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The tribe below looked tight.

According to various information from their classmates, in the wild world, human lives are like weeds, and some powerful fights can affect hundreds of millions of mortals, which is simply commonplace.

This is not a planet, but a piece of the universe that is countless times larger than the planet.

Although they are known as the Little Leiyin Temple, they are the weakest and weakest prehistoric forces. They are game players, far nowhere near these true immortals and orthodox Buddhist natives.

Moreover, their bodies, the planets under the four pillars, belong to the natives of the various river system planets. They are not highly civilized, and are under the jurisdiction of the Great Summer Court. It is rare for them to score in the college entrance examination. They went to the prehistoric continent and encountered such a thing.

It is not that they don't want to enter the Immortal Dao and Buddhism Dao with rules of saints, but those orthodox schools have too strict rules for accepting disciples, and a living planet may not be able to produce a qualified person who can enter the saint's grand sect.

Therefore, they can only join Xiaoleiyin Temple, play the high-tech reality game "Online Game Prehistoric", and seek a ray of hope of detachment here.

This is also the hope for everyone on all planets to change their own destiny on an equal basis.

"We're only the first time, won't it be cold?"

"This is definitely a big hit for us. The first adult reincarnation for the college entrance examination is free. The state pays for it. After that, we have to pay for it. We poor students..."

"Why are we so unlucky? According to the online strategy, it's not so fast!"

"No, it's the ancestor of the blood river, the traitor of Xiao Leiyin Temple who loves to **** blood, and the master of Xianmen is fighting."

Someone seemed to perceive something and couldn't help but exclaim.

But in the next second, most of the millions of candidates on the planet they were present were destroyed in an instant, and most of the candidates were killed or injured.

"Run! Run!"

"This class of candidates on our planet is over, over, it's hard to be a strong one."

Many people ran away in wailing, hoping to become survivors of this battle.

But there is no doubt that this class of candidates on this planet suffered heavy losses as soon as they came up. This is the cruelty of the ancient civilization.


In the game cabin, many people walked out and opened their eyes. Some students directly started howling and crying, tears streaming down their faces.

And this is not the first time this has happened.

The prehistoric universe has just been established, and countless people are competing for the rules of the Great Dao, hoping to become a saint of heaven. This is destined to be an extremely cruel world.


Fu Qingjun opened his eyes.

Feel a lot of energy rushing back.

"Well, there are many lives and deaths in the common people, crazy iterations, huge numbers, and a large amount of energy has risen in the seventh stage." Fu Qingjun's mouth raised a smile.

Fu Qingjun: Middle Stage of the Seventh Realm (seal)

Actual Realm: Early Stage of the Sixth Realm

Character Card: SSR-class Jiaxia (missing), S-class Udurah, A-class Qin Hong, S-class Hongqi

Gene data bank:

1. The original Ant-Man prototype: the human body of the beast head

2. Advanced Ant-Man angel species: red wing angel, ant dragon, feather snake god, black feather angel...

3. Snails: native snails, parasitic beasts, mechanical snails...

4. Soil-bearing creatures...

In the seventh realm, the energy that allowed him to ascend was as vast as a sea of ​​smoke. Even if such a huge land became his dependent, he felt that he was rising slowly.

And his own training, steadily and steadily, is not in a hurry.

After all, if he really wants to upgrade to the sixth-order Dzogchen, it is not a difficult problem, after all, everyone else already has the seventh-order.

But the problem is that if the sixth order breaks through the seventh order, the rules must be integrated! Then, what rules Fu Qingjun needs to integrate into the seventh rank?

It must be a two-piece time fragmentation rule.

However, Fu Qingjun didn't dare, because once he merged, he would be sensed by some terrifying existence.

As a result, he fell into the difficult problem of having an empty Baoshan and not being allowed to enter. Now it must be the first time to study the breakthrough of the seventh step, to integrate the rules of time, and not to be sensed by other people.

"However, my soul is only in the middle stage of the seventh stage, and the energy required is so huge. This may be related to the strength of the rules that I have mastered."

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "The more advanced the rules of the universe are hijacked, the more expensive it will be to merge them thoroughly. I still need a lot of energy if I want to merge this time rule completely."

Moreover, Fu Qingjun discovered that as the Great Summer Court explored the rules, they were surprised to find that no matter how they searched, they could not find the highest rules above the rules of wind, fire, thunder, electricity, etc., appeared. Wandering in the universe.

Time, space, life, these rules are completely absent and cannot be discovered.

"So, my time rules, how did you find the country of the whirlpool back then?" Fu Qingjun squinted, constantly exploring the remaining memories in his mind.

The inheritance of ancient ships is complicated, and most of them have been lost.

Fu Qingjun can only guess secretly,

"It shouldn't be perceivable by mental power? After all, the rules of time and space are more conceptual, and you cannot easily stand on the surface of the crystal wall of the universe and search everywhere."

The universe is an irregular pebbles. They break through the wall of the universe and stand on the surface of the universe. In turn, they can see the occasional rules passing by in the wall of the universe and take the opportunity to extract them.

Fu Qingjun kept thinking, "The other biggest problem is that although I found that my ancient ship has only time rules, it vaguely seems to have some life rules?"

After all, the night feast of the gods and demons can merge and create life,

Fu Qingjun guessed that part of the rules of life were implicitly contained.

"The rules of life..." Fu Qingjun frowned.

But there was obviously no in his ancient ship, only two pieces of time, which he knew clearly.

He was suddenly inspired,

"Wait, will it be: time is the birth of life? Time rules, can the rules of life be born?" He seemed to grasp something.

It is necessary to master the time rules of the lower level to nurture the rules of life of the higher level?

This guess is very likely,

After all, as we all know, time breeds life!

And if you explain it this way, the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons makes sense.

Having mastered the rules of time, he unintentionally extracted a trace of the rules of life, so Fu Qingjun found that he could merge life and create evolutionary life.

"However, I have to kill and keep reaping the dependents before I can start the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons..."

He suddenly figured out what was so general,

"It takes the eye of time to see the rules of life! The specific process is: from a large number of dead lives, use time to pause, and extract the super-fine life rules contained in them."

This is the reason why I can start the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons,

I was afraid that what I had obtained before was a trace of the rules of life, and it was used by myself to create a new species of fusion...

Fu Qingjun squinted his eyes.

"Then, continue with this reasoning, the rules of life exist in the life body in the universe."

"It is very likely that it is the same as other similar flame rules, in every life, as long as the life in that place is killed, the rules of life can be extracted... But the place that has been deprived of the rules of life will become a total life. Jedi."

"It's also like the rules of fire. He needs to travel throughout the universe and draw every corner. As long as he kills all the life in the universe, he can extract the most complete rules of life."

Fu Qingjun got goose bumps.

Only by killing all the lives of the universe and stripping them away can one advance to the level to completely grasp the authority of life!

This is a terrifying guess, but it is very likely to be true!

This is because the rules of fire and thunder and lightning come from this way. They travel everywhere in the universe and deprive them of every fragment that exists. This can be integrated into a complete ultimate rule, and they will completely take over the authority.

"But in this way, the country of the whirlpool back then, in the'Million Years Realm', was madly ruled and conquered everywhere, and it made sense."

Fu Qingjun closed his eyes.

For that kind of seventh-level civilization, he is already extremely powerful, why is he still aggressive? Enslave everywhere and rule all planets in the universe?

It is because they want to kill the common people in every land in the universe and extract the rules of life.

"The Night Banquet of Gods and Demons is an evolutionary life that can only be unlocked by killing his dependents..." Fu Qingjun felt that all his special abilities could be explained.

"In other words, there are a lot of deaths in common people. Can I use the rules of time to see and get some subtle rules of life to the limit?"

Fu Qingjun squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and suddenly looked towards the wild world.

"A person can only integrate one rule. If I can get the rule of life, I will integrate life. Then, in the future, the ancient ship of the time rule may be given to my dependents, such as Jiaxia."

"After all, these two time rules are obviously remembered by other existences. Once they merge, I will fear that I will be madly chased by my enemies. If I can choose the other, I will choose the other... to take this opportunity~www. readwn.com~Returning to Jiaxia is the best choice."

Fu Qingjun's heart moved slightly,

Life is obviously the most central source of the supreme power in the universe. If it can be obtained, he will definitely have priority.

"There must be a great disaster."

"Regardless of whether my guess is true or not, in short, my own brain will harvest a large amount of life energy and return to my head through hair, which will make my strength soar."

His expression suddenly calmed down.

"Ancient Taoist mythology records that in the prehistoric era, there was the first calamity of the Dragon and Han, which was the first of the five calamities, and the remaining four calamities were Chiming, Kaihuang, Shanghuang, and Yankang."

"Ancient history records that there are clouds, shaking the Miluo Palace, and the towering Xiaodian. The beginning of the robbery of Yankang, the road is super long." Fu Qingjun's eyes were cold, standing on the wall of the universe, watching the one on the high The newly built huge world desk,

"In this world, there should be the first robbery of the Dragon and the Han." He intends to hide behind the scenes and cause a real world calamity, because time is indeed running out.

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