene data bank:

1. The original Ant-Man prototype: the human body of the beast head

2. Advanced Ant-Man angel species: red wing angel, ant dragon, feather snake god, black feather angel...

3. Snails: native snails, parasitic beasts, mechanical snails...

4. Soil-bearing creatures...


He squinted his eyes.

It used to be the early stage of the Fifth Realm, and now it is complete in one breath.

However, it seems that I am stuck in the Dzogchen as before, and it seems that I have to eat a soul of the fifth realm as an introduction to break through and continue...

Unfortunately, the Fifth Realm seems to be far away in the foreseeable future.

He kept arranging his hair and realizing his own abnormality.

He began to use his hair to try to lift the things in the house, the table, the teapot, the notebook... Finally, he was shocked to find that his hair actually had a sharp cut.

Every hair can lift a kitchen knife.


Fu Qingjun was a little surprised.

This is a qualitative change. Pens and kitchen knives are not a heavyweight at all.

He also found that his hair was as tough as a wire.

I can always give birth to my own hair, swelling frantically, it seems that as long as I have enough energy, I can grow hair endlessly, and grow into a monstrous giant...

"In other words, my safety is basically guaranteed. If someone attacks me, my hair will grow instantly, turning into a steel ball hedgehog and wrapping it all over my body."

But he continued to research, but unfortunately found that apart from the enhancement of all aspects of comprehensive ability, no new hair ability appeared.

"It can only be said that it is still in the category of the fifth realm." Fu Qingjun sighed.

However, the upper limit of his hair population has been completely raised.

Before it was the limit of 50 billion, I feel that there is a limit of 300 billion.

This is a terrifying qualitative change.

"In this way, I can start a war more confidently." Fu Qingjun looked at the other end of the earth, "I lost 90% of the population at the beginning, but I became stronger because of this..."

"According to the truth, the more I fail, the stronger I am."

"If this continues a few times, my population will explode again... Unfortunately, it is not the case."

"Because I have reached the limit of the Fifth Realm, unless the Demon Kingdom’s civilization has a breakthrough in the Fifth Realm, as an introduction, I can also break through. Otherwise, I can only have the limit of 300 billion people, and I will die too much. It doesn't help."

Fu Qingjun is still vigilant.

If you can't beat the opponent with such a population, you may really be completely unable to beat him.

Because next, no matter how many deaths, oneself will also be stuck in the realm of Dzogchen.

"However, we also have an advantage in the calculation."

"They are sparsely populated, and they all use the **** blood in the mist to break through, the fourth-level false gods who break through with the **** blood, no matter how big they are, they are relatively at a disadvantage. At present...they don't have a true god!"

Because the population is seriously insufficient.

In fact, there are so many undead beasts in the mist—cockroaches.

But these "low-level zombies" have no wisdom, and they are not mortals. How can they provide faith and courage to make breakthroughs for those "high-level zombies" who are born with wisdom?

Therefore, they are all breakthroughs with divine blood.

However, despite this, the huge size and the exquisite heritage of civilization, even the blood and mist pseudo-god of the fourth realm, are enough to make everyone desperate.

Fu Qingjun kept collating information about the enemy and us, and smiled bitterly: "But it's our only advantage, right? They can't become true gods, and we are more or less possible..."

But in the next second, Fu Qingjun's complexion gradually stiffened.


In an underground supermarket.

"Follow me, the great God Jiaxia killed the gods and demons, and we were born on the corpses of the gods and demons." Mo Luo is still talking about history.

The foggy creature exuding ancient and mysterious language followed along.

With his hands on his back, Mo Luo looked at the muscular giant monster in front of him, and said: "Those predecessors of the gods and demons in the mist have forgotten the glory of their ancestors. They are just false gods, false gods, relying on the blood of the mist to break through. Inferior..."

"And you, don't worry."

Mo Luo said seriously: "We demon race, there are countless common people, to help you break through the true god, you are very big, but we use hundreds of millions of great masters to help you have a courageous relationship, it's easy!"

Fu Qingjun's face is Is this a devil entering the village?

You a traitor, our only advantage, is actually lost by you, helping them become true gods?

and many more...

The newborn in the mist was actually said to believe in ancient history.

Could it be that he is the traitor?

Fu Qingjun pressed his temples, very calm, and he had a headache.

What's wrong?

These two rapes?

Is this your devil entering the village, or my devil entering the village...

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