
Fu Qingjun was shot to death again, and was instantly crushed to death countless times.

Fu Qingjun knew that he might really have to practice his acting skills. When he encountered this kind of monster that could see through lies, the best choice was not to talk.


With a soft voice, the King of the Stars said coldly and sternly into the distance: "Although I have killed God, I already feel that his power is getting stronger. Has it really begun? We have discovered his weaknesses, and he is from the future. It’s already coming quickly, trying to stop us."

"Hurry up, let Liu Luo do it quickly, maybe the time is too late." With a shout, Liu Luo in the distance couldn't help speeding up his movements, and a large number of creatures died.


God is constantly being killed, but his power is growing rapidly.

"You are really anxious."

The King of the Rivers sneered, seeing God’s mighty speed increase, but he was not angry and rejoiced, “With Liu Luo’s speeding up killing, your arrival speed will accelerate again. It can be seen that you are, you are. Trying to condense time, but, have you asked me for your consent?"


The King of Rivers raised his hand again.

But in the next second, God no longer let him be slaughtered, but dodged at a strange speed, insisting on a few tricks before being defeated and killed again.

The King of the Rivers looked terrified, and frowned, "I just blinked, is it so powerful? Let that Xia Di's magical thought continue and let go of the space restraint."

"His Royal Highness, is this really the case? In this way, our civilization will not have a protective cover, and they can jump freely."

"It can only be so, let him kill faster."

The King of the Rivers thought for a while, "The group of ants we notified is just dead. For us, more advanced rules are important... Even the saints only need to keep a hundred of the strongest. Yes, the rest can go to death."

"Yes..." The confidants next to him answered with some difficulty.

So cold...

So peaceful...

They looked at this indifferent and ruthless universe overlord. We are just tools for this existence?

However, they could not resist.

At this time, the King of Stars suddenly said: "Xia Di, you practice the rules of fire. It seems that your strength is necessary...There are only two ways to obtain the rules. Each is to plunder the universe, and the other is to plunder the same. For saints with attributes, I will queue up saints with the same attributes, abandon my own rules, and let you improve your rules."

Jiaxia frowned.

"If you want to change the fate of the flood, if you want to save a few of our universes."

The King of Stars continued to say gently: "It seems that to defeat God, Mr. Jiaxia’s power is necessary. We will put all the rules of fire within our range into your hands, and your power will instantly grow to We are about the same height... However, whether you can control the skyrocketing power depends on your qualifications and wisdom."

"I will experience and assist your growth and return to the heyday. I only hope that when you grow up in the future, you will not forget us. I believe that with your character, you will not forget your kindness."

They continue to talk, and at the same time they continue to kill God.


God has re-consolidated, and his current strength is still very weak.

However, he has an unimaginable coercion who masters the super superior rules, dominating the universe, and his momentum is skyrocketing.

"What nonsense are you guys talking about?"

"Are you looking down on me?"

"The king of the stars and the rivers, I wanted to let you go, but I don't know what it is, the power has just come to one ten thousandths, do you start to be hysterical?"

"The destruction in the Flood Era is the will of the universe, a definite number, and irreversible."

The sound of freezing bones enveloped the earth, and a force that mixed life and time seemed to be constantly approaching, approaching crazily along an invisible channel.

"You guys succeeded in angering me."

"I want to travel to this era tens of billions of years ago and destroy you. This is enough for you to be proud for a lifetime."


The flesh and blood of God was crushed instantly.

The king of stars frowned,

"The God of this era, Xia Qing, is still too young...At present, he has only become a little tricky. He is just a little bug that needs to wave twice in the air to catch up... Mastering the rules of superiors, really. Enviable, this terrible immortality..."

The King of Stars was extremely envious, and knew that he had no retreat.

He must first kill God and help Xia Di regain the rules. If he can take the opportunity to kill Xia Di, he will definitely not hesitate. If there is no chance, he will choose to assist Xia Di. This is also a huge opportunity...

An opportunity to let yourself, this civilization, come into contact with the world’s top saint civilization!

Time passed by every minute.

The whole land is crying and howling, all preparing frantically for battle.

They knew that the real great horror was slowly passing along the passage to this era tens of billions of years ago.

Li Junchen and other people on earth from later generations were also stunned. The prehistoric flood event is currently happening!

Moreover, they never thought that the true enemy of the Flood Era, the culprit who killed Jiaxia, was a kind and gentle God to them!

"No, maybe it has been recorded in history, we didn't notice it." Li Junchen said.

"What?" Tang Meng was dumbfounded.

Li Junchen looked at the sky and suddenly read the Bible, "God felt that the people on the earth were sinful, so he dropped a great flood and destroyed the common people... Who said that this God is good? From another perspective, in this history It was he who started the great flood and conspired against Emperor Xia."

Everyone got goose bumps.

It turns out that it has already been in the historical mythology here, and it has a meaning.

And just as they were amazed, the civilization in the distance had completely boiled, fully prepared for war, and prepared to resist the ultimate universe coming from the future!

"Let Liu Luo speed up, the other party will become stronger!"

"Wait, the speed of God becoming stronger and coming is still keeping up! Not behind us at all!"

"Sure enough, we found God's weakness. Sure enough, he was afraid, and he came madly faster to compete with us!"


The surrounding sounds kept ringing.

In the war control room, there are countless existences in recuperation, all civilizations have taken out their trump cards and ultimate weapons, and are replenishing their energy.

"Don't worry, strip away all the rules accumulated by our civilization, and use them for the existence of the Great Summer Court. Their bloodline and strength are exaggerated than ours. With the help of the Buddha Realm and the Immortal Dao, it is the real weapon of undead warfare!"

"Isn't this asking us hundreds of thousands of saints to strip ourselves of the rules, us?"

"It can only be so!"


Boom just when they are discussing.

"You successfully angered me."

Unprecedented pressure descended on this small universe land outside the big universe, and everyone felt that there were saints who mastered the true rules of the universe, descended on this land, and could control their life and death in an instant.

Everyone knows that the era of the great flood is coming.


A young figure with white wings on its back came out of the brilliance, as if spanning countless billions of light-years, standing on the long river, gaze hanging forever, cold and merciless,

"I am the primordial emperor of Shangyuan. I have come to prehistoric times just for the ancient barbarians to guard against the sky and reverse history. When in this world billions of years ago, in the prehistoric universe, I will return to the Dragon and Han Dynasty."

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