My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 364: Hope he is not a rice bucket

The boy nodded, "That must be a young chess player, but he is very talented."

"Perhaps." The old man smiled, "I hope the other party can be more interesting. The other Tianzun thinks it is a good luck Tianzun's game, but I know that he is a newcomer, even his strength is still very weak, and he is empty. Combat power,"

Those Heavenly Lords couldn't see this layer, but he saw it.

In fact, he guessed all right through clues, the truth is inseparable!

If Fu Qingjun heard his words here, combined with his own experience, he would understand all the historical truth.

The opponent described the old opponent's layout, I'm afraid it means: the country of vortex!

Back then, in the country of vortex, using two fragments of time rules, the owner of the country expended the nation's efforts to build an ancient ship of time, traveling in the past and future moments, wandering around the universe, and salvaging certain supreme rules everywhere.

I'm afraid that the final salvage is the "rules of life fortune".

The country of the whirlpool knew that he would definitely be destroyed!

So when it was destroyed, the ancient ship of time was allowed to escape in advance, with the seed of the rule of life in it, fled to the distant future generations, and was finally acquired by himself.

The fragmented seeds of the rules of life in the ancient ship were obtained by oneself.

Therefore, at the moment of getting the ancient ship, the reason why his hair was so mutated and able to flutter one by one, take root on the heads of all common people, improve their species form, and evolve them, precisely because of the integration of this "rule of good fortune."

It is also because of the ability to hold a night feast of gods and monsters and transform other creatures.

And along with his continuous growth, even through the Great Flood period, through a huge number of killings, the vitality of countless powerful people, the seeds of life rules were extracted, and they completely grew into rules fragments and became the gods of good fortune.

So far, this is indeed the layout of the country of vortex.

However, because Fu Qingjun made a mistake and collided, he used the ancient ship of time for Jiaxia, and he had almost never used it, making him think that Jiaxia was the orthodox heir of the Vortex Kingdom. After that, he escaped from the shell and took the ancient ship. It was given to Jiaxia again, and they went to chase after Jiaxia...

Therefore, they don't know the origin of this rule of good fortune, they don't know that it is the back hand of the country of whirlpool.

Because in their eyes, Jiaxia is the orthodox heir.

And myself...

It has been hidden in the dark, no one knows his true identity, or even the origin of this rule of good fortune.

Even if it is as powerful as this old man, after calculating for eternity, it is just a guess that it is a layout left by an old day!

The old man sighed: "In front of him, the pattern of good luck Tianzun is so powerful, it is the country that has played for him, and it is a chess move after tens of billions of years."

"Their wisdom is terrible, and they know that they want to kill us. They can only rely on the general situation of the world to make this rule appear at the most suitable time and create a general trend of horror. Use this rule of life to prove the authority of mortals to kill gods. The perfect reversal of their status has forced the gods to reincarnate one after another, abandoning the gods that have been in business for tens of billions of years."

"It seems that the master hasn't been so interested in it for a long time." The boy smiled.

The old man stood up, full of compassion, "It's almost time for you to reincarnate. The most terrifying thing about this chess game is that the opponent overturned the rule of our Heavenly Lord in this era, and the wall was pushed down by everyone. The rebels of this era, too. I will definitely not give up this opportunity, and I will madly take the opportunity to overthrow us. This game is set for the rebels of this era. Tianzun of Good Fortune is still a newcomer, and it is not him that is tricky. The really smart and terrifying You Tianzun, Xu Tianzun. .. They know that this bureau is built for them, and they have returned from outside the region."

Although, those who resisted did not know that this was an ancient civilization setting, they thought it was a contemporary setting for good fortune, and they agreed with him...

"They are taking advantage of the fire and robbery. They are all returning as a rule. The new universe will soon be completely built and the world will be opened up. They will take advantage of our failure to respond and build the universe, we will be severely detained on the position of the innate god. We must be fast. Time is running out for changing hands and fleeing into the world."

Once detained in the position of god, they are innate gods.

No matter how powerful they are, they will be overthrown, because the common people's life version has been updated, and they have the authority to "defeat the gods". Sooner or later, they will be pulled out of the universe by common people's hands and be suppressed.

It's like in the old days of their civilizations, they extracted rules from the wall of the universe.

It's just that the slightest rule at that time was to flee unconsciously. The current rule is self-conscious. It will be more painful to be suppressed by eternity!

As a Yuan Ying in the body, he was suppressed from all directions by a hundred billion cell soldiers, and it was terrifying to think about it.

"But... this ancient game of shaking the sky, the background is exhausted, it is already the limit to pave the way for the good fortune of Tianzun, and then he can only rely on himself, can he do something..."


The old man's eyes drooped, and he suddenly smiled and said, "Hope, the ancient deceased who can set up such a chess game, their contemporary heirs are not a rice bucket, and they have failed them."


Fu Qingjun was picking up rice at the dinner table, and this time he sneezed like never before.

He also recently learned why he sneezes frequently,

Through the recent constant "talking with each other very happily", I'm afraid it is those high heavens who are greedying their bodies and constantly thinking about themselves.

"It's worthy of being the lofty Heavenly Lord, mastering the core rules of the universe, the incarnation of the universe and the darling of the heavens, they can curse me just thinking about it." Fu Qingjun was speechless.

He is still a little trembling as a little mortal, why can He De be watched by all the big guys?

After all, I am very self-aware,

Although it is currently called, it is only famous, and the real combat power is higher than that of ordinary saints. It is even the weakest "light-handling boy" in the gods. The master can't beat it.

A downright weak chicken.

In the entire cosmic continent, every Tianzun said that he had a very happy conversation with himself, but he was actually quite dazed.

In this case, it is like a giant dragon, they are very excited to say that they are familiar with a certain ant, but that ant is the kind that is too small to be found on the ground.

This sense of violation is weird.

"What happened in Tianzun's world?"

Fu Qingjun lay down in the canteen thinking, lost in thought, completely unaware that his little butterfly, caused the heavens of the entire universe to fight for him, and even forced them to reincarnate one after another.

"Well, I heard that two Tianzuns have returned outside, saying that I called them back, but I don't know their specific experiences and identities."

He thought for a while, still sighing.

He has a low vision and a low realm. The only source of information is the gossip of the neighbourhoods in the folk land. No other information can be found.

It's too awful.

"However, it must be the turbulent times and the prosperous times coming at the same time, the entire land will be turbulent, the new universe will be completely completed, and the era of opening up the earth is coming, let's first think about your own strength. It is important to ensure your own safety." Fan, whispered, began to study my current strength,

"Those gods, I don’t have the power to fight them. A single hair pinches me to death. Without power, I don’t have the right to speak. They made me gossip. I can’t show up in person and hold a press conference to clarify. The most important thing is to develop your strength first."

"The seventh-order life rule has been rolled out. How does the seventh-order rule sage practice? It has to be studied." Fu Qingjun whispered.

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