My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 206: Shaping the world’s sand table of the earth, distinguishing between ourselves and the

Fu Qingjun felt that Mo Luo's actions were very complicated!

Whose traitor is it on earth?

It seems a bit hard to say.

Mo Luo is indeed dirty and insidious, and his actions are indeed the most perfect solution to cultivate a "companion" to give them extremely prehistoric memories, re-emerge, hang Atlantis, and kill the villain Liu Tiandi. ..

"Never mind, let you go."

Fu Qingjun thought for a while, didn't intend to interfere, just watch the changes.

After all, they used their lives to help them give birth to true gods.

If there is any accident, the decision is in his own hands. Those masters are under his own command, and the big deal is to stop this action and prevent them from nurturing true gods.

Fu Qingjun's eyes became cold and merciless.

"Kill us all? Impossible, unless it's almost the same to the unknown fifth realm."

"Otherwise, at the same level, they are like ordinary people, facing ordinary cockroaches and ants, although they can be slapped to death with a slap, these insects can be found everywhere in the ground."

"With this pressure, we can develop a new sand table era world and develop a new civilization."

Yes it is...

The presence of foreign enemies may be an oppressive incentive.

Fu Qingjun comforted himself.

Now that the result has reached this level, I intend to develop the civilization of the next era as my own war testing ground.

Mayan civilization, Shushan civilization, and Atlantis are just prototypes. Since the other party has already appeared, then absorb the other party's civilization knowledge and steal their essence, so that more beautiful flowers can be completely bloomed!


It's just about to start.

On this planet, reproduction can explore the great civilization of the universe, open up science, martial arts, magic, magic... countless civilizations, after all, it is possible to defeat the other side. ,

One day a year...

"A'long' protracted battle?" Fu Qingjun looked calm.

A population of 300 billion is enough for the time being.


at this time.

The Mayan civilization was destroyed.

Emperor Lianna, the lord of Hongqi Machinery, led a part of the elite to escape.

However, the loss was still heavy to the limit, and the Mayan civilization decided to divide it as a civilization, called the Dark Titan Era, and calculated a new civilization calendar.

The era of extraordinary civilization has opened a new chapter in history.

Everyone knows that the foggy and dark age after the Great Flood experienced a short period of development, constantly killing the dark undead beasts in the corridors, streets, and sewers...

The real dark taboo exists, the ruler of the undead behemoth, the senior undead mist overlord who has opened up straight wisdom, has already been born, showing his fangs.

One year in the Dark Titan Era.

Common people reproduced and spread all over the earth in order to prevent being attacked.

Most of them survive as scattered small tribes and hide under the ground.

Knowing that he could not die, Emperor Lianna chose to fall into a deep sleep and let the mechanical monarch Hongqi rule the entire world.

"I, come to rule this world?"

"Nobody in the world knows that I have already died once. The current me is just another me who has uploaded the consciousness and has the memory of Hongqi."

Lianna was barely alive, but he was actually completely old years ago.

He lives forever in this way, but the memory is passed on to the next person. Is it really immortal?

He is not clear.

But he knew that the whole land could only rely on him.

"Back then, I, Lianna, Grace, the three of us were fighting for the supremacy of the world, but today...the three of us can already hand over the back to others without any conditions." Hong Qi seems to be an old and old man. , Recalling the youthful years of that year.

Although Grace never said a word.

But that arrogant woman, before dying, had already arranged their "future" well, and oppressing them to move forward according to the plan was also an alternative absolute trust.

"It's a pity, as soon as Lianna fell asleep, the angels completely lost their ancestral blood. This race will gradually dissipate, and can only survive by interbreeding with the snails."

"The civilization of angels, is it going to age after all?"

The Eastern Heavenly Court has re-rooted in this land, Buddhism and Taoism have begun to develop again.

Atlantis, the magician walked directly to the distant city. This elegant energy civilization began to re-study magic props, intending to use the "magnetite" as the energy source to create a dexterous mechanical armor and Mechanical spaceship.

Civilization develops rapidly in the mist!

Of course, civilizations everywhere were quickly destroyed, and the fog giant was sweeping everywhere.

Survive in the cracks!

Develop the civilization of the Taoist in the cracks!

One day a year...

With the world wormhole tunnel opened by Fu Qingjun, a large number of new forces continued to flow in, and the civilization on the other side began to fully support the prehistoric war.

"The first emperor, who fought for the world and the common people, how can we not save?"

"Eastern civilization and Western civilization are all descendants of ancient Jiaxia. Our ancestors have similar faces. We should save the pre-Flood era and defend our ancestors from disasters!"


Many people were moved by the story of that great emperor.

They all witnessed the invincible Western Emperor, wearing snow-white wings and holding a spear, fighting against the existence of taboos in the dark, the remnants of prehistoric gods and demons. Fight with life, and finally sleep forever.

"Prehistoric heroes of the ancient times are fighting **** battles. Today, hundreds of thousands of years later, the younger generations live so happily. They are all living on the ground paved with blood by the martyrs. How can we not help with their punches?" Bai Yu took a deep breath.

It's a pity that he cultivated the witchcraft, followed the noumenon route, did not practice the Buddhist path, and reincarnated as mortals, so he could not help.

Buddhism and Taoism continue to reincarnate, and one of them, traveling far into the prehistoric life, is the most helpful system at present.

At this time, Miao Chuntang.

"Qin Hong, and all the heroic women of Cihang Jingzhai, please!" Bai Yu said in a low voice.

"I know."

Qin Hong's face was a little pale.

She almost lost all of her previous accumulation, so she could only stand on the same starting line as the women of the rivers and lakes next to her.

However, her background and experience are still there, and it is also a matter of time before she rebuilds.


"Go to the front!"

"Everything, for humanity!"

"Everything, for the earth!"

"We will do our best!"

Countless people snarled and uttered their own roars, the kindness flowing in their blood, so that they all knew clearly that both worlds are family members.

Seven years in the Misty Era.

Countless people have gone through seven years of migration, and those who basically chose to go to the front line have passed.

And this year, God closed the time tunnel that he promised to open only for "seven days." The batch they entered will last a long time in this past era.

Eight years of the misty era.

New generations of creatures have emerged one after another, and reproduced.

The world is restarting. They reconstituted the dark Titan world in the ruins with various races, civilizations, and beliefs.

Underground cave world, an underground cave city.

On the high platform.

A teacher is teaching students,

"The Mayan civilization has perished. It is now in the post-Mayan era, also known as... the Dark Titan era. The aftereffects of the apocalyptic flood have completely erupted. The remnants of prehistoric gods and demons infected the ancient giants and turned them into darkness. Titans."

"Those giants walking on the surface are extremely evil. We want to defeat them and regain our homeland."

The students below listened very carefully.

Is it the sun outside?

They have never seen because the surface is dangerous.

Even if you see an undead behemoth, those behemoths will rule those horrible taboo existences to encircle and suppress the place of their civilization.

Since they were born, they have almost never seen sunlight.

Many people clenched their fists as they listened to the tragedy of history and the stories of heroes.

New myths are written by us.

New heroes will be born in my age, and we will uncover the dark fog.

"The pattern of the world is being established, and where will civilization go?" The angel Fu Qingjun walked peacefully in a laboratory, observing the top scientific research materials here.

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