My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 340: God is a lunatic

This cosmic continental plate already has one-tenth the size of the original universe.

But the usable area of ​​the plate is already comparable to the vast original universe. This is the picture of artificial transformation.

Although it is only one-tenth the size, it is like a basketball above a thin tablecloth of the same size as a basketball, and this tablecloth can be inhabited on both sides.

It's like pressing the earth into a flat surface.

"It is vast and vast, comparable to the area of ​​the main universe. Even those sages who can personally monitor the land at any time are definitely less than 5%. They build the royal court and rule layer by layer."

"So, I'm secretly working on a piece of land in the universe, and the other party shouldn't notice it." A small whirlpool snail walked peacefully on the ruins.

Among the group of Bai Yu in front, the sweat from Li Mo kept falling, like pearls, which were actually snail eggs, scattered on the land that they walked all the way.

"It's the natural disaster race again, maybe it can build a land demon country..." Fu Qingjun lowered his head.

He used the powerful ants to produce such terrible ant natural disasters in the past. Now, with alien insect natural disasters, he can produce any monsters, even he has some expectations.

"First of all, let these snails find their black hands." Fu Qingjun thought for a while.



In a dark castle.

Surrounded by nests of monsters, a bone-dressed wizard looked around with a cane, "The prototype of the disaster of hell, the specimen of the torn transformer..."

A large number of granulation sprouts from the monster's lair, filling the organs, turning into a vortex-shaped flesh and blood, and converging into a bright red muscle wall membrane during continuous rotation.

"Unfortunately, the research institute invested by the Eldia family was destroyed before, the goddess of gray light, Emia..."

The alien lizard man dressed as a black-robed wizard took a deep breath, "I have been out of the academy for so long, and I don’t know how other people are developing now? It is estimated that the void monsters condensed by the creatures of this land will give me a few hundred years. , It is also difficult for me to have enough strength to attack a **** with a true godhead."

"My strength, in the original universe, has reached the level of destruction of the planet, but it has become extremely difficult to continue to improve... After soaring for countless years, I realized the gap in the gods. "

He is already a high-ranking **** with a perfect Godhead, and there is no way forward.

Unless it is hunting a true **** in the sky, lighting the fire, and possessing true rules, the whole life can only stop here.

However, using the Godhead projection to attack the existence of the true Godhead is itself an event with a very low probability of success!

But it can only be so,

It is even more unlikely that he will attack the gods who have given him the power projection, because the other party can regain the strength at any time, and he can only attack the gods of other gods.


The Bone Wizard suddenly gave a whisper, and a phantom projection appeared in front of him. It was Bai Yu and his party. "A little prey came in again?"

He squinted his eyes and looked at the group of people who were constantly hunting monsters.

Qin Hong's combat power is the most exaggerated, sweeping everywhere in front, while Bai Yu is helping to charge on the flanks, while in the distance, the small horn keeps on using sound skills, and Li Mo, as a spiritual wizard, is constantly attacking from a distance.

"These races...what are they?"

The wizard stayed in a daze, revealing a touch of inexplicability, "It seems that it is the little geniuses in the Gray Light Academy. I am indeed right to hide my strength. I caught some newcomers. It seems that my monster puppet has new members. Increased, it is still an unknown monster, which seems to be of great research value."

He waved his hand, "Aini, go get them."


A void figure flashed through the air.

He is close to the existence of the Gray Light Goddess, and the few guys under the Gray Light Goddess can compare shoulder to shoulder. It is easy to catch these little guys.

Soon, Bai Yu and others were quickly captured, brought into this space, and imprisoned in prison.

"Bring those funny little guys into my Bone Kingdom and come and see me." He sat on the throne and laughed.

"You are fishing, why am I fishing?"

But the next second, a voice came.

This tall wizard looked at a humanoid life in horror, and slowly appeared in the corner of the palace.

The tall wizard king abruptly got up, and the countless giant black snake stone statues beside the palace quickly stood up, "Who are you? If those little guys are your experience protecting them from behind, then this is a misunderstanding..."

"Hello, you can call me God." Fu Qingjun said.

"Your Excellency, what kind of **** is there? Are you the true **** of rules?" The wizard king reverently whispered: "I am the upper **** of the shadow civilization of Bayer Mia..."

He got goose bumps, this is the **** who masters the rules...

At the very least, it's a level of the Grey Goddess...what happened to him?

"Who am I? Is this important?"

God looked calm and sneered coldly: "I just reincarnated from the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons, and came to this era. I found the descendants of those guys. I wanted to see the man behind them who used to deflate me. He is still alive in this era. Are you still alive?"

"As a result, you followed them well, but you... ran out." God looked compassionate.

"However, in this era, there is a system called the gods faction, huh? If Tier 6 wants to master the rules and break through Tier 7, it has to find a true **** to worship and become the other's Tier 7 dog minion? What is this, boring That's amazing..."

Night Banquet of Gods and Demons, what is it?

and also...

The wizard king was in a daze.

God walked step by step, bathed in holy light, "You are like dogs, led by the **** who masters the rules, those guys, are you strong in aptitude and strength?"

God slowly approached and touched the wizard king's face lightly. "They just have the first mover advantage. Do they enslave you who are clearly stronger and more promising?"

"Grey Light Goddess, what is that then?"

"She just had a stronger dad who bestowed treasures and helped her kill the so-called evil dragon kingdom that had rules and was praised by the troubadours here, and then put her in power. In terms of wisdom and aptitude, she is far away. Far inferior to you." The figure said with a look of disdain and evil: "Are you angry?"

"I... I'm angry." The Wizard King looked a little dazed. "But what's the use of that?"

God’s voice is full of temptation, as if a demon is whispering next to his ear, as if this voice is the real demon,

"Yes, anger is the most indifferent ridiculous emotion. You clearly know that the universe is solidifying, classes are solidifying, and the world is unified."

The voice is getting softer and quieter, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,

"It's like there were many universes in the past, but now they are transformed into one... this world will sooner or later become a kinship **** system. Fathers, children, grandsons, they will continue to help hunt other lives and expand themselves. Family."

"The current Seven Color Magic Kingdom is said to be the seven descendants of a god. Would you like the world to be ruled by this kind of kinship nepotism? This era is becoming more and more rigid and boring." God shook his head and grinned. Smiled, "It's time to bring some vitality to this universe, and to improve the style of those strong."

"You, what are you going to do?" The Wizard King just felt a goose bump.

"This is too boring, since this life is reincarnated in this era, then I will give this era more life and help you untie the dog chain tied to your neck and overthrow the day Heavenly Lords, let the rules be obtained in a relatively fair way."

"Have you grown angry?" God suddenly smiled.

"I was very angry," said the wizard king.

"I see, my child, anger has distorted you, jealousy has changed you." God smiled.


The wizard king lowered his head and saw a scene he would never forget.

His body has been alienated and evolved to a certain degree, and the water chestnut on his head has become stronger, and all the defects of his race are gradually being filled, and his life is qualitatively changing and leaping.

"You!! You are a lunatic, what the **** are you??"

The Wizard King possessed an extremely terrifying physique, but he was so scared that he backed away and became completely stunned.

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