My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 321: Witch, indomitable

Everyone saw a super huge giant standing on the ground.

If the world is still proportional to the planet, then the ratio between this giant and the earth is equivalent to a frog standing on a basketball.

Human beings are not as good as a single vellus hair on the soles of his feet.

"A Tier 7 power is not surprising, who can tell me why he is so huge!"

"This is not a creature that can be reached by normal life!"

In the country of Union, a group of people argued loudly in the conference room.

"He blew out a star hanging high in one breath!"

"It's crazy, is this a mutant race?"

Countless people looked at the giant that covered the sky and covered the sun and kept analyzing.

Soon, a powerful scientist quickly made a speech and said excitedly: "Wait, according to the life radar, this giant is not an individual life, but a super-large life formed by a group of creatures?"

"In other words, this giant is a huge giant made of countless creatures like us, fused together?"

"No! That's not the case! Although it is a polymerization life, there are multiple monomer life reactions, but only the same consciousness, it is likely that there are countless clones, cast into a giant."

"What the **** is this?"

"It is likely to be a soft-bodied race with self-division. A single person splits into countless soft-bodied creatures and then gathers together."


Countless light emission capable of destroying a star, even in this earth, is enough to destroy a mountain, and bombard this giant.

Countless sparks bloomed, but they seemed to hit the surface of a giant's extremely dense white dwarf, leaving only a few white marks like craters.

Then these wounds quickly recovered.

"It's useless, you are too tyrannical, I want to crusade you for the suffering people here." The giant strode towards the meteor, "Witch is a group of people who resist the world."

Countless people took a breath after seeing this scene.

"What is a witch? The other party is a witch? Giant?"

"This is outrageous, this race!"

"How can there be such an exaggerated resilience."

A tall and strong imperial powerhouse looked around and said coldly: "The opponent seized and practiced the defense-based ice rules, mastered the solidification and concentration of liquids, and, in scientific terms, mastered the quantum power of the solid state. The formation of a quantum solid foam layer in the body for buffering is extremely scary."

The so-called rules of elements such as wind, fire, water, ice, etc., are all applications of the density of quantum force.

Many people know the definition of molecules and atoms, but "quantum" is the smallest unit of matter in the universe, and the entire universe is a world composed of quantum.

Therefore, any application of Yuan Shu's rules is essentially quantum manipulation.

Fire is a quantum collision that accelerates matter and can ignite any matter in the universe.

The wind is the rule of the quantum discrete gas state, and it can be easily blown, and the entire star will be blown into a quantum breeze and dissipated in the sky.

The rule that water is a quantum soft liquid state can change the structure of matter and turn any solid state into a gentle stream of water, metal, earth, life, and even stars.

Ice is the rule of quantum compression solid state, compressing matter to the limit.

This is the basic element rule.

"The body of this monster can still be compressed!"

Someone nervously said: "It means that he still has a second form, compressing himself to the size of a normal person, or even smaller, so that his body density is comparable to a neutron star, which is equivalent to a small sun. Tuck it into your pores."

How do you fight this?

The rules of ice system, the control of quantum density compression, are trillions of times harder than diamonds.

Coupled with the terrible resilience of the opponent's own race, invincible defense plus the resilience against the sky...

"This is simply a monster."

"The highest-level plasma weapon, I'm afraid it will have no effect on him."

"How to do?"

"Go, Lord Hall of the Front Military District!"

"It's too late. To jump here, you need to cross the Kars Mountains and countless border countries, at least a week!"

After all, the entire land of stars, in order to prevent invasion, is spread over dense spaces to prevent the enemy from jumping to the interior in an instant.

Therefore, they can only jump short distances, which is to prevent invasion.

"Asshole, blame those **** mobs for cutting off the signal and betraying our country! We are only reconnecting now."


At this time, the entire conference room was broadcast live by a traitor within the entire empire. All TVs, networks, Moments of Friends, video websites, and forums in the surrounding area were all watching the live broadcast here.

The Great Witch and Great Axe Giants attack the capital!

This sentence became the hottest topic in the nearby countries.




Countless people shouted enthusiastically, looking at the giant who was going to defeat the tyranny for them.

On the other side, the deputy commander of the legion was coming at high speed, frowning, "This time, the influence is greater than the previous Lucifer. Lucifer's notoriety, but what is stirring in front of him is the heart of the whole earth. !"

"That one exists and spoils his child too much, and he is so angry in this border country." He looks very bad. As the ruler of the front-line war zone, he has heard of all kinds of evils before, but Did not expect to exaggerate to this degree.

The people are all helping each other, but the other party does not continue to hide, but walks out in an open manner?

Is this a fool?

No matter how he thinks, it will not benefit him to do so.

Is it possible that he is really an upright giant?

"Speed ​​up." He looked cold, "Our civilization is being awakened by an unknown civilization, interfering...what the **** is it? The history they describe?"

The whole land began to cheer, watching the scene.

Soon, their giant helped them to retreat the tyrant from politics was hacked to death by angry people.

But the giant didn't do anything, and even gave them strength, and after teaching them to become stronger, they just left silently.


"Stand upright!"


"Fighting the sky and the battlefield!"

The sound of the whole land became more and more intense, and the square and upright witch characters were constantly written, chanting this mysterious ancient unknown civilization.

Various worship religions were born, various movements broke out, and local conflicts intensified. The people of the whole country even began to practice the power of the great witches, became the great witches, and began to help other countries get rid of control and let colonization be free.

The whole land, the internal turmoil, unexpectedly affected the surrounding countries.

They also gradually learned that there is likely to be an ancient seven-level mythical civilization resurrected in this land, the giant **** Xingtian, and they began to believe in gods.

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