My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 373: No one will live forever, no one will grow old

This is a demons team in front of them, they are heading outside the territory.

The leader of the team is a few 7th-order "True Demon-level" demons, that is, the demonic mind of a rule saint has been suppressed in the body.

"They are magical thoughts hunting in the periphery..." God stalked in their crowd, with a pair of snow-white wings, "They are marching toward the depths, looking for more powerful rules, and staying in their bodies."

What does this look like?

It's like Daguai upgrade.

Seize the low-level monsters in the body to gain the opponent's power, which can be used to seize the higher-level monsters one level at a time, and finally challenge the demon lord. If you can defeat it, you will gain the ultimate power.

"Your Excellency is also going to the depths of Chaos Outland, right?"

A middle-aged man next to him spoke: ‘We are the mentor group in the Nielsen Civilization Institute. Your Excellency seems to be restrained and not weak, so why don’t we go hunting together? ’

Fu Qingjun looked at the other person and politely refused, "No need, I choose to act alone."

There is indeed a demon infant in his body now,

After a hundred years, those celestial veterans overthrew the gods again, and they were not incapable of doing nothing. At least the new race that could divide the demon thoughts and imprison them in their bodies as demon infants was completed.

At this point, this race is truly healthy.

You don't need to divide the magical mind anymore, but you have all the power of the rules.

"okay then."

The demon companions nearby took a look at Fu Qingjun, and didn't care too much. After all, the Demon Infant in Fu Qingjun's body seemed to be of a very low level.

After all, Fu Qingjun was indeed the magical mind that had only recently condensed.

He is indeed a weak seventh-order.

Fu Qingjun bypassed the opponent, and said in his heart: "After these years of inquiries, the demon venerations born from each Tianzun can be considered to be almost clearly distributed."

The demon lords outside the territory also have their own rules.

"The Demon Venerable born by Emperor Xia, sure enough." Fu Qingjun and them went all the way, the land under the rule of Xia Demon Venerable, and went into it to hunt.

"Speaking of Xia Mozun, it is a relatively safe Demon Realm."

Although rejected, the middle-aged man next to him politely introduced, "The one that was established is a million-year-old empire, forming a high wall of time circulation."

"Do you understand the game? Once we enter it, we will become NPCs, and they will become game characters. Even if we win them, we will be read and attack us again."

"Senior, is that exaggeration?"

A little girl's voice came from nearby, "Is this still the safest demon?"

"Otherwise, you think that this is the least offensive time rule, let you fall into the time maze." The middle-aged man smiled, "So, let's not think about dealing with the devil! Let's deal with other things. The rule of the demon world, the saint, secretly attack one, first gain the strength of the other party."

"Oh, teacher, I think this world is too exaggerated! Time jumps at every turn, changes the lifespan of life, and creates life..." A student suddenly became curious: "Such an unreasonable rule appears in this world. Is it reasonable? The world is messed up and torn apart."

"Because it is still a chaotic period when the universe opens up."

The middle-aged man is very gentle, "The universe is chaotic, full of holes, without rules and order. When the new universe is built and the universe is closed, it will not easily disturb the cause and effect of the universe."

"Do you know the procedure?"

"The current universe is a semi-finished version, with a lot of vicious bugs, a lot of hackers hijacking bugs, making random changes, and waiting for the program construction to be completely closed, forming a closed loop, and the universe is reinforced. It will not be so exaggerated. Moving rules."

"The rules are firm, and those who can travel through time can no longer travel through time easily."

The teacher smiled and said: "Even if you are a Xia Zun who has mastered the time travel, he can only observe the past images and cannot modify the past when he travels through the long river of time."

"The teacher knows so much!" The surrounding students looked forward to it.

"It is said that at the beginning of the old universe, when the seventh step did not appear, the universe was like this." The middle-aged man said: "At that time, the rules were stable and there was no such mess, but the saints stole too many rules and loopholes. If there are too many, the universe will be riddled with holes, leaving them at their discretion."

"Those celestial beings want to transform the new universe, and they will be eternal. Fortunately, it is the celestial being who has overthrown their evil."

"Yeah, yeah! Before, these rules and saints could not be overthrown. They have always been on the position of God and rule the universe, but now? It is not the saints that control the rules, but we mortals have the opportunity to overthrow them and suppress them in our bodies. , Becomes a kind of authority that can be replaced at will!"

"Tianzun of good fortune, really is the hero of the era!"

"I also want to be a person like Tianzun of Good Fortune."


There is worship all around.

Fu Qingjun touched his nose. I'm just someone who wants to be a capitalist. I want to join them. They just think I want to overthrow their rule...

"Tianjin of Good Fortune is indeed a person worthy of admiration. He could have been aloof, but he gave mortals the authority to overthrow himself." The middle-aged man admired him and was still talking with his students.

As they moved forward, Fu Qingjun also heard something interesting, and suddenly asked: "Your Excellency is reasonable, but even so, it seems to usher in a new era, with opportunities everywhere, to give geniuses and evildoers like you and me. In a world of great controversy, various rules of hunting give us the possibility of becoming the supreme..."

"But, are we now the next batch of celestial beings in the future?"

"The gods of the year were also extracting unconscious rules and integrating them into the body. Now we are also extracting conscious and rebellious saints as rules, as slaves, suppressed in the body, it is no different."

God said lightly: "Even us, even more cold-blooded, those rules are screaming, wailing, we have to use them in the town."

The middle-aged man's expression shook, "Yes, your Excellency is right! We are like the old days, in the hunting rules, sooner or later, we will form new cliques and form a self-enclosed strict class. The new immortals have the highest in their bodies. Rule Yuanying, a large number of rules Yuanying also mastered by his subordinates."

"It seems that we can overthrow them and take away their Nascent Infant, but at that time, can we really beat them with the rules against the sky and overthrow their rule?"

The middle-aged man got goose bumps all over.

"Then's your suggestion?" Fu Qingjun said.

The students around were also excited, discussing the general trend of the universe and the state of the world in this way, and they couldn’t help but give pointers.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and suddenly said: "There is only one possibility for people to be immortal, and that is to let people die of old age when they are about to decay."

"Life? That will indeed cut off all the decayed ancient existence." Fu Qingjun thoughtfully.

"However, the rules are immortal and live forever with the universe, so the rules of the saints live forever..." a student said: "Don't you know? The saints are never old and die, they will only be killed and plundered by the rules, and It is said that the most distant ones have lived for tens of billions of years. There is no possibility at all!"

"No, it is possible."

Fu Qingjun suddenly said: "The previous rules of the saints were indeed impossible, but now the immortal saints are possible, because the immortal ones are the rules in their bodies, and the rules are immortal, not their physical mortals. fetal!"

"Since the saints will decay over time, the new universe must complete a cosmic rule so that all creatures, including saints, will live and die!"

"No one in the world will live forever, and no one will grow old."

"As long as their lifespan is exhausted, then it will be impossible for them to decay forever." Fu Qingjun seemed to think of a Tianzun, and he was the key to defeating other Tianzuns, "No matter how strong he is, he can't defeat them. Then, use The world is overwhelming. Use time to defeat them."

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