My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 256: Archeology, Xia Di’s Past

"Here, it can be the base of our great witch."

Li Junchen thought for a while and looked at the surrounding space environment.

It is worthy of being the sixth realm of the party, the power of the tribulation period, can create a planet-sized Xumi space, and cross countless stars in the universe. .


Qi Ling said again: "You great witch clan, bloodlines and life forms are very low-level. I once had the blood of my clan here, which can become the heirs of my lineage, and it can be extremely powerful."

The blood she gave, of course, was not the spirit of the race, so it was exposed.

What she gave was the blood of the master.

At this time, a group of squirming flesh and blood has already been taken out,

"This is the blood of our vein, the soul-seating spirit family, which can absorb the souls of the common people, temper the conversion rate of 1%, and turn them into their own souls."


Li Junchen felt a little weak.

"Shit." Qi Ling said, shaking his head: "One thousandth, what is the concept? It means that you can make yourself twice as powerful as long as you kill a thousand of the same level and avoid the trouble of long cultivation."

"Looking back at the beginning, the master...cough, taking the common people as a vegetable man, slaughtering endless planets, has achieved such a terrifying realm."

Li Junchen hesitated.

This looks very weak, but in fact it is extremely against the sky.

Especially for the civilized world with a large number of powerful people of the same level.

For example, the fourth stage, there are as many as ants, now there are as many as tens of billions, killing a thousand, it seems that it is not difficult for some powerful fighters with fighting power against the sky.

"How, do you inherit this family..."

Qi Ling smiled and said: "However, you are not pure blood. Even if the infection becomes the master... my **** blood heir, I am afraid that the conversion rate is only one in ten thousand."

"That's it."

Li Junchen knew why the other party wanted to help him, because he saw that he was the reincarnation of a saint, so he wanted to pull him into his own clan and revive his own race.

However, this gave him peace of mind.

It is normal to have an attempt, and I am most afraid of the kind without an attempt.

"One ten-thousandth, it's actually not too low." He was silent for a moment. "However, it can be corrected again and try to fuse the living creatures."

"Remove soil?" Qi Ling naturally heard that this is a special race.

Speaking of which, he has also heard the term of the night feast of the gods and demons.

It is said that Buddha, God, and Nuwa are the disciples of the night banquet built by an ancient existence spanning the entire earth and universe.

Can create countless race lives...

"This in itself is very bizarre. Life in this world can't be shaped quickly at will."

She said: "I have never seen such a phenomenon, genetic modification and fusion technology, not without... But they are all disabled, the soul is not healthy, and it is difficult to cultivate."

"The phenomenon of the night banquet of the gods and demons, hasn't it been in the Jiaxia era before the Flood?" Li Junchen asked naturally.

After all, his logic is normal.

But Qi Ling is not native.

How did she know about the events of the Great Flood?

And what era does the Great Flood describe?

She remembered the description:

"The sky has fallen, the ground has fallen, the gods are dead, the demons are annihilated..."

This horrible scene is indeed similar to the scene of major civilizations at the time, encircling and suppressing "Xia Di". It was an extremely tragic and **** scene.

Is it possible that this is the prehistoric flood event mentioned by this planet?

Calculating the timeline, it seems to be able to match.

"You seem to be thinking about the flood? Can you tell me something?" Li Junchen was very rational, "I want to know some of Jiaxia's past, and what happened at that time."

After all, this doubt has been buried for a long time.

Why don't you ask if you meet the person in front of you?

This is the way of thinking of normal people, what kind of dumb riddle?

Isn't it good to be open?

"My memory is not very clear, you and the same are fragments...The killing of Jiaxia at that time was something that happened tens of billions of years ago for us." Qi Ling pressed his temple, But I don't know what to say, I am not natives like you.

"Ten billion years ago? This is normal."

Li Junchen's thinking logic is extremely clear. He drew a line on the ground, "For us, it is the history of the Great Flood hundreds of thousands of years ago, because our mortals have different time from you, one day and one year, right? "

He drew a timetable.

1. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a great flood in Jiaxia.

2. Now, the wreckage of the gods and demons after the flood has recovered.

3. In the future hundreds of thousands of years later, the Shushan civilization, Atlantis, will cross here to help us.

"Look at the timetable, there shouldn't be any problems."

Li Junchen said: "The future companions of the earth, come to us to help. Although they also said that it was a flood hundreds of thousands of years ago, we said it was also a flood hundreds of thousands of years ago... But as long as it is only 90 years old. Ninety thousand years can be said to be hundreds of thousands of years ago."

For example, for us, the great flood 300,000 years ago.

For them, it is from our earth one hundred thousand years later, from the great flood 400 thousand years ago, and using the figure of hundreds of thousands, there is no problem.

not to mention...

I don't know how much the gap between them and the specific timeline.

It may be thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of visitors from the earth tens of thousands of years from now?

"There is no problem logically, what do you think?" Li Junchen pointed to the table.

"It's really like that, it's the same time."

She began to follow this extremely methodical thinking, pondered, and began to think seriously: Is it possible that the great flood described by this planet was really the incident in which we killed Jiaxia at that time?

In fact, if Fu Qingjun is here, their "time" guesses in this regard are indeed no problem.


Fu Qingjun really sent Jiaxia back hundreds of thousands of years ago, and then Jiaxia developed and headed towards the stars. In their words, it was really tens of billions of years ago when they met Jiaxia...

This is what happened at the same point in time.

At this moment, they really brought the entire Jiaxia back to the timeline of the past and reasoned out perfectly, except that the "great flood event" described was not the same, nothing more.

"So, can you restore Jiaxia, hundreds of thousands...No, it was the event that you killed Jiaxia tens of billions of years ago, and what happened in your eyes?" Li Junchen said calmly.

As Fu Qingjun's master, he has no problems with his calmness and logic.

What's more, now I have merged countless my own souls, and I only feel that my thinking has never been clearer.

Ask calmly, make reasonable guesses, and restore the truth.

"In the Jiaxia period? How did we kill him? I am a little vague, but I will try my best to sort it out."

Qi Ling thought for a while and got serious. Although the last years with the master was regrettable, he still said:

"Xia Di, is a person who must die. Everyone said that at the time. All the powerful galaxy and higher civilizations that met him felt fear of him. This man who didn't know where he came from...he claimed to be from the sky. He opened up a great era by the order of'God', and his deeds are terrifying."

"At the same time, everyone wants to get him, as if the secret of immortality, as if they have mastered time."

"Kill Jiaxia."

She whispered, as if she had seen the most distant years.

At this time, it is honest in every There is no concealment in this respect.

In fact, apart from her life experience and the identity of the owner, she did not want to conceal this aspect of history.

This planet is too weird, Jiaxia's hometown!

Here, there may be hidden things that the outside world simply doesn't know.

And, the incredible power of Emperor Xia that was terrifying to the limit, even gained this power and became the next...Xia Emperor.

The interests of the two parties are the same, and both want to figure out that distant history, the life history of Emperor Xia, that dreamlike man, sitting on the throne of the universe, chanting the next future overlord...they are incomparable Want to understand what happened in the distant years.

Li Junchen used a wooden stick to draw circles on the ground, looking forward to it.

"Then, let us follow the distant years and witness that ancient land, hundreds of thousands of years ago, in your eyes, the great cosmic mythical heaven of tens of billions of years ago."

"Xia Huang, the ancestor of our planet."

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