My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 228: The biggest hypocrisy in the world

The mist swept across, and a truly terrifying universe completely descended.

At this time, the sky was completely clear, the blue sky and white clouds, and the dazzling golden sunlight shed from the sky.

This is the clearest sky since the eruption of the fog, the sky before the end, and the life on this planet that is more than five billion years old on the entire earth, it seems to usher in the greatest fear in history.




A pale, sick, crazy chatter swept everyone’s minds. Everyone seemed to have seen a huge cosmic unknowable giant in the endless deep-sea universe. The entire earth seemed to be in the hands of this giant, like the arms and legs of soft creatures. It's binding everyone's puffing heart.

What the **** is this?


"The Mist Giant, is this true?"

The whole people on the earth watched this scene dullly through the network of mechanical snails.

"We are going to die!"

"This is fate!"

"Help, I don't want to die yet!"


Countless people wailed.

This is a battle that determines the direction of the entire world.

Professor Nasika, Jiang Yang, Bai Yu, Little Horn, and Ziying, all the people who have traveled through hundreds of thousands of years in later lives are pale, and they are overwhelmed by the fear in their hearts.

At this time, Lianna the Great and the others in front of them had gone through this period of stability, and finally entered the real fifth realm in a completely stable spiritual space.

However, there was no joy, but an unprecedented fear.

"Obviously at the same level, his energy level is not much higher than ours, but he summoned the fog to descend...but we can't beat him at all." Qin Hong said.

Everyone was silent.

Although they didn't know that this was the Angel Emperor, they knew the one in front of them, but the first Buddha from the land of Shushan, who came from countless thousands of years later, was the true overlord alongside Taidi.

He has already reincarnated for thousands of generations, killing and killing from generation to generation, possessing the simplest and rude frontal combat power, the strongest martial arts will, but it is impossible to defeat the opponent...

It's just an afterimage without self-awareness, only a part of the gods and demons with fighting instincts...

"It deserves to be a prehistoric **** and demon. With so little power, can we not defeat it?"

"Damn! Is fate really doomed? The earth of our time is doomed to be destroyed? It is completely covered by black shadows?"

"It really doesn't work, I can only rush forward and fight hard."

"Can you win?"

"I don't know, but if you can't win, you have to fight. We can only rely on us to save this era."

"The entire solar system, I'm afraid it will be plunged into darkness..."

Hongqi and the others looked at each other with a solemn expression and determination.

The first generation of Grace, even the unknown heroes who fell from generation to generation, the gods who fought against the fog, and even the immortal ancestors just now, the martyrs of the era are going forward, and they have already prepared for this.

"Go to heaven."

Hong Qi was the first to kill the sky and fought with the terrifying giant figure.

The torrent of black and purple mist covers the entire land, which is an unknown qualitative change mental ability that covers the entire land.

Emperor Lianna and Qin Hong also rushed into the sky.

The existence of the **** transformation in the fifth realm has far surpassed the limitations of a planet and has begun to travel the universe, which is an extraordinary power in the true sense.

Their fighting, like a nuclear explosion, shook the sky, dazzling and distorted brilliance, shining the entire world.


In an instant, the figure of the first Buddha fell from the sky and died of exhaustion.

Everyone can see their pupils dilated.

Without any sound, without any prelude, this worldly existence, from prehistoric to this place, fell to the ground in an instant.

This monster is simply.... It makes people desperate to the limit.

Liu Luo stood silent on the ground, looking at the sky from a distance, "Are you all fools?"


In the next second, Hong Qi's figure gradually exhausted, and Lianna's figure quickly collapsed.

Liu Luo bent down and screamed against the dazzling wind, as if unable to open his eyes.

"Lianna is dying, don't you save him? Don't you like her very much?" A long-lost voice came next to Mo Luo.

"Come again? Get out of here, or I will eat you." Liu Luo lowered his head and sneered.

"Oh, forgot, she doesn't like you at all, it's best to die... You don't like her at all, because you don't have the emotion of'love' at all, you are pretending to have love, you are in this world The greatest hypocrisy."

Mo Luo's sarcasm voice seemed to be whispering in his ear, full of mockery,

The laughter kept reverberating, but the word hypocrisy was like the biggest spike, causing Liu Luo's brain to gradually sting, as if he was thinking of the most distant time.

Mountain village.

A mother looked at the one-year-old child in horror, and killed the small animals blankly. The chickens and ducks raised in the yard were devouring their souls.

Soon, the noise of the two parents sounded from the door,

"This child is born with no kindness. He lacks soul feelings, his soul exudes devilish energy, no compassion, no sympathy, no kindness."

"He is a born demon, he is actually eating the soul of creatures!"

"He stayed, just a disaster, kill him!"

"But he is my son, the son I gave birth to."

"He will kill everyone!"

"No, I'll come, I'll teach him to be a good person."

"How to be a good person, he has no emotion at all. The word "good" is all selfish."

"No, no, I have a way."

That night, the mother came to the child’s bed and told a bedtime story, "Child, mother, can I play a game with know, what is hypocrisy?"

She began to read ancient myths, Jiaxia’s stories, goodness and hypocrisy,

"You don't know what kindness is, so let me teach you what hypocrisy is. You are born with a disability and lack of emotions. As long as you pretend to be, other people will be with you..."

The mother's figure gradually blurred, but the sentence repeated before going to bed went deep into his mind.

The mother hugged him and said:

"Child, what kind of person will you be in the future?"

"Of course it is to be a knight, to be a knight, to be admired by everyone in the world, and the most outstanding and kind-hearted woman in the world also likes me."

"Yes, a very good dream. If someone asks you, you must say that. As long as you are hypocritical and do good things all your life, even if you don't understand'goodness', you will be a good person all your life."

"You will be the greatest hypocrisy in the world, and you will be... the next Jiaxia."

"You have to become a great hero who guides civilization by UU reading!"

The voice of his mother when he was young, as if the deepest imprint, was engraved in the deepest part of his mind and became the first part of his life.

Seven years old.

The child followed the behavior of good people, killed a bully of a rich merchant, and saved innocent people, but things were not praised.


"kill him!"

"He is a demon!"

The rich businessmen called on the villagers under him to yell and do something to themselves.

"I must have been exposed, they discovered...I am hypocritical." He opened his eyes, and although he didn't know the reason, he had been discovered the secret.

The roar of the sky covered the sky of the mountains and rivers, and the sound of fear became an eternal melody. When he reacted, there were already blood and howling corpses everywhere, but his expression was still calm.

He wants to kill all the people in the village, he wants to kill all the insiders, think outside, continue to be a good person.

But things went counterproductive, and the news spread too quickly.

He started to kill at the age of seven, until he became the emperor, and killed hundreds of millions of people, hundreds of sects, cities, and immortals. The whole world knew that he was a villain.

Blame the **** airborne message, the news spread so fast.

Then simply follow the heart and kill yourself.

It wasn't until the time of the Emperor of Heaven that he resumed the world's greatest hypocrisy, killing people while continuing to be a good person, and even looking for the most beautiful and outstanding woman in the world to make her like herself.

Outsiders think his behavior logic is very complicated, but in fact he has always been that simple.

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