My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 366: Strange people

In Fu Qingjun's view, the immortal and demons staying on this land, as primitive and popular races, are enough.

After all, as the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune who transforms and creates life, he can also be regarded as the embryo of this new universe that is about to open up and set a new outline, travel his own obligations, and update the biological version of the universe.

But the more advanced biological version?

Completely improve the cosmic environment and solve the problem of cosmic magical thoughts?


I took the evolutionary rules of the universe, so I love to hide and tuck, standing in the pit and not shit.

This is actually a question of private rights.

Fu Qingjun has been smashed now, and he knows it thoroughly, as are the other Tianzuns, secretly using power for personal gain.

Shouyuan Tianzun, the Shouyuan who is in charge of life in the universe, increases lifespan for the common people and seeks welfare, but he is afraid that he will also use his private power to secretly cultivate his own immortal race, known as an indestructible army, and has exaggerated combat power.

Other Tianzun should be the same...

Every Tianzun is hiding and tucked away, using his private power to seek things, and Fu Qingjun is naturally not stupid.

Under the power of our own rules, the best and most advanced power must be used by our own people.

At the very least, Fu Qingjun does not plan to spread it out now.

"However, the new race, the combination of immortals and demons, all of this is still theoretical." Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "This new species seems to be a bit difficult."

Fu Qingjun put down his meal and started to ponder.

"Well, at present, only the immortal ancestor Bailong who developed this race can once again undertake this transformation task... Do a vote for me, the heavenly sages."

After all, the immortal clan has gone through many iterations up to now, and most of them are being transformed by Bai Long.

"This is the first question. A new race must be created. Immortals and demons are a kind of race. The name of the race is undecided. To solve my magic thoughts, my magic thoughts must not be thrown out...before the magic thoughts can't be divided. , I will not practice for now, because it is already the limit of spiritual endurance."

"There is also a second question. I see if I can find a way to speed up the ‘Zhan Nian’."

Fu Qingjun frowned, this too affected the cultivation speed.

The two **** Tianzun stuffed his own race into his mouth, but he just couldn't eat it...

My cultivation speed is average, so I need to eliminate distracting thoughts step by step, expand the territory, eliminate distracting thoughts, expand the territory...

They know they can't wait...

Now that he returned as the last rule, it caused a big storm, but correspondingly, he was the last Tianzun to appear, and there was no time to rise.

"You have to think of a way to speed up your cultivation, eat this fat stuffed in your mouth, make it a thousand times, eat crazy, eat crazy, cut it all."

Fu Qingjun pondered, it seems that at present, I am afraid that it is not the authority of the rules of life.

"I have to find other rules to help me speed up my practice..."

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, as if he had thought of something completely, "The cabin of the ancient ship of time, speed up time, crazy absorption, crazy expulsion of magical thoughts..."


Fu Qingjun said the name silently.

I gave the other party the cabin of the ancient ship, and now I think about it, I regret it again. If I still have this rule in my hand...

"But it won't work if you don't give it at the time. If you take it with you, you will definitely be chased by the heavens..."

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "I just don't know, is Jiaxia still alive, or has he been killed by the Heavenly Lords? Where did the old ship rules go?"

"It's here again, is it time to reclaim Jiaxia?" Fu Qingjun was dumb.

Some things are lost before they know to cherish.

At that time, I felt that the sails of the ancient boats were the most powerful, so I went crazy after the sails and went back to Jiaxia in the past.

What now?

I have always looked down on it, and feel that there is no useful cabin, which is the most useful now.

"You have to find the cabin before you can eat the cakes of the two life gods..." Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "And, it is not necessarily that the goal is only above that time rule, otherwise the fault tolerance rate is low, and you can still focus on it. Some other rules, other deities, their power may also help me solve this problem..."

"I have to find a way to get in touch with other Tianzun...they have a high vision, and I want to know the world and the pattern of the Tianzun, no longer have my eyes black, I have to find a reliable understanding of the pattern..."

Fu Qingjun silently set the future development plan.

However, none of the other Tianzuns have lived for tens of billions of years. They are scheming people. Are there really good people?

I don’t know which Tianzun is good or bad, and what his true character is.

Fu Qingjun sighed, and suddenly felt something, and looked into the distance, "There is another Heavenly Lord in the dark. He is looking for me again? I am a weak chicken, and I was stuffed into the center of the storm. It's really difficult."...


As the ancestor of the immortal clan, Bai Long hides deeply.

After all, he himself is a scheming person, well-informed, and the fairy clan has been developing in a small area secretly. If it weren't for the terrifying eyeliner of Tianzun, he would not know the existence of this race.

As for Greyfish, the blood ancestor of the most demons, this young girl has naturally been discovered by those heavenly venerables.

The blood ancestors are the ancestors of a race. It is extremely important to ensure the pure blood and continuity of this race... and the demons are now the protagonist of the new world in the entire universe, which shows that the gray fish has a prominent position.

It seems that if you have mastered the gray fish, you have mastered the entire demons.

However, all Tianzuns know that Grey Fish is just a silly white sweet, a good fortune Tianzun behind it, a chess piece that quit on the bright side.

But there are also many gods who come secretly to communicate and look for gray fish.

at this time,

Gray fish looked at the young man in front of him blankly, calling himself a Jin Yuan man.

"Do you want me to overthrow the rule of the present-day Zun?" Gray fish was puzzled. "Could it be that the few rebellious and selfish Heavenly Zuns outside the Chaos Heaven?"

Grey fish, living in this cosmic continent, have been fascinated by them since childhood, believing in the gods very much.

"Haha." Jin Yuan said lightly, "Do you really think that the few Tianzuns today are kind and compassionate people?"

"Isn't it? For tens of billions of years, they have been kind and compassionate, working hard for the common people, for the people, and for opening up a new universe." Gray Fish said seriously.

"Yes, on the outside, they are a group of kind-hearted gods, who have never done anything tyranny, or even done it secretly."

Jin Yuan laughed and said: "Their behavior is very upright from beginning to end... But that is just an illusion. If there is no good fortune god, they will always calm the people with a compassionate face, and continue to wear hundreds of people. The mask of mercy for hundreds of millions of years is waiting for the complete establishment of the universe and the final moment when they cannot be overthrown."

"You said, they are waiting for the last moment to open up the world?" Gray Fish said.

"When they completely pioneered the world, became the innate ancient gods of the universe, suppressed the eternal sky and cannot be overthrown by others, they will show their true fangs." The man laughed and said: "At that time, it was the darkness of the common people."

"That's just your imagination."

Grey fish retorted seriously, "They are now serving the common people and the people! Why do you think so arbitrarily and with an evil heart that they must have evil intentions? In the future, the establishment of the universe will definitely become evil?"


The man named Jinyuan laughed, "If they were really kind, they would not establish feudal dictatorships such as the God Realm, 33 Heavenly Respect, and so on. They are now just using the feudal dynasty system as a kind and benevolent king. Rule makes you unable to discover the dictatorship of this system."

"If they are really kind, they will not completely monopolize the supreme rule seat and establish the feudal system from the beginning, but establish a system of running for the emperor and ruling the world in turn instead of occupying it all the time."

The man smiled and said: "Even if you think they are really good people, is the system they established really feasible?"

"This monarchy system that cannot be overthrown is a wrong system."

"Once they prove the truth, they will be eternally high and no one can overthrow them. Even if they are truly kind now, they will be immortal in the future? There will never be dictatorship and tyranny in the future?"

"This system the people at the bottom can't overthrow the tyrants that may appear! It was originally a wrong system, and it is impossible for those wise Tianzun to not know this, but it has been established. Why do you say? "

Jin Yuan carried his hands on his back, and said lightly: "It depends on the real kindness of a king, not by his momentary recognition of deeds, but on whether the system he has established is really for the people."

Grey fish's complexion became more and more miserable, as if he had also thought of this.

"Tianzun of good fortune is the strange man who sees through this truth!" Jin Yuan admired, "Therefore, he gave the people the authority to overthrow the gods in the sky and establish a system where the kings of heaven and earth can be revolutionized."

He admired his expression, "Tianzun of good fortune, really strange people!"

? ? ?

Fu Qingjun listened in secret, his mind buzzing.

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