Sure enough it came in.

Qin Hong took a deep breath and looked at the empty space around him.

With their increased authority, they can already enter the night banquet of the gods and demons at any time, but most of the time, this is deserted and there is no one.

After all, of course.

Isaac, Qin Hong, Yudura, Tang Meng...

There are only four people, most of the time it is impossible to meet.

But this time it was very rare. She met Yudura. The two met here all the year round. When they were happy, they met together praising the nameless god.

"God is behind the scenes, you should be sad, right?" Qin Hong said.

Yudura was silent for a moment, and didn't want to talk about it. He just said, "Well, it's just a different position. Jiaxia is the side that represents the nature and the universe, and God is the side that represents the creatures... Nature wants It is an inevitable trend to resist these creatures, and these creatures will transform and steal the universe and establish new rules for the universe."

Qin Hong thought for a while and this is true.

Different camps.

After all, they are constantly cultivating to improve their energy and energy level, which is an act of stealing the energy of the universe, and they themselves are thieves.

How to scold another thief?

Even in the eyes of God, they are traitors to living things.

"You don't need to talk about this topic for now. After all, there are still many incomprehensible things about Master God's character." They bypassed this topic by agreement.

"So, where is this Night Banquet of Gods and Demons?" They pondered. Even their master, God, who exists behind the scenes of such a horror, is just an old man here.

Moreover, the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons involves time, life, and possibly space...

"Maybe, this is the core of the universe?"

"Who created this place?"

"Is it all natural?"

"not sure."

Their discussions were fruitless, and they could only get around this topic.

"Speaking of, I have started to reincarnate in the third life." Qin Hong thought for a while and said, after all, she was a Mayan angel in her first life and created the Mayan dynasty. She was reincarnated as an artifact in her second life and became a Buddha during the Great Flood.. . And then died in the war.

She could not die, but she did not spare her life at all.

"Now, are you going to be reincarnated in the third life?" Yudura thought for a while, "I want to be reincarnated..."

The two of them kept chatting, exchanging intelligence and information with each other.


The time is another half a month.

The Gray Light Magic Academy of the Seven Colors Kingdom, as Fu Qingjun expected, almost the entire civilized genius entered it.

Even the high-level council of the college grandly received this civilized race named Earth, feeling the potential of these intelligent lives, and planning to focus on cultivation.

Soon, they began to find mentors and mentors, and they developed rapidly.

Fifty years have passed.

The top group was thoroughly appreciated, gained the Godhead and broke through the seventh rank, and began to become the lower **** of the Grey Goddess, and formally entered the **** system. Ziying, Jiang Yang, Isaac, these people became the students of this year. The top few of the rankings.

"It's another terrible civilization."

"Yes, after all, the top ten rankings in the first-level college rankings are almost dominated by this civilization, which is a rare occasion."

"No way, reincarnation problem, a good race will be favored by the academy..."

"I think this civilization has the qualifications to become the academy council..."

"No way?"

Many people discussed it, even some senior college students.

With the continuous reception of tasks, Miao Chuntang also gradually entered the public eye, and Bai Yu, Xiao Horn and others also showed their heads.

Li Mo had been in the blood of the snail before, and now she is a snail witch. He looked at the little horns and said seriously: "This time, the mission is for the ashes wizard Vilar, who defected from the kingdom, walking here. On the land, the opponent is the family member of the **** of white ghosts and fire rules, which is very tricky."

There are rule gods in the orderly camp, and there are also rule gods in the evil camp. Most of them have evil styles, hiding in the dark and killing everywhere, using common people to make evil spells.

"Let's go," they said.

Bai Yu and the others set off directly.

Fu Qingjun watched them leave the cafeteria and sighed. He felt that he would have to eat alone. "However, they continue to develop themselves and expand their race and civilization, which is equivalent to my continuous increase in strength... When they reach the heights of Jiaxia and those civilizations at that time, I will be able to restore the strength of the previous era."

As for them?

Fu Qingjun was staring naturally.

Soon, Bai Yu and others set off and teleported to a city of gray mountains on the edge.

The local city lord looked into the distance and hurriedly came out to greet him. After a reception, he said: "Further ahead, it is the natural disaster area, covering countless common people, and there is almost a dead place inside."

Everyone's minds kept sinking.

If it is calculated by the area of ​​the galaxy, these tens of billions of common people are already the living area of ​​hundreds of living planets, covering the endless river system.

But here it is commonplace, and it only covers a few light-years, because the cosmic land is tiled, resulting in extremely high population density.

"Livable, but also because of the high population density, it is very easy for some guys to slaughter the common people." Bai Yu smiled, "This land is also a river and lake in a certain sense."

They said goodbye to the city lord and went deep all the way.

Without knowing it at all, the plump skin of the city lord behind him quickly dried out, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the seven orifices, turning into a thin human skin, which was stuck on the ground motionless, like a wallpaper.

The entire king has become a ghost town.

"It seems is a good place."

"Hey, they continue to perform tasks in the academy, support various civilizations, and maintain order, and finally they have encountered some interesting guys."

A little ant and snail, slowly wriggling in the ruins of the city, "The place where you see is the place of death, bones and creatures? Bone creatures? How do they do it? They are harvesting the earth for common people... But it seems that I am creating a new world. territory."

Fu Qingjun looked at the corpses all over the floor with an extremely calm expression, but suddenly frowned, and sighed: "When did I become so indifferent like those high above saints, Cao Jian died."

It is tens of billions of creatures who are dying in front of them.

And he was already indifferent.

"Compromise?" He was silent for a while, even Gang Ru Jiaxia was compromising these common deaths, for the sake of a greater civilization and progress, and he was afraid that he would compromise faster...

After all, he was hiding in the void, quietly observing the progress of Bai Yu and others.

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