Everyone is awe-inspiring, this land is the gathering place of the real seven-level civilization.

Just entered the seventh-level civilized world, which is the end of the universe.

"The Ministry of Tiangong, began to set up gathering places in all directions with the high underground tower Tianzhu as the center!"

The Emperor Yu had been prepared for a long time, and immediately asked 30 million foundation-building monks to build a city and camp on this bright red land.

After all, the passage below them has been established, and it is impossible to escape here. They can only set up a camp here to resist possible enemies.

In an instant, the entire land worked together in an instant, like gears operating in an orderly manner.

When Jingdi saw this scene, his expression was calm, as if he were a bystander.

In the distance, the Buddha of Buddhism opened his mouth and said: "My Buddhism has 300 billion novice monks to help the Great Summer Court build land and build a heavenly palace."



Voices came one after another.

In an instant, the civilizations of the nearby generation worked together.

Even the civilization of the evil demon empire next door hesitated for a moment and joined the joint construction.

Everyone knows that they were enemies in that land before, but now they are allies, and they will unanimously resist foreign enemies and develop together for the future.

The world was quickly constructed.

"Di Xia, what do you think?" Qin Hong looked forward to the head of Emperor Xia.

After all, she is only fifty-seventh floor now.

The cultivation speed is already extremely fast, but he is also a Chinese sage!

If it weren’t because she was the "Buddha", the ancestor of the Buddha family, and the ancestor of the snail like Udula, everyone should protect her and keep her as a "breeding pig" to prevent the continual dilution of the bloodline of civilization and her combat power In other words, it is not her turn to rule the world.

But even so, he is just a Chinese sage.

Even the demon king Bahe under his command and the seventy-story high-dimensional saints are far inferior!

At this time, it is obvious that the times can't wait for her to rise, and can only stand by here...

And even the strongest Qin Hong cannot enter the realm of the strong, let alone other human beings on the earth. In Xiao Leiyin Temple, the real strong are those who have joined Buddhism in the technological civilization, who are in the seventy or eighty dimensions. Level.

"What do I think?"

Emperor Xia glanced at Qin Hong and said lightly:

"Don't worry, stay stable. Since we have come to this world, we should hide our identity. We are the weakest. The first thing is to study this world and find the law. This law is in the cosmic wall under our feet. Inside, the rays of light that flow quickly away are the rules....It's just as difficult to catch as a fish."

Although they have broken through the universe, but have not found the law, they are still at the sixth level of Consummation.

Therefore, finding the law is very important.

When civilization arrives in this world, it is already walking on thin ice.

"Everyone, feel free to explore and find the rules, and at the same time, explore the environment outside the territory."

Xia Di said: "However, we have only cultivated the Immortal Dao in the Great Summer Garden. The immortal Dao is immortal. Every flesh and blood has a memory of soul, and it can be reborn with a drop of blood... But the development is not fast, I hope Buddhism, Take this responsibility."

The Buddha nodded, "It should be! Buddhism is willing to take on this important task, even far away from here, looking for further camps and camps to attract firepower... and the six reincarnations of our body are rooted here."

In the words of those players.

Immortal Dao has a strong ability to restore blood, but only has one life.

Buddhism and Taoism have various occupational characteristics, but they can be reborn continuously.

"So troublesome." Xia Di seriously said: "The world of six reincarnations is the foundation of the Buddha world. Your body is in it, and we definitely won't let you suffer."

As a result, civilization began to take root quickly, and heavenly palaces rose.

The Great Summer Court, directly stationed in the passage, used it as a key base camp, hidden it, and used it as the rebirth point of Buddhism to help guard the six reincarnations.

The Buddhism line is far crossing.

This is already the best plan to explore this land.



On the earth network.

In the half-year apocalyptic world of the survivors’ camp, they have fallen in love with this communication habit.

"Brothers, is this the prehistoric world?"

"It seems that there is no such new universe, the saints of the major rules, and the universe has not been recast? It is still desolate here?"

"It's not clear. In short, there is no chance for future generations. There should be many rules in this era. There are definitely not many seventh-level civilizations born!"

"Brothers, Duck!"

"Go! We weak chickens, the tallest player is Li Junchen, a forty-dimensional man. This is already a monster. It is said that it is the reincarnation of a prehistoric saint."

"Don't worry, we are the players. Although the NPCs in the main city of the high-level camp are very strong, they only have one life, so we players have to go out to help explore."

"One day, I will step through the universe, hold a jade disc of good fortune, repeat the universe, seize the rules, and save Emperor Xia!"


Everyone was screaming, and it hasn't been so intense for a long time. A post was highly praised.

【War Mobilization】

Li Junchen said: "Brothers, we have come from the end of the fog of the earth to this prehistoric era of the myth of the Great Flood. I must have witnessed this land, and everyone must be very excited.

"Actually, I hope everyone will not be arrogant. Although we are not the main force, we are already cannon fodder (laughs

"In short, we already have a lot of players at the one-dimensional level. Don't look at the one-dimensional player. I think that after we seize the rules, we can break through the seventh level."

"After all, the breakthrough of Tier 7 depends not on how many dimensions you have accumulated in Tier 6, but on whether you can get the rules of the universe. Let's work hard! If our one-dimensional saints can get the rules of the universe and break through the seventh step, we will be able to fight. Even if you become more top-notch in an instant, this is a good opportunity for the carp to leap into the dragon's gate."

These words clearly excited everyone.

The opportunity to stand up and become a landlord is right in front of you, so why not rush?

Li Junchen continued: "Finally, ~www.readwn.com~, add one more point. Our game system is already undergoing a new version update. Big data is being collected. There will be a response soon. Don't worry."

Buddhism began to explore the whole more distant land.

Even building cities with great fanfare, looking for silk threads that are constantly wandering on the ground, but unfortunately their cultivation base is so weak that they can't catch them.

At this time, Emperor Xia stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A blood-vessel-like peristaltic rule was drawn on the ground, and he silently said: "Well...it seems to be a cosmic order related to flames, very weak."

The same attribute is also divided into high and low points. The one he got is the weakest fire attribute cosmic rule, or fragments in the fragments, the largest range can only be used to temporarily control a galaxy system of fire system rules.

"However, we will do it first."

Jiaxia still slowly absorbed it, and a strange breath broke out. He let it go and entered the seventh realm, as a matter of course, "riding a donkey to find a horse... At my current level, I have to win the lower-level rules." Let's talk about improving your strength, otherwise you won't be able to sense the higher-level rules of the universe at all."

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