My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 371: Good luck Tianzun's mind, we can't guess

"My hair can create a demon country (!


Fu Qingjun is sneezing again.

He was speechless, those celestial elders, who have lived for tens of billions of years, are they so boring when they are idle, come to discuss me again when it’s okay?

I'm already lying flat!

Isn’t it enough to develop my own new race in secret? I have been eating in the cafeteria all the time. You deities, it’s okay in the sky, always chatting about me.

Fu Qingjun remembered a sentence on the earth before: The baby feels bitter.

at this time,

A group of people are really studying this mysterious "good fortune god" and constantly analyzing it.

After all, it is by no means simple to think of someone who can subvert them, use this as the last rule to make them such a disadvantage.

"It's not surprising that he doesn't cut the devilish mind, but he doesn't believe in the second trap of Xia Di, but it is beyond our expectation." Yuanshou Tianzun was surprised and joked: "How did the other party know, Xia Di It's also rotten? It should be hard to see."

"However, he just judged it. It's incredible. Let us not be underestimated." The Immortal Tianzun looked weird and was also talking, "Then, he doesn't believe in Xia Zun and Xu Tian Zun, he should believe in You Tianzun. Correct."

"But, You Tianzun, he probably hasn't looked for you before. We watch you very closely, and countless concept-level rules monitor you, time, space, life..."

You Tianzun hesitated, looked at You Tianzun next to him, and said thoughtfully: "Once he comes into contact with you, we should also be aware of it, but he has no plans to come into contact with you at all!"

"He actually saw through it again??!"

The surrounding heavenly veterans looked at each other suddenly and became completely solemn.

In fact, Fu Qingjun barely saw through the first layer.

On the second floor, he couldn't break it, but Jiaxia was his dependent. He realized that he didn't turn his head and left...

And on the third floor, Fu Qingjun didn't see through either.

They just never thought that Fu Qingjun's body is weak to this level, and now his combat power is comparable to a middle saint. Any **** from a mortal land country will hang him, and he is a cultivator. Young people for decades have so many different realms, and they can't find a superior heavenly master if they want to secretly contact.

They really didn’t think: the other party just soared up, from beginning to end, it was really just a hmm, ah, ah, and then they rolled back to eat, thinking in their hearts that you guys don’t hit me, can I join you in becoming Big capitalist?

"Fortune God, this person is very difficult!"

They suddenly said in unison.

"Be careful, this person has unpredictable thoughts. He doesn't get into the set of our plan, and he doesn't touch You Tianzun and Xia Zun at all. Is it possible that something is conceiving secretly?"

At this time, even these decaying gods, after discussing this, began to have to admire this **** of good fortune that emerged out of thin air, brave and strategic, and indeed worthy of being their opponent.

This is a real hero, who must roar at the sky and make his own voice.

"Hot blood?" Someone sighed, his eyes seemed to recall the most distant era.

At that time, they were a group of recognized heroes in the first batch of cosmic civilization era, and they also had such young and passionate years of blood, praying for the people of the world, setting their hearts for the universe, and creating a peaceful and prosperous age for their civilization.

But I don’t know when, when they entered the seventh stage, they found that this realm became the rule, and they could have eternal life. They were gradually decayed by the years, eroded by the immortal authority, excluded aliens, and jointly eradicated them. The other gods gradually reduced to the people they once hated.

A Tianzun looked calm and spoke very candidly: "Oh, creatures are such a selfish mentality. When they know that they are going to die and their lifespan is exhausted, they will do their best to help the common people, thinking about their own death. After that, what kind of a peaceful and prosperous world is left... Live a more exciting life in a limited time, but when we discover the moment of infinite life? Can we still use unlimited time to make good for the common people? ?"

"It's true." A Tianzun also smiled, and everyone chatted for a long time. "When the life span is unlimited, we find that we are high-dimensional creatures. Those common people are not the same species as us. They are like weeds in the grass. , In the years of our eternal life, if we cut a batch and regenerate, why should we protect?"

This mentality is like a normal person. Seeing the ants and weeds under your feet, they are not a creature of the same level at all. They only have a few seconds of life. If you are immortal, you will pass by and trample them to death. Isn't it normal?

They might not accept it at first, but later became indifferent as the years passed, forming this kind of sage mentality.

From high in the sky, there was an old voice,

"Remember, we were in the original cosmic era, the era with the country of the whirlpool, they were surprised to find that the rules of the universe can be extracted, we can walk the way for the sky, so we opened up the seventh realm!"

The old man’s voice came from high above, “We were surprised that this extraction rule, walking the way for the sky, we can become a part of the universe, and the seventh order will become the rule, and it will be immortal. It’s amazing.”

"So we at that time had a bold idea and saw the future of this realm: rebuilding the universe."

"Yes, this is the general trend of civilization. All living creatures are constantly ascending from the first to the seventh, and the more they enter the seventh, the more rules to seize the universe. The seventh-tier powers join forces to extract the rules. It is an inevitable trend to steal cosmic matter and build a new universe."

"This is a big project that lasts tens of billions of years, and it is almost impossible to achieve, but we still did it like this. We named this realm a saint."


"I don't know what you can't do and do it, a fool; you know what you can't do and don't do it, a wise man; you know what you can't do, and a saint!

A famous Tianzun answered with a smile.

"I heard this secret history for the first time. This is the origin of the saint? The saint was named after the big project of building a new universe?" Xia Di said.

"Yes it is."

The other Tianzuns looked at You Tianzun next to them one after another, "You Tianzun, you are the youngest Tianzun than Xia Zun, what do you think when you hear our previous stories?"

Youtianzun's eyes were soft, and he smiled faintly: "I used to admire you martyrs from a distant era, but now I still have a different concept from yours. You live for life, and I live for dreams... You are in the tens of billions. In the past few years, don’t you feel like a walking dead? For my own selfishness and against my will, I think it’s meaningless to live for such a long time."

"You are tired of living, so you want to be more free, and feel boring in life, and find something to do to be our enemy?" A Tianzun laughed.

You Tianzun didn't even refute, and he pondered for a few seconds, "Perhaps, what is the meaning of being alive? I have been thinking about it, even though I claim to overthrow you all, for the freedom of the universe, perhaps it is like finding something to do."

"You Tianzun, you have only lived for 10 billion years. You are still too young, and after a while, you will be consistent with those of us."

You Tianzun's voice was soothing, and he said: "We like to sleep now, move our legs and feet, and stretch the meridians for hundreds of millions of years. Although it looks boring, we don't feel boring, because if we are bored for a long time, we won’t be bored.

"Who knows?" You Tianzun also drank a cup of tea.

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