My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 313: Reincarnated saint

Emperor Yu was 18,000 years old.

The time for the prophecy is approaching.

But the history is too long, no one knows when it will come, and can only hide it silently.

Xia Di chose to leave the Great Summer Court supported by four columns alone, wandering around the surface of the irregular sphere of the universe, exploring the rules.

And the entire prehistoric land began to expand rapidly.

In the universe below the four pillars, as they entered the seventh realm, they expanded wildly in the universe, pushing them all the way, and they discovered many powerful galaxy civilizations, and they absorbed them one after another.

Even some civilizations, although not as powerful as the previous Great Summer Court, there are also many sixth-level high-dimensional powerhouses who continue to join this Great Summer Court family.

The original territory instantly expanded seventeen times.

Many life planets were included in the territory, and the creatures on these planets began to accept Xiao Leiyin Temple's "Online Game Prehistoric" and reincarnated into the prehistoric world outside the universe.



What are... the rules?

In the Nassar system, Elson closed his eyes, and this word always echoed in his mind.

Elson is an exceptionally gifted monster in the entire Nassar galaxy group. He reached the fifth-level genetic warrior at the age of fifteen, and the 41-year-old sixth-level genetic warrior, reaching the highest level in the universe. He defeated the entire Nassar. The number one master of the Sa River empire, he was only 64 years old, and he has been the strongest recognized number one fighter in the entire Naxa River system for hundreds of millions of years.

He not only has a strong combat power, but also developed genetic engineering, electromagnetic dynamics, and interstellar jumping, and became a recognized great sage in the entire civilization.

However, he was still very dissatisfied.

He vaguely felt that he was just a baby, and there was a kind of power waiting for him in the future.

He opened his palm and held a jade pendant in his hand.

It was this jade pendant that gave him this incredible power to reach this realm so quickly.

The rules of water.

This word appeared in his mind, but what are the rules?

"This is a relic of a super cosmic civilization, but it's obviously not something I can understand, and it needs to be deciphered continuously."

At this time, he had already left his main civilization, wandering in every corner of the universe, and became an interstellar traveler.

Directly at this time, he came to an occupied planet.

The main empire of this planet seems to be called: Great Summer Court, there are legendary seven-level genetic warriors.

Level seven?

Elson took a deep breath, has the seventh level of civilization finally found it?

His civilization has always believed that level 6 is the limit of the universe, but through Jade Pei, he has always believed that level 7 civilization is real.

A game "Online Game Prehistoric" prevails.

He began to study the information of this online game on this planet, and continued to interpret that a different degree of real universe world, practiced in online games, will become stronger in reality.

There are big secrets.

"I seem to be able to find the rules in the jade pendant..."

He couldn't help but try to get involved.

Putting on the helmet, a dull hair inserted into his mind.


Entered a world of white churches.

In the entire wild land, everyone looked at this tall seven-meter man with brilliant black hair dancing like flames, with a sculptural neutron star hard skin, smiling and appearing in Novice Village.

"A new player again?"

"It looks like a monster in reality."

"Since the Great Summer Court entered the seventh level, it has expanded wildly in the main universe, and new planetary civilizations have continued to join. A large number of monsters have also been integrated into "Online Game Prehistoric" and began to build this world."

"There are more and more monsters, what should we do?"


Elson looked around with a cold expression, strode out the meteor, and began to try to kill the enemy to improve his experience and level.

At the same time, he began to constantly understand this piece of the world, "That's it, that's how it is...the rules? The rules! The jade pendant is the rules."

His mind exploded, and certain memories began to wake up.

"I used to be a reincarnated saint in my previous life. I mastered the rules of the water system, but was eventually cut down by other existences of the same attribute. I could only escape into the universe with the rules..."

Some remaining memories poured into his mind. He vaguely saw some memories of past lives and parting from his lover. The enemy stood in the sky and laughed triumphantly, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I have remembered most of my memories. That is to say, here is also a powerful seventh-level civilization that has established its own cosmic empire outside the universe?"

"But it doesn't matter. I only need to re-certify the 36th rule of the water system with that jade pendant. I am the Quantum Floater Elson, see to return to this land."

He looked calm, standing in the wild world, killing the enemy with extremely streamlined speed.

And Fu Qingjun, who was hiding in the dark, noticed the arrival of the other party, and his expression was a little dazed. "Good guy, just thinking about Longhan's first robbery, he came in with a genuine look? Originally with the rules?"

It seemed that the opponent was not too strong in his previous life, and now there are many such seventh-level saints in the Great Summer Court.


The details of the other party still need to be investigated.

He squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose instantly, "Let the three masters, the three false reincarnated saints, go and see him."

After all, the level of the trio's routines, I have a deep understanding of it.


A few days passed.

Elson continued to kill the enemy, lurking in this land to upgrade and fight monsters.

Since he is a strong person, he re-cultivation speed is extremely fast, and he has gone all the way to absorb energy, and has already returned to Tier 4. "It's unbelievable, this player race is very special... If it is really in the universe, it will naturally occur so exaggerated. A race against the sky, the probability is very low..."


But in the next second, three young Tier 6 descended slowly.

"Your Excellency, are you also a reincarnated saint?" Li Junchen looked at him with a handsome face.

Elson was taken aback and looked at the three people in front of him.

Their souls are highly overlapping and condensed, and there is indeed a sign of the reincarnation of the saint.

"The three giants of Xiaoleiyin Temple?" Elson said, also heard.

"Yes, the three giants of our Little Leiyin Temple are actually all reincarnations of the saints, although we currently only have the sixth rank."

Li Junchen nodded, carrying his hands on his back and proudly said: "I was also a seventh-order saint in my previous life, but my memory is incomplete and my inheritance is lost. I vaguely remember my vague memory. I used to be a fighting emperor, riding a horse and being chased by enemies, and finally asking for help everywhere. , Very anxious... just call me Doudi."

At this time, a young pale and thin man continued, "My name is the past, please call me the blood knight, the ancestor of the blood river... I don’t remember the past, I just remember that I was in the corpse. Wandering in the sea of ​​blood, intoxicated by the fragrance of the girl's blood."

He carried his hands on his back, also very compelling.

Now according to his thoughts, his unique habit before the end of the day, going to the toilet to pick up sanitary napkins for women's clothing, is also caused by the influence of past life memories.

"And I, as the main god, established a space and distribution system." At this time, the last person spoke, claiming to be the main god.

These three chatters on the Internet now really think that they are saints in the previous life.

No Elson looked at the three in front of him.

They are the sixth order, and they are the same as the sixth order, even far stronger than them, lying in front of him is naturally noticed instantly.

In other words, they are really saints reincarnated, just like themselves?

Elson thought for a while, and now that he was exposed, he also said directly: "My Excellency, there are indeed characteristics in this aspect of the soul, but... it seems that you are worse than me, and have lost what you once mastered. the rule of."

"Yes." said the man who claimed to be the emperor of Dou: "We now want to make a rule, but we can't get it at all. We can't break through the seventh rank."

Elson nodded.

These three people are only low-dimensional saints, and parallel dimensions are only 30 multidimensional. This kind of combat power can only be a ghost if it can intercept the rules.

But Elson also has a vague feeling of empathy. This little Leiyin Temple is obviously a gathering place for people like them. "I still save this rule, and I will break through it soon. Naturally, it can help you intercept the rule."

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