My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 372: Out of Chaos

The gods present, their words were plain, like long-lost old friends, talking about trivial things.

Even they feel that there is a kind of alternative preciousness to the enemy.

At this time, they will not move You Tianzun,

Because it’s no longer necessary to seize the opponent’s current rulership,

Join forces to suppress each other, this battle will spread to the entire universe,

Now they don't need to arouse people's suspicion, they will wait for the completion of the new universe, the overall situation has been determined, and then completely eradicate each other.

Besides, they have even more terrifying enemies.

Enemy that is enough to make them vigilant and can be called the real enemy.

"The Demon Venerable Beyond the Chaos Heaven..."

"The other us, who possesses power comparable to ours, is the real enemy."

Those demons are indelible.

Because the heavenly priests hold the positions of heavenly authority and regularly absorb the huge flow of information in the universe, they must regularly cut off distracting thoughts and throw them out of the universe.

Before, the demon lords of the universe, because of the gaps inside, they were afraid that other false heavenly lords could not join hands. They were all lone rangers, and they were easily broken by them...

But now?

Tianzun of Good Fortune has completed the last rule and can also clear away the magical thoughts.

Now it’s not like before, after killing them before, they will be resurrected!

Because as long as Tianzun is still ruling the Dao of Heaven, their magical thoughts will still condense again, but now that they are killed, they are really dead!

Will they wait to die willingly?

"Our cosmic continent, and the Chaos Demon Venerables outside the territory, have been fighting for too long, but it will be the last time before them. They know that they will not be resurrected when they die. Unprecedented madness and resistance, but if we win, we will have no hidden dangers at all."

"We overthrew the thirty-three deities of the God Realm. It's very simple, because they are us, but we overthrew the thirty-three demon lord, it's very tricky..."

They communicate with each other.

Establishing the shell of the devil world to replace the gods is a matter of course, but external wars are the most important point!

"The foreign expeditionary war is about to begin."

A famous Tianzun slowly stood up, and behind him seemed to have a vast and eternal majesty, like an ancient sacred emperor of the universe.

"The Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune, has been disappearing, maybe he has laid a back hand here, waiting for us, he will push our magical thoughts to an end, and let them die and defeat us."

"It deserves to be the **** of good fortune."

They communicate with each other.


Fu Qingjun is having dinner with Xiao Lou.

After eating, he began to study the earth Shushan civilization under his current command.

The realm of Ziying, Isaac, and others has also continued to rise, because they are the first group of people to enter the fairy clan and the demon clan. They have seized the opportunity to suppress some weaker rules of the saint. When the Yuan Ying.

It can be considered the first step.

As for the fairy ancestor Bailong, he is still studying the new race he handed over.

As for the magic city on the gray fish side...

Can not bear to look.

Fu Qingjun saw this indifferently.

He had just ascended to the upper realm, and within a short period of time, he had no resistance to the exploitation of those celestial beings.

If a young man who has been cultivating himself for decades would kill all tens of billions of old foxes, this would be a dream!

There is no way in a hurry.


Time passed like this, another hundred years.

The whole land has formed a new golden age. It has changed its appearance. Rules are flowing everywhere, and it is suppressed in the body as an infant, as if it has returned to the original era of rules. Opportunities are everywhere.

The whole universe seems to be completely new.

On this day, a message came:

"The God Realm is broken! The God Realm is broken!"

The whole world is boiling.

"The Heavenly Lords of Good Fortune, bringing the Heavenly Lords under their command, defeated those corrupted existences, successfully occupied the God Realm, and the world will usher in a new era!"

"The saints of various rules, who have had a great conversation with the Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune, have all returned to the universe and will be rebuilt soon!"

"Yes, all the rules of the saints return, work together, and then suppress all the demon lords of the outer chaos outer domain, and turn them into the demon infant of the demon clan, then the rules will return and it can be completely rebuilt!"

The news broke out, and the whole world was elated.

This era is unprecedented. It seems that there is a new spirit surging here. The era of rule monopoly has passed. Brand-new opportunities, brand-new rules and sanctuary, all relying on their own efforts, talents and opportunities...

The entire universe is also unified as never before, united as one, and unanimously crusades against the demon lords outside the territory.

Because not only for the complement of the universe, but also for their own selfishness!

Once you become the hero of this land and defeat the demon king, you will not only get the praise and endless glory of the common people, but also the power of the demon king and become the new demon supreme.

Who does not desire?

Power, fame, wealth, and eternity are there!

Countless young geniuses, the sect is free from the lifelessness, and they are doing their best to cultivate geniuses, hoping to bet on a future saint and cultivate them with all their strength.

In an instant, genius emerged in the entire universe.

"This is the general trend, the new cosmic era, the new general trend of the universe before the opening of the earth, it must be the emergence of geniuses and evildoers to support this era."

Fu Qingjun is heading outside the Chaos Territory and entering the deepest place, "Unfortunately, the general trend that originally belonged to me belongs to the country of the whirlpool. They used their life and hundreds of millions of people to prepare for me, but those gangsters stole the results, those avenues. Men, they are enjoying the general trend, and in name, they worship me, the emperor of heaven who has a false name and has never appeared before."

Fu Qingjun did not feel the humiliation.

Just knowing that you will be beaten if you are behind, and if you are weak, you will be killed. There is no other possibility.

I just came up and I was discovered by the gods to be inevitable, but I was not killed. Perhaps it was the best start. As for these capitalists, how can they treat me as a social animal? ...

As long as they didn't find my true face and caught my true body, they still have the possibility of secretly killing them.

"My only chance of winning the fastest rise is Jiaxia."

Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "Those gods, they have eaten me thoroughly and calculated all my hole cards. If I want to win them, I can only find the hole cards that they can't calculate, and they would never think that I am in charge of life. The ruled Tianzun unexpectedly used the rule of time secretly to send Jiaxia tens of billions of years ago. He was my person."

This is its own variable.

Jin Chan escaped by accident.

"Jiaxia..." Fu Qingjun stepped outside the Chaos Realm and took a deep breath.

"According to the method of elimination, he can't be in the cosmic continent, he should be hiding outside the domain... It is very likely that he is in the deepest chaos domain ruled by the demon veterans, and even hides himself as a demon veteran."


Because Jiaxia's negative personality Demon Venerable has been in thirty-three days.

Then his normal personality should be the other way around, the possibility of mutual exchange of identities is extremely high, and it is very possible that he is a demon.

I have to go deep here, try to find a second time, and reclaim the Jiaxia I sent to prehistoric.

"That's right, I will lie flat no matter how the gods do, and ignore them. I am now a ruthless Jiaxia recovery machine." Fu Qingjun followed a team of demons, secretly suggesting himself.

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