Hall came to this land and looked at this land of cheers and happiness, and the whole person stayed in a daze.

They stood on the ground in a group,

"My dear inspector, tell me what's the situation?" Deputy Chief Hall stood in the middle of the cheering town, looking up at the swelling giants, "How did this become a country of giants?"

"The man named Xingtian killed the King of Nia in this land and then liberated the people. He did not choose to become the new king, but as a traveler, he continued to leave. He empowered the weak here. Let them become their own blood heir race." The man next to him was full of respect.

"You admire him too?" Hall squinted his eyes and looked at the men in front of him.

"No, no." The man hurriedly replied.

"Heh." The corner of Hall's mouth raised, "I didn't admire him either, but he was indeed a fool. We threatened Lucifer and let him reproduce his own race for his own use, but the other party didn't take the bait, but this one. The man named Xingtian took the initiative to spread his powerful race."

Hall bent down, "Since the traveler has left, let's investigate the Wu Clan here first."


There was a voice from the side.

Soon they started investigating the witches here and found that they have a strong immortality. They do not store souls in their brains, but every cell contains fragmented souls, which makes them extremely powerful.

At the same time, because of the characteristics of cell division, they can divide themselves, practice one by one, and finally converge into a polymer to become a giant.

"Very powerful race!"

"Gosh, it's incredible!"

"With the power of rules, this is the truly terrifying strong clan."

They continued to study and record the visions that occurred here, and they were more and more amazed at the strength of this race.

"You can ignore the rage of the central one. I think as one of the rulers of this frontline military area, you must write to His Royal Highness." Hall took a deep breath.

Soon, a letter was sent to the distant capital.

A tall throne exists, as the strongest ruler of the seventh-level cosmic civilization, playing with two planetary projectiles in his hands, looking down, looking at the details of the letter.

Lucifer and Xingtian are introduced in detail.

At the same time, he wrote at the end:

"According to the description, they belong to an ancient seven-level civilization."

"First of all, I think this seven-level civilization exists because the other party's civilization is extremely terrifying. If the strength of a Lucifer race is accidental, then Xingtian's race is not accidental."

"This mysterious civilization is very likely to have the ability to create or transform life, that is to say, they had a terrifying ultimate cosmic civilization with certain life rules in their heyday."

"I think we may be able to try to win Xing Tian, ​​he does not kill and tyrannize, this is a sacred god-like man, if we can get his approval, we will have great civilization development, and at the same time can deal with the possible existence of awakened enemies. "


After reading the letter, the emperor was a little silent.

He understood what Hall meant, and it was a great benefit to win over the God of War who had resisted that mysterious civilization and competed with the emperor.

"However, the empire is already decayed...According to Hall's description, the other party does not allow decay. Hall hinted that I would take the opportunity to cleanse and kill some rotten and bloated existences, and then take advantage of the situation to accept the other party... how easy is it?" The emperor had a calm expression, "The difficulty of the Great Purge is more difficult than I thought."

He sat quietly on the throne.

At present, the other party has indeed shown their strength.

Angel family, God.

Witch, Xingtian.

Next, what kind of race against the sky?

Not sure.

This civilization does not know how bright it is.

But he already had a hunch in the dark that the entire empire was facing a huge conspiracy, and if it did not escape, it would usher in destruction.

"A terrifying civilization that masters the rules of life..." He took a deep breath.

Haven't waited for him to sit down and make a decision.

I heard more news erupting from all over the earth.

Xing Tian wandered around, he didn't care about his own race leakage, as long as the weak prayed to him for strong power, he would give the opponent the power to become stronger.

And Lucifer escaped, and that terrible man swept the land again, turning a large mountainous land into a paradise lost, full of fallen angels and the kingdom of dead souls.

What is even more terrifying is that the Yellow Emperor named Renzu began to appear on the earth.

He carried a tortoise shell on his back, claiming to be a human being empowered by Hormons, with mediocre talent, insufficient creativity, and terrifying computing power.

The whole land began to be surging, and the land was completely anxious.

Well done.

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath and sighed that Liu Luo was indeed a lunatic.

"Look, it is true that your land is directly related to the historical flood event." Li Junchen looked at Elson in front of him and said: "Since all ethnic groups have erupted, we will just build a small Leiyin Temple. I guess it’s not very eye-catching."

Without those big bosses carrying them in front, they would absolutely not dare to do this.

And there is indeed an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

"Okay." Elson took a deep breath and asked, "Who do you think is behind this civilization?"

Li Junchen squinted his eyes, "Observing the history before the Flood, we can't find the record in front of us, and we can't know the true fairy from the history. Instead, I think of a person, Liu Luo."

"Liu Luo?"

"He is a gathering of countless evil thoughts. He cultivates mixed soul techniques and splits countless personalities." Li Junchen felt extremely acquainted, but he was puzzled. "However, there is no Liu Luo in this era. It may be some powerful existence in this era. The accumulation of reincarnation, magical thoughts, and splitting power."

"Then who do you think this person is?" Elson asked.

"First of all, although the remnant thoughts of the death of the strong will give birth to demons, they are all strands of dead souls. Only the negative pressure techniques that accumulate people, such as continuous reincarnation and reincarnation, can give birth to such a powerful magical thought."

Both the Buddha and the Emperor, because of their special techniques, have cultivated countless lives and accumulated countless selves, so that such a special form of magical thoughts can be born, and most people can't reach this level.

"This strong man must know the witches, Buddhas, angels... all major races, with extremely powerful wisdom, and at the same time practiced the practice of crazy reincarnation reincarnation, constantly accumulating pressure and negative emotions...I think there is only one person."

"who is it?"

"Xia Di!"

Everyone got goose bumps~www.readwn.com~ Thinking carefully, Xia Di was even very likely.

The emperor, the Buddha, cultivated countless lives because of the exercises.

However, Emperor Xia is not because of the practice, but because of constantly traveling through time. He must also have huge negative pressure and emotions...

And the negative emotional life born by Emperor Tai, Liu Luo was so terrifying, killing hundreds of millions of people at the age of eight, and how terrible would Xia Emperor's magical thoughts converge on his personality?

That is Jiaxia, who is known as the reincarnation of the **** of wisdom.

"No, you must report to Emperor Xia. His demonic mind reincarnation has appeared here." Li Junchen got goose bumps. "Do you think it's not God, but Xia's negative emotions, which caused great flood?"

They gave birth to a terrible guess.

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