Celestial civilization 607 years.

Seven years have passed since the war, and both sides have lost both.

Although Emperor Yan was also recovering in the dark, the fog still enveloped the earth, and countless mortals were infected by the babble in the fog and began to turn into her relatives and people.

The whole planet is covered by mist.

Celestial civilization 610 years.

"Infect the mortals of the world, blend into the blood of the gods, and repair my demon palace!"

"Foreign races, cultivating the Devil Palace system is equivalent to a creature turning itself into a magic weapon, it is an evil spirit outside the way, but what about that? They practice this way, their combat power is low, but as long as they die, they purify blood energy and feed back the ancient gods and spirits. wreckage."

Presumably, that was the plan for the first time in the fog that year.

Those earth creatures that transform into the palace of repairing demon are abandoned children, sacrifices used to revive the remains of gods and demons...

"As for those great witches, I can only ignore them."

Emperor Yan was sitting in the palace,

"To dominate all races in the world, suppress the Chinese Immortal Dao, and Western wizards, we should re-develop our civilization and step out of the interstellar world."

She began to order the Faxiang Demon Clan under her command to establish exploration teams for the major planets, explore the sun, and build a great and extraordinary civilized empire.

At the same time, various outposts have been established in major meteorite belts to study the meteorite elements and various trace structures of the universe.

The whole land was infected and assimilated and thriving.

Another year.

"The infected person cultivates the devil's palace, and the uninfected person cultivates the immortal way and cultivates the Nascent Infant to provide us with supplements."


The whole world is completely ruled by a family of magic weapons.

The entire solar system has completely entered the era of immortal civilization, rejuvenated aura, and myths reappeared.

The big stars in the myth, Mars, the stars of water, the stars of Venus and the enlightenment... began to have the gods and men in the major heavenly houses to re-inhabit and rule the common people on the ground.

Some strong men began to flee to the outside world, jumping to certain planets, but more were small meteorites in some meteorite belts, and established sects.

War can best drive the development of civilization.

A strong person in the God Transformation Realm originally had the power to cross the void of the universe, but he had always been in a comfortable environment before, where would he go to open up territory?

But at this time, already had to flee.

"Like the ancient prophecy, the true darkness has come again!"

"The heir of the wreckage of the gods and demons, the enchanting evildoer, has swept over again, this time using truly terrifying power!"

In the fairy mountain of a planet, the Taoist temple on the mountain gate reads "Qingyun Guan". One of the ancient gods of the gods whispered, with trembling lips, "I am only three hundred years old, and there is still a great time in the future. The world will die, I shall be If you can't escape from the world, you can't see the suffering of the people, you can be quiet."

Taoist temple avoids the world and hides in the void.

Seeing that the general situation is gone, a strong man who respected the gods was unwilling to resist more, and hid them one after another.

"Back then, they didn't have to escape, they could only fight their backs."

"Today, we break through the realm of the gods, we can hide in the void, the world is free, as long as we hide, it is difficult to find me and so on... If they are like us today, they will certainly flee like this!"

Throughout the vast world of Immortal Dao, the powerful human races fled towards the land in all directions in the void.

The common people are suffering, but they can only be shrouded in the mist and polluted.

But the great witch clan was also hiding in the dark, watching the changes of the times shiveringly.

"Hahaha, the ancestor Bai Long of the past years, seeing you guys, must be the first to be sent to the God Slayer!"

Emperor Yan laughed, his face cold.

Although she is still seriously injured and it is difficult to cultivate and come back without a hundred years, she has already begun to reorganize and infect the world.



The 21st century "human beings" on the earth are already stunned again.

What is this development trend?

The progress of civilization is so terrifying that it is unimaginable. Is this just a higher cosmic civilization?

One day in the sky, one year underground, I am like a static statue, I am dumbfounded.

The vast prosperous age and terrifying catastrophe have swept all the planets and extended the entire solar system...

They are on the Internet, watching this scene,

"What am I? It has only been half a month, which is equivalent to more than ten years, and has been captured again?"

"I'm dumbfounded! We went from a peaceful life to the eruption of the doomsday, and it was an inexplicable mythological recovery. It has only been more than two years. The entire solar system has been re-covered by the ancient mythical civilization?"

"Aren't those ancient myths true? The Sun Golden Crow and Kuafu chasing the sun, all fighting in the solar system."

"Cough cough cough! Those mortals, it's almost like it!!"

"Are we slaves again?"

"Damn! People don't care about us at all? We are an endangered species of giant panda, with a population of tens of trillions, and will control our 4 billion people? People have to do things to those mortals!"

"Don't panic, everyone, waiting for our descendants of the great witches, in this life, will surely rise and shoot down the Goose Emperor!"

"Yes, yes, yes, when I boast the rise of my father, run after him, and drink Mercury if I am thirsty."

"The idiot above, drink Mercury? And the last time we said that, but the result? Only "The Miracle Reappearance" (singing picture.jpg) is hidden behind the back."

On the Internet, there are all complaints and frantic screens.

After all, there is really nothing left to do except to complain.

At this time, a hidden figure sat quietly in the Internet cafe with a hoarse voice, "Prehistoric flood? What is this? But no matter what, this is indeed the hometown of Emperor Xia."

What they said was amazing and weird...

But these are the low-level planetary natives who have never seen the world.

The universe is too huge. The solar system is a piece of sand in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is a piece of sand in the universe. Why do you think you are unique?

The cosmic civilization covering a galaxy has not been seen before.

I have even seen it too much. It was a low-level civilization that had just walked out of the galaxy, but it was a little weird in front of me, and perhaps it could not be measured by common sense.

"Also, why is there really my clan here? The blood is exactly the same?"

"At this time, here is to revive the remains of the ancient gods and demons, and the fog that is unique to my clan descends, is it possible, really nonsense?"

The foggy scene here is bigger than my own at the beginning, and it has even succeeded.

This figure is already a little confused, constantly sorting out his thoughts, and meditating: "This planet, in ancient times, is not only Xia Di, but my family is fighting here?"

"I do want to resuscitate him, or is it just to confuse my fellow clan?"

They have no idea how many branches there are.

After all, all major interstellar civilizations will be treated as slaves, magic weapons, and cultivated... So in some civilizations that can conduct interstellar transactions, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is very common.

It’s normal to have the same clan here...but I always feel something is wrong.

Or in other words, there are too many things wrong.

For example, the three pillar gods of Amiro, Hormons, and Jiaxia...have never heard of such cosmic conceptual giants in other civilizations... but Xia Di of the year looked like crazy. These existences, I am afraid that, for example, there are huge secrets.

Xia Di...

This is the hometown of that monster...

Perhaps it is hidden, the shocking mystery of his rise that swept all major civilizations...

When I thought of this, I couldn't help but breathe quickly.

"However, no matter what, we must secretly search for more information."

"The great witch on this planet, judging from their conversations on the Internet, seems to have a very low average IQ, which can be used as a breakthrough."

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