My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 285: A place of despair


All the super high-dimensional creatures, members of the Gods and Demons List, were silent for a while.

"Don't quarrel about this kind of thing." Jingdi's voice was old and kind, very slow and distant, like a ten-thousand-year-old tree, said: "We must unite."



In fact, although they were all talking about marrying Xia Di, it was actually a scandal some time ago.

The genie empire that has been enemies with them for generations, that one who exists, even them feels the scalp tingling female murderer, suddenly trapped by love, joined the Great Summer Court, was sealed by a lunar star, named 嫦羲...

As a result, they began to clamor, and they wanted to marry Emperor Xia and become an empress.

In fact, it is mostly ridicule.

Of course, there may be such an idea. Xia Di is indeed full of charm. Compared with the decadent empire, Great Summer Court is more worthy of investment.

After all, for the existence of this level of taboo, is it true or false, who can say it clearly?

"However, it is worth studying. This is a general trend, with variables. It is better than a lifeless one." Jingdi was silent for a while, his voice extremely slow.

The members around hold their breath.

Jingdi is an ancient existence that has lived for tens of billions of years.

He is not a real living creature, but a weapon, a weapon.

It is a terrifying artificial super-high-dimensional creature that can live to the present, witness the vicissitudes of the entire civilization, witness the rise of the grandfathers, grandfathers, and even more distant ancestors present.

Therefore, all the strong have enough awe and fear for the existence of this deity.

He is an ancient civilization library, which records the civilization history of their establishment of subspace, and records the chapters of the entire era.

It's just that he is very stable, slow in behavior, and even a little procrastinating.

Everyone guessed that despite the fact that this statue has constantly updated its parts over the years, it has reached the end of its life span, and its running speed is aging.

"Your Majesty Jing, travel through time... First Jiaxia, then Leiyin Temple, and we have enough reason to suspect that this time power exists." The gloomy male voice replied.

Those players thought they were hiding very deep, but they didn't know that they had revealed enough clues for some horror beings.

The female voice said: "Yes, if it exists, then this is the force that transcends the rules of the universe, the force that transcends quantum mechanics, and the power of spatial orientation, and violates the physical parameters of the universe."

They have always believed in science, not in theology.

However, this kind of power in front of him has violated the common sense parameters of the universe, and is beyond the scope of their understanding.

"Who knows? No one knows the future."

The realm emperor didn't know whether this realm existed, and just said: "But that power exists, we can try to contact it."

He whispered softly and looked into the distance, "Little Leiyin Temple, Da Leiyin Temple...We really have to seriously explore the details and existence of the other party."

"His Royal Highness, is it possible that you have to do it yourself?" An existence asked.

After all, ordinary people cannot find their subspace location, and it is easy to locate their subspace location with their quantum detection technology.

Just look at their super high-dimensional existence, whether they are willing to make a move.

"It doesn't need to be this way, we must love peace."

Jingdi seemed to be prepared for a long time, and took out a batch of game helmets, "I heard that this game is very mysterious, let's play the game together."


Everyone was in a daze.

"Let me just say it! Your Majesty said no, but he was honest in his heart. Like me, I like to play games after get off work." A hoarse voice came from the side, "Maybe, your Majesty is already ready to go secretly. As Jiaxia’s empress, we should abandon this decadent civilization long ago and become the concubine of Emperor Xia.

"I also think it makes sense." The woman's voice was very peaceful, "Xia Di is very talented, and at first glance it is a stalwart existence with boundless future..."

The others were silent again.

The Jingdi voice said incomparably calm, "Everyone in the world thinks that Leiyin Temple is strangely in'time', but they don't know that they are strangely above the hairline of this reincarnation."

"Oh, hairline, that black thread on this helmet, is it hair?" someone asked.

"The biological gene structure of an unknown universe creature."

Jingdi said, "This hair is weird to the limit... it can split and fuse souls, just like soul pipes... I seem to see a terrifying universe giant soul group, pierced all over the world. The soul channel, through the channel Manyan in all directions..."

"Amiro, who created everything?" Someone remembered the myth Xia Di said.

"Yes, it's incredible. That's what we need to explore."

"Da Leiyin Temple, the conditions for entry are difficult, so it is better to enter Xiao Leiyin Temple and explore it." Jingdi put on the game helmet, and his voice was hoarse and extremely calm. "This Little Leiyin Temple is very interesting... .. We don’t want to explore this superficial little force, but to know the essence behind it."

When other people saw this, they felt that there was some truth, and they also put on game helmets.


In the blink of an eye, they saw the beginning of the game.

"On the first day, Amiro created everything..."

The crowd watched quietly and couldn't comment.

Just take a look at these things.

Soon, they entered the opening scene: Nuwa Palace.

A giant woman with the appearance of the Xia nationality is sitting in a green courtyard, pinching people with mud.

After that, a large number of players lined up.

"What is this?" Jingdi asked.

"Oh, Your Majesty doesn't play games. This is the opening scene of the game, pinching human characters." The woman with a husky voice next to her spoke. She was now showing the appearance of a girl in the game, just like the whole universe galaxy. One of the strongest high-dimensional beings in the world, the Truth Devourer Silver Mido.

"Then what are they doing?"

The old man pointed to those guys who secretly stuffed the giantess with money in the distance.

Tang Meng secretly collected money while pinching people, smiling very happily.

"Oh, they are paying bribes secretly...that is, to charge up the game to make the initial character stronger." Miduo said with a hoarse voice: "It is worth mentioning that some interstellar chaebols have already begun to be here. I’m charged up. After all, for them, money is already a number. On the contrary, some of the things here are very interesting."

To tell the truth,

The wireless control of that hair is indeed weird.

The high-dimensional offerings of countless big chaebols tried to decipher them in various ways, but they couldn't trace the other party. Otherwise, this game could not be alive, it would just be impossible to decipher their hair network system.

"So that's it..." Jingdi said, "Then we will also pay some small money."

Soon, under Tang Meng's stunned mouth, this group of people were all inexplicably super-encumbered, rushing out of krypton money frantically, and then entering the game.


They entered the novice mission.

Appeared in the battlefield of a planet, to kill some existences.

"Well, it's actually in the 21st continent of the North Star." The old man sensed his position and made his body press lightly in the void, and the task was completed instantly.

"Let's go, the novice task is completed, it's time to enter the novice village, let's complete the task and reincarnated as a Waren, um, it is probably the giantess race that is pinching people as soon as it appears."

They took up the task again, went to find the blood knight, and then they were taken as a fool and slaughtered. They started various serial tasks along the way, and finally came to the last task.

This is the ultimate task that all players cannot complete.

They were all stuck in the last link and didn't complete this hidden job transfer task.

"Can't even we finish it?" The man next to him curled his lips, their bodies were extremely terrifying, no matter what enemy came up and slapped them to death.


[The final link, Time and Space Traveling Instance, the Great Flood Period, Act 21: Ruins of the Great Summer Flood]

Everyone heard this voice.

Someone suddenly became puzzled, "Wait, the 21st act, the main storyline of the whole game, isn't the [Seventh Act, Jiaxia End Yan]? When Jiaxia is killed, the whole game is over, why is there 21 screen?"

Could it be the distant future after Jiaxia was killed?

This temporary copy sent them outside the main line of the game, a distant world after history?

They were breathing quickly.

I finally knew the existence of this statue, why let them play this game, this piece is through some means, knowing that this copy will come to a certain place.

Click! !

When they were still confused, they suddenly came to a dark ruined war.

"Task: Explore the dark to find prehistoric ruins, depending on the harvest."

A row of messages appeared in my head.

Obviously, these players are very dirty and courageous. They want to use these free labor to help them explore the ruins of the flood that year.

As a result, they went to death everywhere, were secretly found by these existences, and sneaked in.

"How is this game possible? This is..."

They stared at the doomsday scene that shocked even them.

From time to time, meteors in the sky, following the horrible black hole suction, fall into the vortex of the black abyss, giving people a sense of terrifying ruins of apocalypse.

"The land where Emperor Xia fell."

A feeling of horror steamed on their skin.

Even if they were here, they felt that there had been a terrible war that even them felt extremely desperate.

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