My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 274: Solar period

After a few days, Fu Qingjun got used to it.

Qin Hong worked hard to study the final adjustments of the species, and quickly completed the integration of the new species. After all, he had already transformed the birth of a new "life". It was just a "foreign race" who had been taken away, which led to some expenditure. Kung fu, looking for the point where the soul and the body fit together.

An ancient crystal ship appeared in front of him.


Under the head of the ancient ship, a phantom human skin grew out.


There is a pure blue arc across.

On the ancient ship, there was a curly hair swaying in the wind.

"I am an artifact clan now, and I have practiced the artifact clan of later generations and found that it fits together." She said seriously.

After all, through Tang Meng's revelations, she naturally learned about the cultivation methods of the artifact family and the things of Emperor Yan in their time.

Because after that prehistoric adventure in the world of immortality, she already knew that the person she bragged with was Tang Meng, a disciple of God, but the other party did not know her true identity.

As a result, Qin Hong has been in the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons, asking about the progress of future generations.

"Dare to ask Brother Dao, in this era, is there a cultivation system for artifacts?" Qin Hong couldn't help asking.

"Faxiang? Never heard of it." Fu Qingjun made a thoughtful expression.

Qin Hong moved his faith again.

During this period, there was no Dhamma.

Is it possible that I am the ancestor of the Dharma system?

I brought this system back? Let the device family rise?

Why did the Dharma image not appear?

Are there other meanings?

She secretly figured out this thought, "Dare to ask Daxiatiandi, which rules the three thousand worlds, what is the situation at this time? We are from later generations, and time is running out. How can we develop?"

"To develop, we need resources."

Fu Qingjun took out some blueprints and invited her to sit down and talk in detail, "This world is the solar period."

"The sun?" Qin Hong said, and couldn't help but say again: "This heaven and earth, the endless world, there are countless suns, why is it called the solar period?"

"It's not the stars, the sun, it's the light that opened up the sky and the earth." Fu Qingjun said: "Before the solar period, it was called the lunar period.

Qin Hong was lost in thought.


The entire universe may be called the Lunar Universe.

Because before Jiaxia was truly unified, this land was indeed cold and vast, with no one to be seen in thousands of miles.

The common people can only live and die alone on the indigenous planet, just like the Earth before World War II, backward and barren, and even unable to see the vast outside world.

Fu Qingjun's eyes flickered, and said: "This galaxy land has a total of'Nine Provinces', and there are countless thousands of worlds, and above the nine states, the current Emperor Yu is under the jurisdiction of the'Nine Heavens Division'."

"Jiutiansi?" Qin Hong asked curiously.

"There are nine gods in total, the Nine Heavens Commander Mansion! The so-called Commanding Mansion is to control the life and destiny of the common people. It is located above the gods and governs all things, while the Jiuzhou is transformed into the nine domains at a lower level."

"On this day, it's in the sky."

Fu Qingjun unfolded a flat map of the universe, with nine three-dimensional towers sitting on it.

"The universe is paper, and parallel universes can be built on paper. The height of one layer is a tower, and the highest is one hundred and eight."

Nine days are actually nine towers in parallel universes.

The nine terrifying sacred figures of the sixth realm of Dzogchen are on the high space towers, overlooking the entire land, and rule the Milky Way Kyushu.

"There is a saying,'It is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days', nine days in Kyushu, but the states are currently calm, and there is almost no possibility of slaughtering and plundering resources unless they become the big demon wanted by the heaven... I listen to that fat Li Tu Friends of the victory said that there is war in the north of the front line, and you can go to the front line to kill the enemy, make merits, and even hope to enter the DPRK as an official."

Fu Qingjun has been searching for intelligence these days.

The fat man also said that in times of war, these geniuses would go to war in those chaotic areas. After all, the strong who did not come out peacefully were all killed.

This is the quickest way to obtain military exploits and resources.

But it is also the most dangerous way, but for his demon country, the danger is nothing.

"That fits my mind."

Qin Hong thought for a while. After all, she just likes to kill directly. She looked at the map, "Beiyu Island, Bai Yutian among the nine heavens, Yujing Mansion, the land to rule?"

Fu Qingjun nodded, if I want to set sail, I can go with you.

Qin Hong nodded, "Then please come to Dao brother, after all, it is not convenient for me to come forward."

Fu Qingjun didn't care, so he should come down and plan to discuss with the fat man. He had shown his intention to go to the front line in the conversation before, and the other party was also very interested. He already had this meaning.

Looking for the other party, with the back of this fat man with a deep family background, he should be able to set off soon.

Although, the other party always thinks that his racial blood is extraordinary, and wants to find him to introduce him...

Fu Qingjun turned around and went out. He was about to leave the room and talk to that Fatty Li. Suddenly, Fu Qingjun couldn't help asking: "Right, what do you want to call your power?"

Qin Hong was startled, apparently he hadn't considered it before.

She seriously thought about it.

On the land of Shushan, I was the former Buddha, and established Da Mao Buddhism.

The current Buddhism is ruled by the current Buddha Ziniang, because she found that it was more convenient to reincarnated as a man for one lifetime, and they didn’t bother to talk about love and reincarnated for a man.

At this time, it is the female body male body!

Something vaguely coincides with the legendary Buddha's appearance.

And he is constantly reincarnating in this way.

After all, in her reincarnation, there are males and females, beasts and aliens, and she has already experienced thousands of experiences in thousands of lifetimes.

"Since I am a past Buddha..."

She seemed to think of something, her mind shook, and she suddenly replied with a smile: "Brother Dao, my family, with thunder and lightning, roaring like thunder, why not just call it..."

"Da Leiyin Temple."

"Oh?" Fu Qingjun came curious.

Qin Hong smiled and said: "Yes, I waited for the artifacts, only practising Dharma phases, and later generations will have evil Buddhas. They put themselves on top of people's heads, absorb the souls of the brain and the Nascent Soul, and the headgears transform into the faces of other creatures and hide their identities. Make a thousand faces."

Fu Qingjun nodded, "Unexpectedly, there are such evil weapon races."

Qin Hong opened his mouth again and said: "Dhamma, this is the term of Buddhism, Buddha has cultivated for thousands of times, but for a golden body of Dhamma."

She suddenly realized that there was no Faxiang Clan in this world.

Because prehistoric history has never recorded such records, and the so-called Dhamma is actually a Buddha?

Qin Hong completely grasped the generality, and said: "In later generations, on the home planet of Jiaxia hundreds of thousands of years later, there is the Buddhist classic "Fahua Sutra": The Great Sage ***, which shows the appearance of all dharmas."

She spoke again, sound like thunder, heaven and earth moving, like Hong Zhong Dalu, majestic bursts, shouting loudly: "Dao cultivates the true self! Buddhism cultivates all the self!"

"Tao Xiu I! Buddha Xiu Samsara!"


She talked freely and talked about the allusions of Buddhist scriptures. It can be said that one of the Buddhist masters is proficient in various ancient classics. "And what is the aspect of all living beings? The true aspect of the dharma is the dharma aspect!"

"People in this world think that we are a clan of artifacts, making weapons for people, being enslaved by the world, and not seeing the halal. In fact, we are a Buddhist clan!"

"My Buddha came to this world, the Great Xia Universe Heavenly Court, to be the true meaning of Pudu Buddhism, and to recruit disciples!"

Qin Hong clasped his hands together, and curled a dull hair into the word'Fu' on the top of her head, turning her into a Buddha, and then her face was sacred, with endless golden light behind her.

"When I return to this life, I already know the fate of the Buddha in the dark."

She spoke, pointing to the sky and the finger to the ground, with golden light dazzling all over her body, "I will save all living beings, let everyone in the world practice Buddhism, shave in the bun, cultivate the Buddha in the heart, and understand the truth, goodness, and beauty of my Buddha."

"it is good."

Fu Qingjun couldn't help clapping his you sure you really want to be bald? Fu Qingjun felt a little bad, but he couldn't say anything, but it was really not my pot. In fact, he felt that this golden appearance could be sold at a good price. Fu Qingjun had already thought about it. He would first go to the front line and build an assembly line to sell a batch of magical artifacts, make war fortune, and then rise again.

When the common people on the planets of World War II tens of billions of years later, turning over the ancient history, they saw that Buddhism's "Samsara Shie Sutra: Sakyamuni" wrote the scene of the birth of this cosmic saint:

[Sakyamuni Blessed One, born in the Three Vehicles, six worlds, presents thirty-two aspects, its content is the ancestor aspect of all spirits, is the aspect of all living beings, the music from the sky is blasting, the hair is falling, the universe is bright, all things are hesitating, and they are not supported Instead, he walked seven steps to the south, east, and northwest, saying to himself:'Heaven is the world, I am alone. ’】

There is a commentary on the Buddhist scriptures below:

"Only in the sky and under the sky" means ‘I am the supreme one in the world’.

Pali aggo\'hamasmilokassa. Abbreviated as Solipsoid. When the Buddha was born, he walked seven steps to the four directions and raised his right hand to sing the verse.

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