My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 365: 1 group of old yin goods

"Well... the seventh-order saint, want to become stronger and cultivate the way of slashing the mind? The seventh-order, unexpectedly has a hundred realms?"

While eating, he looked at the information passed by Gray Fish and was dumbfounded, "Slashing a hundred layers, in the traditional Chinese language, isn't it killing three dead bodies?"

Speaking of eating, the body is really nothing to do after all.

Letting the body come out is definitely looking for death,

I also come to the dining hall to have a meal every day to maintain my life.

"The seventh-level is cultivation, expanding one's own rules." Fu Qingjun carefully read the seventh-level cultivation method, "that is, as a rule, we must constantly assimilate the universe matter controlled by our own rules."

"For example, as the **** of flame rules, he constantly assimilates the flames of a region and continuously expands the scope."

"For example, as the **** of life rules, he continues to assimilate life in a region and expand the scope."

This is what I called the family of life before.

"The strength of a **** of rules depends on how much of the universe's matter under its own rule has been assimilated by its rules...In other words, as the **** of life, I am really expanding the number of life dependents."

Most of the lives in the entire universe have already begun to turn into demons.

Those two gods of life, so as to encourage the common people under their own rule, to enter the ranks of demons. At this time, 30% of the population of the entire universe is demons, and they are still growing wildly.

This is an extremely terrifying life revolution, driven by the heavenly deities, and is in full swing!

"Then these two celestial beings are really good people, and they gave me the entire universe all at once."

"And I have absorbed the same number of common people in the universe as them, and I control the common people in the world with them, isn't it the same combat power as them?"

But is it true?

Fu Qingjun kept looking down, and he found that the reason why this realm was called Zhan Nian was to eliminate distracting thoughts.

Because the larger the scope of the rule, the more torrents of cosmic miscellaneous information will flow, and every time you absorb a piece of territory, you must constantly cut off the miscellaneous demon thoughts and thoughts you have gathered so that you will not lose yourself.

"Is that so?"

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "No wonder, all saints will cut off the magic mind! Throw it outside the domain and treat it as a dumpster... because this is the only way to practice."

Fu Qingjun frowned and thought of something thoroughly. In order to confirm his conjecture, he immediately began to practice.


He began to receive the enormous power of life dependents.

Most of the life in the entire universe is his dependents and scope, just like the gods, generously placing a super big cake in front of them, allowing themselves to eat away.


Fu Qingjun's strength continued to grow, and his combat power increased exponentially.

The dependents are 10 trillion...

100 trillion...

407 trillion...


Fu Qingjun's face suddenly turned white, and the huge magical thoughts filled his brain, causing his mind to be shocked, "Can't breathe, it is already the limit, and the magical thoughts must be cut..."


He took a deep breath,

"A group of old yin goods."

"It turned out to be waiting for me here, they knew I couldn't eat it anymore."

Fu Qingjun squeezed his fist, feeling the strength in his body increased by 27 times, and his body was rushing with unimaginable power.

They gave themselves such a huge power to feed them in front of their eyes, and they couldn't absorb all of them in a moment, and they had to cut off the accumulated magical thoughts step by step.

"Zhan Nian 100 levels, each level represents 1% of the authority of the universe. After practicing to the 100 level, it is equivalent to mastering 100% of the authority of this aspect of the universe." Fu Qingjun took a deep breath.

"I have only now mastered the 0.037 layer, that is, 0.037% of the common people in the universe are under my rule. They are all part of my body, so are they that powerful?"

If calculated in this way, the power of the two life gods, each occupying 50% of the power, is really terrible to be unimaginable!

And now, they all share their dependents with themselves, and each of them 50% unsuspectingly cooperates with themselves, it seems that they have 100% control, and they are the strongest deity, in fact, they are the real objects of being played with. .

They bullied themselves and couldn't eat it, so what about putting them in front of them?

It is a long time to practice to cut away the magical thoughts time and time again.

"These guys are not fuel-efficient lamps... They took advantage of my power to create races. They said that they would unite with me, announce the world in a serious manner, and talk to me very happily... This is making me dumb, they Also won a good reputation."

Fu Qingjun was itching with anger, and now he knows that he can't practice madly anymore.

"I have to cut off the magic mind and throw it to the garbage dump outside the territory, otherwise my problem will be a big issue."

Fu Qingjun thought according to his temple, "This is the only way to practice. Throw the magical thoughts out of the field... But it's very tricky to think about it."

Because that is his own dark side personality, with his own rules and authority!

what does that mean?

It means that his own power is not unique anymore. "He" can use his own power of Gods and Demons Night Banquet, can transform lives and create races just like himself...

"Just thinking about it, I feel very upset in my heart, and the other one is doing things in the dark."

Fu Qingjun thought about it.

It became clear when it was my turn to cut away the demon mind. No wonder those heavenly venerations were so afraid of those demon venerations...the same authority as myself, and I didn't know what to do for myself in the dark.

"However, I have to cut it again. If I don't cut off my evil thoughts of absorbing huge information, I will definitely die, and I can't continue to practice and absorb the authority of the universe." Fu Qingjun deeply felt the uncomfortable feelings of those saints and even the heavenly venerables. .

This garbage dump outside the region is so necessary and indispensable.

"It's really smashed to death by these old gangsters, I can't play with them."

Fu Qingjun suddenly squinted his eyes, "Even, they are very sinister. They are now deliberately giving me strength. When I improve my combat power, separate my magic thoughts and throw them out of the field, they will take the opportunity to find my magic thoughts and control them. Use my power of good fortune."


It's shameless to the limit!

This is very possible. After all, there are those hidden betrayal demon exalted outside. They are powerful outside, and their own magical thoughts are wandering outside. It is very possible to be discovered...

Fu Qingjun's goose bumps are all coming up, and his own magical thoughts also have their own rules and powers. If they are hijacked by the opponent, the opponent can use his own power, isn't he? ?

"I was almost killed, Yuanshou Tianzun, it was horrible. I said a few words at the time, and he was almost killed by him."

He was a little frightened, and thought of something, pacing back and forth, "If you don't speak, I will be played to death."


Can't be divided!

Once you go out and be found by other Tianzun, you may be in trouble.

"But, if I don't cut away the devil's mind, I can't practice...The huge chaotic trash consciousness whispers in my mind, and I will definitely die." Fu Qingjun was caught in a dilemma.

But in the next second, he seemed to think of something, "Wait, I become a demon myself, and put my magic thoughts in my body, as a demon infant, wouldn't it be feasible to continuously provide power?"

He seemed to have thought of something!

The immortals are saints who suppress good clarification rules.

Mozu is the magician saint who suppresses evil and slashes away.

Isn’t it true that there is a kind-hearted, normal, regular will, and an evil, chaotic, magical will....

"Fairy and demon fellow practitioners! He is the protagonist at first."

Fu Qingjun seemed to have seen the new world, holding his cheeks, "This needs to be improved in a new version, um... the clean consciousness body of the immortal clan is the main body, and the constantly divided magical thoughts turn into magic infants, suppressed in the body... .In this way, you are double your strength, unlike them, half of you are transformed into magical thoughts, wandering outside."

Perfect plan.

The rules of good fortune are indeed the origin of all cosmic variables.

"Those old yin, want to yin me... this time I have to sneak a new race, never popularize it, and don't give it to them." Fu Qingjun didn't intend to suffer.

After all, the former fairy clan and demon clan, if they expand out, they take advantage and lose their blood.

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