My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 309: This is the Sun Jinta Dynasty!

Celestial Heaven was quickly established.

The whole land, as if being chased, pushed the era crazily.

The most difficult part is nothing more than the establishment of a tower of ascending to the sky. It has already been crossed at this time, and a statue of the seventh rank has begun to appear. The Emperor Jing and others intercepted one after another, although they mastered the lowest rules, not even the fragments of the rules. It is one of thousands of particles split by a fragment.

Relying on these "particle programs" can only affect the rules of a small area of ​​the universe.

However, this still brings the times into a brand new period.

Seventh order!

The apex of civilization in the entire universe.

"We will continue to rebuild the high tower, continue 108 floors, and continue to break through this cosmic wall, so as to form a civilization watchtower, which can observe the direction and capture of the rules of the universe, and also observe the possible arrival of enemies."

The actions of the Great Summer Court also made its three civilizations admire. They also began to plan to build their own cosmic bridge. After all, they had been passing the bridge of Great Summer Court to reach the outside world. After all, it was not a way to enter and exit without channels.

Although Emperor Jing and others were not as good as Emperor Xia, they also entered the seventh stage at this time. They directly made their towers break through the wall of the universe, helped Da Leiyin Temple build a stupa, and then continued to extend above the 108th floor. , Forming a Buddhist watchtower.

The same is true of demonic civilization. For a time, three cosmic towers and passages stand on the ground, bearing the heavens and the earth.

Xiao Leiyin Temple cried bitterly when they saw this scene, but they didn't.

Emperor Yu was seventeen thousand six hundred years old.

Another two hundred years have passed, and with the exploration of the times, Heavenly Court has completely shrunk the line of defense, studying the rules and principles of the seventh-order civilization.

At this time, the seventh-order saints have begun to be completely common, after all, this is not a later generation, the rules are still everywhere, but there are few precious rules, and there are few saints who truly master the powerful rules.

And Xia Di finally worked out the distribution of the rules.

On this day, Great Summer Court preached,

Emperor Xia looked calm, holding the flames with open hands,

"I stole the fire heat rules of this land, that is to say, the fire heat of this land belongs to me, and the flame parameters of this land can be adjusted up and down..."

"However, if I want to expand my own rules, I can only go to other places and continue to swallow the threads of similar rules there... eventually I will meet and devour each other with saints who practice the same rules."

Everyone listened with breathlessness.

In other words, they have been rooted in one place, which is definitely not right.

You must continue to travel, extract rules from all over the world, and continue to strengthen your authority... Now it is a thread, go to other places to continue to extract the same rules from that place, and then tens of thousands of threads can be transformed into a single particle. Thousands of particles are broken into pieces....

Because of the rules of the universe, they are evenly distributed.

In theory, when you travel around the entire universe and extract the rules of that place from every place, you have completely mastered the authority of that rule.

"It seems that the rules are rare, but you have already realized that there are at least a few hundred subdivisions for just one fire rule."

Emperor Xia said lightly, "Therefore, there are only hundreds of thousands of cosmic rules for cultivation. Going out may not easily encounter mortal enemies. At least in our internal civilization, we will not have only one rule of co-cultivation, internal struggles. ."

Everyone nodded, and Emperor Xia was indeed Emperor Xia, and in the blink of an eye he deduced the general situation of the seventh-order civilization.

It's another hundred years.

The whole land became more and more convinced of Xia Di's wisdom, and the horse's head looked forward.

Although the civilizations of Buddhism and demons are still independent on the surface, in fact, they have begun to be like other civilizations in the past, and have gradually integrated into the Great Summer Court and become a part of it.

"Buddha Gate is a forward and Da Leiyin Temple is strong enough, but Xiao Leiyin Temple is not strong enough. We should help its development and prosper."

On this day, Emperor Xia ordered several newly promoted 108-dimensional saints to directly help Xiaoleiyin Temple and build the Tongtian Pagoda belonging to their civilization.

At this point, the Great Summer Court has four pillars, bearing the sky and the earth, distributed in the four directions.

"That's it! That's it!"

"It is the fate in the dark, and the oracle bestowed on me by the three cosmic concepts!"

Another day, Emperor Xia sat in the heavenly court to comprehend the rules of the universe, and suddenly felt in his heart and spoke to the world.

"The four pillars, breaking through the cosmic wall membrane at this time, continue to stretch, and the four-pillar observation tower has reached the 156th floor. I want to imitate the place where I was originally born, and carry a square flat space on top of the four pillars."

"And on this flat space, build a tall tower, and the tall tower will build a sacred bridge to build the sun!"

This is very complicated.

But Fu Qingjun understood instantly when he heard it.

Isn't this layout...

My desk?

Fu Qingjun is stupid!

It's the four-legged desk with drawers on two floors!

The legs of the four pillars pierce the wall membrane of the universe, and then extend up to build a layer. This layout is my desk.

"Good fellow, Jiaxia, your pattern is low, really low, and you have already walked out of the universe. A great summer garden, transformed into a desk, is really nostalgic as always."

Fu Qingjun looked strange, "Not only that, but also build a flowerpot on top of this desk with a sun on the flowerpot? Are you going to live in the ancient coffin in the sun again, to the next future?"

Fu Qingjun doesn’t know what to say, Jiaxia’s personality is good in everything, but there is one biggest problem. This person...


Really nostalgic!

When Fu Qingjun was amazed, a voice came from nearby.

Qin Hong grew his mouth in surprise, and said in shock: "Sure enough, it has already begun! According to the records of the prehistoric flood, the universe at that time, the sky round place, there were four pillars supporting the sky, there were upper and lower floors, the upper dwelling god, and the lower dwelling. Demon... and the pharaohs in the golden tower of the sun rule the world and go to the next future."

No, that's just my desk.

Fu Qingjun was very sure this time. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"It can't be wrong! This is perfectly in line with the ancient fresco scene! Finally, the gods in the sky and the demons in the ground began to besieged..."

Udula held the history in surprise, shaking his hands, looking at the plane being built on the four pillars, and enthusiastically said: "This is the world pattern of the flood event! We have really returned to prehistoric times, and we have witnessed the third universe with our own eyes. The picture of the slate, Jiaxia, awakened from the ancient coffin in the Golden Pagoda of the Sun, and took the common people to the next future!"

Wait, at the time, it was really just the desk in my room.

But now, it’s just Jiaxia who is nostalgic...

Fu Qingjun still whispered.

"Yes, Your Highness, you are right. This is history. You have indeed traveled back to the past!"

Even the spirit that had been stunned before, the spirit that brought home fans back to the end of the fog, couldn't help but believe it, and said with a feverish face: "Praise the great unknown god! Praise the ancient Jiaxia, the Sunflower Dynasty , Has appeared before our eyes."

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