Everyone felt a sense of depression,

As if in front of the Henggu Universe Mountains, the vastness of the ancient stars.

This is the crushing of superior rules, like a great cosmic monarch. Looking at the common people overlooking the entire land, everyone felt their bodies tremble slightly.

God spoke lightly, with a majestic look, "It's really a pity, you guys don't understand the truth of the universe in this world, they are sharp, young and upright, splattering blood, don't know what is true, and don't know the fate of the world."

"This world is doomed to a catastrophe, and you are already unchangeable." Fu Qingjun lowered his head, "Emperor Xia has no authority. I have already stolen it. Your land is already doomed to be destroyed."

Everyone is horrified.

Now there is indeed no possibility to restore history.

Although the truth has been discovered, God has completely established the victory, and Xia Di, who has no time rules, can only be slaughtered.

God, the greatest robber saint, has been planning to seize the rules for these years.

"I urge you two to leave as soon as possible. I can let your civilization make a living." God has his hands on his back and his eyes are like eagles, overlooking the king of rivers and the king of stars in front of him.

You two civilizations, what fun are you joining here?

Fu Qingjun had originally planned to guide Liu Luo and Emperor Xia in a battle. In line with the flood, the gods encircled and suppressed Emperor Xia, and then left the curtain.

After all, Jiaxia and others are his dependents, and it is impossible to find himself.

But who knows that someone who is not his dependent has found himself here? Bring Jiaxia and others, let them encircle themselves?

? ? ?

And the most important thing is that I can't beat these two.

But the two kings of civilization will be like this, and it is also related to themselves. He sent Liu Luo to kill wildly in their domain and condense the rules of life...

"Well, I can let you go."

God said lightly, "This is the grudge of Emperor Xia, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Hehe, you acted too fake." The King of Stars sneered, "Are you afraid of us? I ruled the world for hundreds of millions of years, with wisdom and humanity, and no one can hide from me."

Fu Qingjun was silent,

My God, is it true and false? I obviously think it’s okay...

However, it deserves to be the strongest monster in this cosmic civilization, this kind of wisdom is amazing.

The king of the stars opened his mouth, his expression was calm, he looked like a dragon and a tiger, his eyes were full of domineering, "Originally, I was still hesitating, but at this time, I will definitely help Daxiatian Court to defeat this mysterious God. Behind the scenes of the Flood Black hands."

"The God of this period has just entered the seventh stage, and the realm is far not as high as ours. Even with the supreme rules, there is still hope."

"He seized the rules of time, but he definitely did not activate power a few times." The King of Stars encouraged everyone and shouted: "As for you, Da Xia Ting and others, you are too weak, and your power is far less than the two of us. For one, you don’t need to make a move, you only need a few moves to kill the opponent."

How could he not see Fu Qingjun's combat power?

His expression was sharp, and since he planned to stand on the side of Xia Emperor Heavenly Court, he planned to walk all the way to the end.

As said, although Emperor Xia has extremely powerful potential, at this time, it is too weak!

There is no time for him to rise.

And this is indeed his greatest opportunity.

If you can kill the super cosmic saint who masters the rules of time by the rules of gravity, then you have seized the opponent's power, wouldn't it?


As soon as he stretched out his hand, countless spheres emerged from the King of the Stars. He mastered gravity and then the density of matter, compressing the stars in his hands.

This is a cosmic hegemon who has mastered the stars. He has lived for countless billions of years and has built this big universe. It is an unimaginable true horror hegemon.

"Qunhe." He looked at the old opponent next to him.

"I know!"

This powerful man who mastered the rules of liquid melted the stars into an endless galaxy, and gathered them into a huge star mecha, surging with unimaginable power.

What's all this?

Two horrible existences join forces to strike...

Fu Qingjun has not had time to react.


They hit with all their strength, and the sky collapsed.

With just one blow, God was instantly dead and broken.

In the next second, God slowly returned, resurrected and reborn, but said: "You two, really want to be my enemy?"

"Are you alive again? You have mastered the rules of time and returned to the past?" The king of the stars sharpened, and was slightly surprised for a few seconds. "It is worthy of being the enemy of the Great Flood and the chief culprit who is destined to destroy the Great Summer Court and us. "

The king of the stars looked at the situation in front of him, as if a super giant could easily kill an ant, but this ant had an unimaginable power and kept working hard.

And, as time goes by, it keeps getting stronger.

"How many times can you use your time to live again?" said the King of Stars: "But there is no doubt that you will die."

"I will die? I am about to take over the future me."

Fu Qingjun said, "The future God is merging with me who is still in my childhood in this time and space. My strength is constantly growing. It will be easy for me to kill you two weak people in the near future... Don't you run away?"

In fact, he is working hard at this time, using the hair of the rules of life to continuously extract the common people's power from the Great Summer Court to restore his body.

However, the opponent's power is too crushed, even if it is reborn in this way, it is estimated that it will not last long.

Therefore, Fu Qingjun moved out of the future God.

"The coming of the future, you will undoubtedly die." Fu Qingjun said.

"I feel that you are lying again." The King of Stars said with a smile.

Fu Qingjun: "..."

"Let me think about it, there is a God in the future. That is the mature stage of you, but why should you run away? If you are not sure, I will take action? If you can really win us, why let them go? Pretending to be powerful?"

The king of stars sneered, and said faintly: "Xia Qing ah Xia Qing, you have traveled to prehistoric times, but I explored your actions so far. You never dared to really take action, hide behind the scenes, pretend to be kind to lure the common people after history, crusade The Great Summer Court wanted to kill Emperor Xia with Emperor Xia's magical thoughts. Why? Why didn't you kill Emperor Xia personally?

Everyone stunned, this is indeed a huge mystery.

They seemed to think of something in the next second...

"It can be seen that you are afraid of Emperor Xia's civilization, and you must solve it in the safest way."

The King of Stars said lightly, "You are afraid of Emperor Xia's growth. He is the only one who can regain your time rules, because that is his rule."

Fu Qingjun opened his mouth.


The King of the Stars didn't wait for him to speak, but shot to death.

"You want to tell a lie again."

He looked at ease, and said to himself: "Yes, but the Great Summer Garden may be your culprit, but what's the use? Their civilization is too weak now, not even one percent of yours!"

"Awesome! It is amazing! This kind of wisdom may be comparable to Emperor Xia! I know what the King of Stars is going to do."

At this moment, Liu Luo, the demon body of Emperor Xia, stood up, grinning at the corner of his mouth.

"You have always resisted me cannibalism before. If I let go of my hands and feet now, and I swallow your two cosmic civilizations, I will grow to an extremely powerful level, and then merge with Emperor Xia..."

Vice President Hall was dumbfounded and scolded: "You are crazy, this is the savings and heritage of our entire civilization, our king, it's impossible—"

"Then you still have a way? Change the history of destruction by the flood!"

Liu Luo intends to repeat the old tricks, swallowing countless strong people as he did in the past, and make himself stronger.

"You, or even the whole land, won't really die, but just become souls and become one with me... in the soul world within me."

"And I can gather the power of your two civilizations and fight each other." Liu Luo scolded: "The other party must be worried about the rise of Emperor Xia. I am the demon body of Emperor Xia, and I will merge with Emperor Xia as one... .. If Xia Di’s power becomes stronger, he may be able to summon his own time rule power and defeat the opponent! Save the tragedy of the flood!"

Everyone is still hesitating.

"You have no choice, let me kill, kill it!" Liu Luo sneered.

But the King of the Stars in the distance heard a voice, "Let him do it. If this goes on, I am worried that the true body of God will come to this time and space. According to my guess, this is a chance to win. God has been Fear of Emperor Xia...so hide behind the scenes."

God, appeared in every time and space in the past and future.

Xia Qing in this time and space is obviously still in his infancy, the ultimate God of the future maturity, coming directly, they are very likely to be defeated.

It's better to trust Xia Di...

We need to know that for people like him, civilization and common people are just bargaining chips.

As long as oneself, the great king of the universe, is still alive, it is only a matter of time to rebuild a universe and civilization of the same size.

In the eyes of the king of stars, things are very clear.

It was that Emperor Xia mastered the rules of time at the beginning, and God was so jealous of the other party after taking the rules. It was obvious where his weakness was.


The corner of Liu Luo's mouth raised a touch of blood, a cold light flashed directly, and he immediately began to slaughter the longevity that was all over the ground.

"Come on, come to my seven-layer demon hell, you will not be, but will only become part of my power, living in my soul universe."


Fu Qingjun was instantly killed by the two kings of the river. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But in the next second, his whole person felt a force emerging from the depths, "This is?"

"Your look has finally changed. The surprise this time is true, not a lie."

The king of stars looked at each other, letting Liu Luo from a distance slaughter his civilization, and said lightly: "Sure enough, you are very afraid of the rise of Emperor Xia, he has the power to kill you."

Fu Qingjun stayed, feeling the strength in his body, and then looked at the rules of life that continued to condense in Liu Luo's body.

"Originally, there was not enough time, and the resistance of the strong of this land was so strong that it slaughtered 16% of the land and condensed a trace of regular fragments, but now Liu Luo..."

Bang! Fu Qingjun was instantly slapped to death.

"Have you seen it, Emperor Xia and the others are growing crazily, and the entire Daxia civilization is growing crazily. You will definitely die."

The King of the Stars looked cold, and he was holding the winning ticket, "Sure enough, as I expected, you are afraid of the rise of Emperor Xia, so you have been hiding."

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