My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 227: Misty world


A breeze whispered and whistling, and the entire wreckage disappeared with the wind.


Sun Flower Dynasty.

Everyone fully understands that stubborn man who is longing for the goodness of the common people of that era, and the age of the Sunflower who courageously advances together.

It's like a beautiful garden of truth...

Many people took a sigh of relief and felt a heavy weight on their backs.

Professor Nasika's face turned pale, "We don't have the fate of changing the death of the ancestor hundreds of thousands of years ago! But although the ancestor still fell, it gave us another hope..."

"We, want to win this war..."

She continued to face the violent wind, lying on a high mountain, writing swiftly, and compiling the "Chronicles of the Mayan Civilization".

Although it is no longer the era of Maya civilization, it still records ancient history from the perspective of Maya civilization.

Everyone knows that this war must never be lost.

Immortal Ancestor Bai Long opened the final horn of the decisive battle with his first fall. Their Mayan civilization, the day of the decisive battle that had been delayed for so long before, had completely arrived at this time.


Emperor Lianna, holding a long spear, behind him is a pair of crystal parasitic beast wings, slaying at the enemy.


A flash of lightning flashed through the misty sky.

Thunder across the silence

A large number of the Fourth Realm Perfect Gods of both sides were fighting, and countless wrecks fell.

The Mayan civilization and even the Atlantis magician, and the land of Shushan, the civilizations accumulated over the years have fallen in large numbers, and the gods of the dark Titan kingdom in the moon lair on the other side are also rapidly decreasing.

The common people continued to fight fiercely.

The whole land was stained with blood.

Cries, anger, and roars, everyone was ignited with anger, and they slaughtered forward with hideous faces.

"We will continue to work together to kill the traitor in front of us, who is known as the ancestor of the earth immortal."

High in the sky, the Great Emperor Hongqi spoke lightly, "Unexpectedly, he contacted the enemy secretly and betrayed his faith."

It is different from Xiandao.

They practice martial arts, and their bodies are snails and soils. They can split, expand their size, and complement their advantages.

Although the current body shape is far smaller than the size of ordinary people, there are also normal children's body shapes. Together, they can easily suppress each other in the same realm.

At this time, the person was scarred, and it was a matter of time to kill the opponent.

"Obviously, the Baidi has already made the last step for us. One person drags the three monsters to the burial. We are crushed by our battle strength. If even this last half-step god-transforming powerhouse can't solve it together, It's ridiculous--"

The voice of Emperor Liu Tian just fell, but the whole person gradually became dull.

He was horrified to find that in the **** storm, a figure full of severe injuries gradually came out.

"You didn't die under Xianzu's hand?" Hong Qi's expression changed drastically.

That beast-like shadow creature, with its whole body fragmented and only half of its skull left, slowly said: "After all, he is too old, and he too underestimates our determination. He can give up his life, why can't we? The remaining two people have died in order to protect me."

Everyone looked at him.

"Unfortunately, you are already at the end of the crossbow." Liu Luo sneered, arrogantly, "I haven't eaten a great figure in the gods, even though you have just broken through and condensed the space..."

"Hehehe." The shadow couldn't help laughing. "The three of us originally came here with the intention of being together. There is no loss or joy."

"Now, it’s very simple for you to kill me. I thought we slaughtered the immortal ancestor. The one of the Immortal Dao should help us get everything done. I didn’t expect that your indigenous Maya civilization would grow to this kind of civilization in a short time. To the point, I don’t know where I entered the retreat, and I can easily kill him by joining forces."


He looked through the distant fog, "We still have a last resort."

"Eternal Immortal Palace!"

He murmured, stretched out his palm, and an exquisite black palace floated in mid-air, "Summoning the temple of the old gods, between flesh and blood."

"Yes, Immortal Ancestor Bai Long said nothing wrong..."

"You have no hope at all. Everything is destined. He can't change his destiny even if he tries his best."


A circle of inky black magic air stretched out, as if to gather the endless fog around.

The wind howls!

The fog that covered the entire land quickly converged.

The whole earth seems to have turned into an early morning after the rain, and the air is extremely clear.

"What about the mist?!!!"

Everyone has a vaguely strong anxiety.

The overwhelming black fog unexpectedly condensed into an elegant, terrifying, slender phantom, gradually descending from the sky, behind him, against the boundless starry sky and Milky Way that would never be seen after the birth of the fog.

"Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! Great Lord of Demons, Annecy is Your Majesty Moore!!"

The dying figure was full of enthusiasm, talking about the ancient cosmic language that did not belong to this planet, as if it was the roar of an ancient unknown beast, giving people a huge anxiety.


The mist swept across and turned into an endless ghost mist.

"Take me as the body, come down! The mist is the blood mist of our lord! The blood is given to the children and the common people are born. If the blood is condensed, it can be—" The huge mist corroded his whole body, and the wind The masterpiece, the whole person quickly turned into a bone.

An ancient existence under tremendous pressure slowly descended on this world.

Distorted and disgusting, countless muscle tumors covered the skin, like an ugly murloc creature in the deep sea, slowly crawling out of the mucus, carrying the cold and evil atmosphere of the ancient universe.

"叽.. inside... grunt..."

This figure seems to have no sense of mind, but some residual thoughts remain, but the pressure on everyone is incredibly huge!

Even if the opponent is only possessed, only in the fifth stage, they are far from opponents in the same realm.

"The great ancient demon god, you have finally come!" The ancestor of the earth immortal who was madly besieged and ran to his feet.


In the next second, the smile of this middle-aged man with the bones of the fairy wind froze on his face, and the whole person seemed to have been cut by countless thin lines, and instantly shattered into a ball.

"Xia... Xia... descendants... die..."

That figure, the shattered consciousness still sent out distracting thoughts.

He stepped on the bones under his feet, as if only instinct was left,

"You... abandoned me..."


After all, this is only a part of the power condensed by the fog, and does not have the rational mind of the remains of the ontology. After all, even the ontology almost lacks self.

But in spite of this, I also remember the unforgettable resentment towards Jiaxia.

"Is this a ray of remnant thoughts of the ancient gods and demons?"

"The ancient taboo that was killed by Jiaxia A ray of remnant thoughts will still remain..."

"Even if it is the remaining will, you can feel such a huge hatred!"


Everyone was dull, with such an expression as expected.

But Fu Qingjun looked stunned!

At this moment, he finally knew why the aliens in the mist existed. He would agree with the apparently nonsense desk flood, and even thought he was a native of this planet.

Because that wreck really knew Jiaxia and was killed by Jiaxia...

"It turned out to be you, Jiaxia, my strongest SSR hero card. You brought aliens to the earth?"

Fu Qingjun's heart couldn't stop sinking.

From this ability to cause trouble, it really did not live up to my strong expectations of you, but...

Although I have all kinds of psychological preparations, I know that even the heroes of the era who ruled tens of billions of people are insidious and cunning, with continuous back-ups. How can this level of ancient existence not leave behind?

How could one subvert the other party so easily?

However, after all, it was more terrible than expected!

The breath in front of him is overwhelming, and his subordinates are only people like Lianna. Can he really win? Perhaps it is already a mortal situation.

"There is no hope, how can there be a miracle."

When Professor Nasika saw this scene, he was incredibly desperate. He muttered and looked at the dark cosmic **** in the sky, "This turned out to be the fate of history. When we go back to the past, nothing can be changed."

good night

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