My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 250: Disaster reappears

The power of a mountain range is pressing on everyone's heads, as if every inch of skin, bones, and muscles are oppressed by the earth-shaking power.

Everyone showed a look of horror.

"What kind of God Realm is this, why is it completely different from us?"

Walrose's expression changed drastically.

"Because you are defenseless."

She grinned and said: "The power of intelligent creatures is precisely because they are weak but can use tools. Apes can use stones, apes use stone tools, ancient people can refine swords, modern people can build machinery... and what about you? "

"It's ridiculous to fight like primitive people with a pair of flesh fists."

Lian Yan held the opponent in one hand, and in the next second, except for this deity, all the people in the cabin were turned into hundreds of pieces of meat and scattered on the ground, as if they were cut by an invisible blade storm.

The entire cab has been turned into an asura field with blood and stumps all over it.

This is the greatness of mastering the power of space.


The other party made a horrified sound.

As one of the thirty-two fifth-level wizards in the towers of the Western wizards and gods, he travels across the universe and explores endless truth and knowledge. The wizard believers call him the "hammer of eternal knowledge" and "the space lord of the mountains of infinite darkness." , In order to praise his power of spatial control.

There were so many life-saving methods on his body, but they all failed in an instant.

But the next second, Lian Yan flashed onto Mars with the other party.

"here it is...."

This fifth-level wizard looked at the world shrouded in mist, and it was also covered with wailing, despair, and the common people were all bewildered to become members of the gods and demons.

"Look, the fog has reappeared. The disaster has already brought destruction here, and it will also bring you to your world soon."



The Hall of Wizarding Truth.

The kingdom here is made up of thirty-two great five-level wizards, creating thirty-two planes, allowing countless countless people to learn the truth, pursue the mysteries of the universe, and explore the secrets of the world.

"Witcher, pursue the great scales of truth."

In an ancient European-style building, several Level 4 wizards are in the laboratory, tinkering with bottles and jars of various colors, doing experiments.

"The king's light is out."

Everyone suddenly felt some kind of shock and was dumbfounded.


Celestial civilization 581 years.

The mist reappeared and swept through, and captured the Martian civilization. The Xuantian Dao Zun was completely injured and fleeing, and he was nowhere to be found.

The powerhouses of the God Transformation Realm can live for nearly ten thousand years, but they have experienced a lot of slaughter, and none of them died of good luck, and they turned into the nourishment of Emperor Yan.

After more than two hundred years of cultivation, Emperor Yan's cultivation has been unfathomable. Standing at the top of the world, the Chaos Clock has become the world's most treasure.

The whole world is like an enemy.

"The wreckage of the gods and demons has brought the fog and devastation again."

The Emperor of Heaven today is only a rising generation, although it is a generation of arrogance, but after all, it lacks such a charm.

The oldest is nothing but Human Race Hongqi.

"Goose Emperor."

Sitting in a dumpling restaurant, Fu Qingjun stroked his soft black hair...The ancient knights and monks were all around him, clamoring in a hustle and bustle.

After all, things developed according to their own expectations, and the fog descended again.

Although, the timeline does not seem to be as short as it used to be, it has been very long, and it has been hundreds of years in the blink of an eye.

But this is the most reasonable.

The earliest development of a civilization will have tremendous changes in more than ten years. After all, the life span of the strong is almost no more than a hundred.

However, in the mid-term rise, life expectancy is extended, and a strong person has a life span of thousands of years. It is not surprising that the time scale of a civilization is measured in "millennium" or "ten thousand years".

For the entire starry sky and the civilization that is heading towards the universe, these times are simply a drop in the ocean.

"Civilization has entered the fifth level and has entered the era of space civilization. It is time to think about something... to create some ideas for the future world."

"Create a more special demon country."

"And, think of a way to deal with the guy who escaped that year."

With the observation of Emperor Yan's behavior, Fu Qingjun continued to study the space, and thoroughly laid some special ideas. The demon kingdom of the real physical universe no longer meets Fu Qingjun's ambitions.

"The physical rules of the Sea of ​​Consciousness space of these transforming gods can be different from the physical rules of the main universe."

"Their consciousness determines matter!"

"Inner space, you can create a magical fantasy world, the fifth realm of God...actually the creation **** who opened up the space of consciousness by himself."

Regarding this point, Fu Qingjun thinks it will be a huge direction in the future.

Creating a small space in the fifth realm is only a pavement, and the "seeds of space" are bred in the mind

The sixth realm is to create a parallel universe. This parallel universe may have different rules from the main universe...

"For example, creating different fires, profound ice, and other parallel worlds that don't conform to the rules of physics." Fu Qingjun looked at this emperor led by himself, and gave himself a huge surprise.

She studied the internal structure of the God-Transforming Space, and also let herself know some of the roads of the fifth realm.

Six hundred years of immortal civilization.

This day of great commemorative significance should have been celebrated all over the world, but Emperor Yan chose to invade on this day and destroy the entire Immortal Dao civilization.

A large mist swept over, and the common people were once again shrouded in the mist.

In this battle, Emperor Yan fought alone against one hundred and seven gods of transformation. The whole land was shaken and the mountains shook, and the sky was torn into chaos.

In their battle, they hit the mountains, and the mountains collapsed and razed to the ground.

It hit the ocean, the ocean was evaporated, and a huge tsunami was rolled up, destroying coastal cities and exterminating 7.3 billion people.

After hitting the universe, the floating meteorites and all kinds of space junk in the universe turned into dust one after another, as if they had experienced a torrential rain.

On this day the dust settled.

On the entire moon, there was a trace:

"Xiandao 600 years of Daqing, cut thirty-seven immortal gods and this, the rest all fled in embarrassment."

The world is shocked.

Looking at the trace on the moon, surrounding the earth, it seemed to be an inscription of shame, hung on the door of the house.

"The general trend of the world is established by this."

Although she was seriously injured and dying, the chaotic clock was shattered and full of cracks, but she had already begun to refine thirty-seven gods, and her cultivation base could be elevated again in the future.

At this moment, the fog reappeared and covered the earth, and the common people began to be infected by her blood.

"Have you seen? The common people are covered by the reappearance of the mist, and I must sacrifice the common people's blood again, and return to revive the remains of the gods and demons of my ancestor."

A cold and noble woman, sitting on the throne of the universe, overlooking the endless stars, "welcome the return of my **** who was killed by Jiaxia in the past."

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