My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 286: cause and effect

Here is the future hundreds of thousands of years from now.

They stood in place, vaguely feeling everything in this space and time.

Weapons, wreckage, and familiar power fluctuations, here is like a earth-shattering time and space battlefield, there must be traces of their participation.

It's just that it's too decayed here, and you can't see everything that happened that year.

They already looked shocked.

The power of time and space...

It actually exists.

When they realized Jiaxia's power to return to the past and the future, they understood the awe and fear of the unknown.

this game! ? ?

Behind the scenes, what exactly exists...

"His Royal Highness, can you be in contact with your body in this time and space..." someone stood in the ruins and said.

His Majesty Jingdi is a super-mirrored mecha weapon that supervises the entire civilization, and the range of stars that can be explored is extremely wide. Even if they don't know the specific location of this ruin, they are likely to contact the body.

"I came here...the same idea."

The emperor's voice was old and calm, leading everyone to look around, "The most ideal way is to connect with my ontology and know everything that will happen in future generations, so we will have the power to'predict' the future."

Everyone held their breath.

As expected to be the emperor.

The old man exudes a wave of fluctuations.

Although this is a "stupid player" character who has just been born and is only a second-order, he has long secretly brought a powerful artifact token of his body.

Everything is well prepared.


The void was shaking.

"Let me see, this weird civilization that burst out suddenly, and even the civilization of Jiaxia, the civilization of Buddhism and Taoism, the true colors of all of you."

He stretched out his hand, and a dark blue water mirror was suspended in mid-air condensed, sensing his own position in this time and space.

But something strange happened.

Then this time and space's own breath is not far in the sky, but close in front of them, and a weak force is leading them to walk through the ruins and move forward.

"Am I dead here?" The old man looked calm, stretched out his hands and took out all kinds of weapons. "For us now, we can't use power, we can only pay some price, and store high-dimensional weapons to open up the ruins here. Arrived over there."

Seeing the various weapons that Jingdi took out, everyone hesitated.

"This price is too high," someone said solemnly.

Their bodies are not here. It is impossible for them to go deep into the ruins by relying on this body with no level of combat power. They can only explode some weapons, even weapons that they feel extremely painful.

Unexpectedly, Jingdi was so decisive that he brought 30% of their arsenal of tens of billions of years old.

This is an extremely terrifying number. We need to know that the competition of science and technology is the reserve of weapons, just like the countries on the earth, the competition is the number of stocks of aircraft, tanks, and nuclear warheads.

"There is no big price, this is something that must be done." The old man looked calm, "After the distant time and space, my last words left by myself..."

He gently stroked a high-dimensional weapon, and instantly expanded and carried them into it.

"I know myself too well. If I choose to leave things behind, it means that it is enough to affect the lives of all of us."

These ultra-high-dimensional beings, the top taboo beings in the universe, even blew their weapons all the way into them.

"come yet?"

An old voice came from the ruins closest to the core.

Jingdi turned around with a group of people and quietly looked at the phantom of an old man, dying and dying.

"I'm here, I've been waiting for you for a long time." The old man looked very natural, sat down cross-legged, and looked at the group of people.

"Even I am dead."

Jingdi looked at the wreckage in front of him, and said, "Tell me, what happened? What is the so-called flood."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The old man of Xuying covered his head and looked at Jingdi in front of him: "I obviously remember a lot, but my memories are disappearing little by little."

Do you forget when you see yourself?

Is the causal order of time correcting everything?

Jingdi looked calm and looked at himself in front of him.

The trajectory of time really is not something that can be changed easily.

So is it useless to leave the so-called last words?

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember history, tell me what the so-called time travel is in your eyes." Jingdi's expression became sharp.

The old man phantom was silent for a moment, and said:

"The universe is being drawn drastically, order is collapsing, and stability is lost. This is already a near-false universe, just as the world of programs is full of loopholes, and you and I live in a virtual universe...So, whatever it looks like Unbelievable phenomena are also possible." Jingdi listened carefully to his own explanation.

With too many visions, I can understand the consciousness of this sentence.

In other words, too many cosmic science and technology civilizations constantly use subspace technology to extract too much material power from the universe to build small planes, just like moths, pecking the main universe full of holes and making the universe change. It became virtual, which led to the emergence of some collapse-type forces?

"Major destruction of nature caused the collapse and destruction of the universe." A figure next to it said: "Like a planet, we destroy the environment and cause various natural disasters to erupt?"

Everyone is silent.

The saint is immortal, and there are more thieves.

Someone suddenly muttered those Buddhism concepts.

In other words, the universe is now a huge hornet's nest, fragmented and about to be destroyed?

Jingdi just looked at the old man in front of him, "There are still too many doubts, what do you remember?"

"The universe is not destroyed, no one can destroy it, but the irresistible is entering the next stage."

"Be careful, the'them' in the sky." The phantom gradually blurred, and the whole person was completely fragmented.

They in heaven?

who is it?

It refers to the prophecy in the Great Summer Court, Jiaxia, the reincarnated body from heaven?

Or is it referring to the Buddhism that descends from the sky before you?

Or does it mean something else?

"They recorded all the history of the Great Flood, the methods of detachment, and even the next realm is hidden in it." The ghost left the last sentence in a low voice, and the whole person gradually became transparent.

"Seeing me rising from a tall building, seeing my banquet guests, seeing my building collapsed..."

The final voice was still reverberating, and everyone fell into an unknown astonishment.

This last sentence declares the destruction of their civilization?



The space tunnel is Welcome back, everybody! "The blood knight beamed with a smile, looking at the various prehistoric broken treasures brought back through the copy in front of him, calling out for a fortune.

After all, players like them have no ability to monitor the existence of these ultra-high-dimensional beings.

They are standing on top of the universe.

It should be noted that the sixth realm has 108 realms, plus the first 5 realms, which adds up to a total of 113 realms. It can be seen that when you first enter the sixth realm, you can enter the room.

Instead, it was Fu Qingjun, who had already detected something secretly.

"Although I took a little risk, I still found some content through these big guys." Fu Qingjun frowned.

After all, his true background is too low now. If you want to study something, you can only explore some truth through the vision of these real universe giants.

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