"Emperor Xia?"

Qi Ling took a deep breath and brought him into the perspective of the master, "Actually, I don't know too much. When I met Emperor Xia, he was already standing high."

Emperor Xia, he indeed guided the civilization of a large area of ​​stars nearby at that time.




As if it was the incarnation of wisdom, there seemed to be nothing in the world that he didn't know.

So far, Qi Ling can't forget those eyes.

I don't know how to describe the vicissitudes of life in those eyes, sitting on the throne, as if containing endless time and years, full of unimaginable wisdom.

He explored the stars, walking on the Milky Way, among the yellow sand and rocks, looking for traces of life, and looking for other lives in the endless darkness.

"Go to the next future."

He is always dusted in the ancient palace of the sun.

[When the common people awaken him from the cradle of heroes, the omnipotent gods will shout and lead the common people on the earth to glory. 】

"Yes, the almighty god, everyone describes him that way."

Qi Ling’s voice was light, but it seemed to be reminded of distant history, and he was a little dazed, "Actually I see him very rarely, and it is difficult to meet each other, but he is indeed almost omniscient, and he wanders around every one of them. The low and backward planets all help them develop civilization and practice systems."

"You should know that immortality, witchcraft, buddhism... every race has a different structure, and their cultivation system will be different."

"But Emperor Xia, as if they all know, knows the cultivation system of any civilized race, and gives them tailor-made exercises to help any low-level race quickly become stronger and lead to glory."

"Countless civilizations are powerful because of him."

"Countless common people, because he walked towards the stars."

She seemed to think of the real heyday heaven, the worship of thousands of people, and the civilizations of countless nearby galaxies, all of them belong to this, prosperous, incredible.

Countless powerful scientific and technological civilizations that colonized the interstellar did not believe in gods, but for the first time they questioned the existence of this incredible stalwart.

People respect him, admire, and admire him.

Even at that time, there was no sixth realm on the nearby land.

People only stop at the fifth realm, they can only use space, space storage, space jump.

It was Emperor Xia, who opened up the era of the sixth realm and led the entire land to a more distant interstellar era. The **** of the multiverse opened up the path of the sixth realm of multiple saints in the practice of parallel universes.

Order everyone to build their own parallel civilization planets and superimpose them into multi-civilized planets, using planets to form towers.

"Are you a sage who pioneered the era and deduced the realm?"

This middle-aged man is full of respect, and there are too few records in the slate, far inferior to the details here.

The horrible pre-Flood era!

They thought it was the fourth realm...

Unexpectedly, it opened up the sixth realm!

It seems that the ancient records are wrong.

But with the passage of time, awe was gradually washed away, such a powerful existence, people gradually became suspicious of his omnipotence.

"Because of why you are suspicious?" Li Junchen asked.

"Everyone guessed that Emperor Xia, who claimed to be from an unknown hometown of time and space, always referred to the existence of three ancient concepts... And he himself is probably a rare horror race in the world, and he may be able to travel through the distant'time.' '." Qi Ling said.

"Xia Di, can you travel through time? In other words, can you open a time tunnel like the God in front of you?"

Li Junchen asked again: "It seems to be the picture recorded in the slate, go to the next future?"

Qi Ling said earnestly: "Some people say that after every failure, he travels to the past...redirects the development of civilization to the next future."

The cultivation method of Emperor Xia was originally unique in the eyes of everyone.

Even the history of his civilization process is full of incredible dreams.

It is important to know that every civilization cultivation system uses countless ancestors and corpses to continuously explore the way to cultivate the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth realms.

However, Emperor Xia explored the realm of his own race by himself, and led civilization to glory by himself.

Moreover, it is not only his own civilization, as long as there is a civilization that asks him, he will help to deduct it, and he can accomplish this feat by himself...Countless dynasties submit to his heavenly court.

Therefore, combined with all kinds of incredible, people have guesses that travel through time.

Qi Ling said: "He is an incredible life. The spear in his hand, if inserted into the enemy, will instantly age and die, just like walking to the end of time and reaching the end of the year in an instant."

"A weapon that deprives time?" Li Junchen continued to record, "This weapon will fight against the gods in the sky and the demons in the earth in the great flood?"

He was still a little excited.

If the guess is not wrong, this will be the most detailed record in the vague record of the great flood of the ancient Jiaxia Dynasty. There is no one!

The prelude to the ancient mythology is gradually opening.

That stalwart man, Xia Di who created the Chinese civilization, and the ant friend who descended from the sky, he really went to such a terrifying point, overlooking the entire starry sky, the heavens, the kingdoms, and the nations.

This also completely confirmed that our China Earth really has an ancient mythical dynasty!

Ant friends, on this earth, the civilization that once belonged to mortals...

"At that time, everyone thought that he possessed some kind of extremely mysterious power, able to travel through time, so some existences thought about him."

"At that time, he guided the future of the common people, and even tried to open up the seventh realm."

Qi Ling said: "However, he failed in the end. In the end he died, and died under the encirclement of the common people."

"Dead? Then why didn't he go back to the past?" Li Junchen couldn't help asking: "According to common sense, he can go back to the past. No one can kill him."

"It seems that his consumption of power is terrifying, and it seems to be incomplete and complete." The device spirit also hesitated, "What happened at that time is not something I can know..."

"So that's the case." Li Junchen kept recording, "Some old doubts and concepts have been thoroughly clarified, but have some new doubts emerged?"

Li Junchen sorted out his thoughts and felt that this was a precious document that could clarify a lot of things.

"I didn't see the battle very clearly."

She kept repeating, exchanging information with the other side, and constantly discussing some issues. With these dialogues, both sides thoroughly felt that this was a flood.

It turns out that I might really have participated in the gods and demons of the great flood described by this planet. Am I not an outsider?

"I am the **** and demon of the prehistoric flood." She sighed.

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