My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

: 273 Development Plan in the Interstellar Age

"In this way, next time I will take you to visit our star field."

Li Tusheng said goodbye very warmly.


Fu Qingjun closed the door.

He remembered those conversations with Li Tusheng. He is now the eighth emperor, and he is ruling the entire Milky Way star universe.

At the same time, he secretly observed that Qin Hong's little movement under his rule swept down the demon country, naturally knowing that she was looking for Professor Nasika to determine the era.

"History, really... is it just a fictional history?"

In fact, Fu Qingjun had always believed that there was no prehistoric super civilization on the earth, after all, he had fabricated it with the demon country himself, disguised as an ancient civilization, and resisted the fog of apocalypse.

Those people are just madly replenishing their brains.

Because he created it himself, can he not know that those things are fake?

But what about right now?

How to explain the "Sumerian King Form"?

This king table is a document left over from ancient times on the earth, and it really existed.

That is to say, in the history of the earth, the ancient emperors, gods, and even the creation gods who have recorded those myths have traces of reigning ruling.

"I always thought they were replenishing their brains, who knows...they are really doing archaeology!"

Brain supplement?


It is archeology.

Thinking of this, Fu Qingjun was stunned.

This is probably wrong, right?

"I always thought that they were kept in the dark by the archaeological brains. In fact, the brain damage was me who was watching the show outside."

at this time,

The timeline is completely clear, a very bright straight line.

Jiaxia went back to the past and dominated the Galaxy. After the Great Flood was extinguished, the legend of the Great Flood was left. The things that people archaeologically on the earth today are true.

Because Jiaxia really created the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and so on, various ancient fairy legends...

"Furthermore, I also jump into their brain-complementing logic and think about it..." Fu Qingjun changed his thinking. "There is no immortal way or Buddhist way in prehistoric times in this era. It is very likely that I sneaked into time and space and brought it back. Therefore, the legend of'Xianmen and Buddhism' will be found on the earth of later generations."


Turns out to be a closed loop of time?

So, what I do now is destined?

After all, the future generations have been fixed, and the "process of destruction by the flood" has been recorded in future generations. The death of Jiaxia and the collapse of the era are clearly written. I am just doing useless work when I go back to the past?

Then the next question comes again: I, who passed through hundreds of thousands of years in prehistoric times, that is the me who came here now, what have I done in these seven thousand years in the future?

"This is simply a time cycle."

Fu Qingjun pressed his temples and took a deep breath, "No, you can't go on thinking like this, thinking like this is just self-doubt, becoming more and more suspicious, you can't do anything here."

He still intends to follow his own plan.

Think of yourself as a country planet, just walked out of the earth, to a huge cosmic civilized empire outside, the native rural people of the planet went to the city to learn and cultivate the system...

"No matter what, there is nothing wrong with getting stronger first." Fu Qingjun returned to the room and sat quietly, waiting for someone to speak unbearably.

However, Qin Hong must have fallen into self-contradictions just like himself, thinking that he is now going to change everything in prehistoric history. Are these practices already doomed...

Several hours passed.

Qin Hong was thinking about the decision to deal with, but couldn't help it. A voice came from the box: "Friend Xia Qing, I listened to your words in later generations, and returned to this distant era to save the common people and save Jiaxia's death. "

Qin Hong also clearly thought it through, and agreed with Fu Qingjun that he couldn't do anything without hesitation, so he simply followed his own ideas.

Since his arrival is already a butterfly that affects history, he changes heartily.

"Your Excellency is the friend of the Night Banquet of the Gods and Demons? Is it the me who has survived the hereafter, come to this era, and help me?" Fu Qingjun showed a proper surprise.

Qin Hong breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed the night banquet of the gods and demons, so it was easy to say.

She opened the mouth and said: "Yes, in the night banquet of the gods and demons, we were reincarnated randomly into a certain era, and I happened to be reincarnated into the era of the birth of fellow Taoists.

"So, you said that Emperor Xia's death? How could it be possible that no one could kill Emperor Xia." Fu Qingjun said with a look of surprise again, believing in doubt.

"Yes, but this is the truth! Seven thousand years later, Emperor Xia will die in the encirclement and suppression of the common people. Eventually, there will be a world-destroying flood, the sky will collapse, and the entire land will be destroyed in the next tens of billions of years. .. In the eyes of lower civilizations, hundreds of thousands of years are an eternal ruin."

"That was a serious injury that couldn't be smoothed." Qin Hong said, "I can't imagine how to change this era. Fate can change, but I still want to try hard to change."

She generously and Fu Qingjun began to explain some things.

Fu Qingjun also listened patiently with her, and finally a few days later, they agreed and wanted to develop a country.

"It turns out that, in my name, should I develop a group of national forces under my command?" Although Fu Qingjun said that, in fact Qin Hong happened to fall into his own pit.

You were originally the demon country under my command, but in my name, are you still developing your power in this era?

I play myself.

However, it is precisely the effect that Fu Qingjun wants. He does have the need to use the identity of "God" to try to change something in this era.

"I do want in your name."

Qin Hong is quite bold. After all, the gods of this era don’t know what’s going on behind him, so he doesn’t need to be honored, so he is much more convenient to act on his own, "I have evolved a natural disaster mortal race, endless, can rise quickly, master the power of electromagnetic, but... There was a little accident and reincarnated into something strange."

"I'm trying to fuse the structures of two to achieve a balance." Qin Hong said calmly.

Fu Qingjun nodded, "Don't be discouraged. Maybe there is an accident. It is also a good thing. It can become a family of electromagnets, form an assembly line, sell in batches, and sell at a better price, making it easier to rise?"

As soon as Qin Hong stayed, he suddenly felt that this way of speaking was a bit like Fu Gangzhu, and the management and gang philosophy in Miao Chuntang actually had a similar style.

and many more!

What are you thinking about?

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the ordinary small local gang leader, but the appetite is relatively large, the daily routine is regular, he does not smoke or drink, and he practices regularly every day. He is very good to himself, the small speaker, Bai Yu and other gangs, but also It is impossible to return to this era, let alone God.

Qin Hong returned to his senses and thought about it seriously. The other party really made a very rational proposal, "Perhaps it is so, maybe it can form a powerful race."

She began to try to merge the anomalies of the soul and the body, looking for a balance point, in order to create a demon country in this era.

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