"Old yin goods."

Sitting in the restaurant, Fu Qingjun silently cursed an swear word.

"One ring after another, one doll set and one baby, these people have many traps to make me big. It is impossible to find Jiaxia on my own. It can only be done like this."

However, there is really no way. The universe was played with by them and applauded. He was too weak and couldn't do anything by himself, so he could only seek skin from the tiger.

The rules in the universe exist as fragments.

It is said that there are millions of pieces of fragments at the bottom such as the rules of flames.

The more advanced the rules, the fewer fragments.

There are three rules of life fragments, and the three are all in one, so that all the life powers of the old universe can be perfectly executed.

Fu Qingjun sat in the restaurant and waited, and soon a letter fell from the void and onto the table, "When there is an advantage, the action is really fast. After all, to them, Xia Di’s intelligence is not important at all. They They have already obtained Xia Di's rules. In their eyes, Xia Di is already a useless person. It is feasible to go anywhere and cannot threaten them."

Fu Qingjun kept looking at the information above, "Well, they will spend a certain price in the near future to track and observe the whereabouts of Emperor Xia? Let me wait?"


The other side.

The immortal Tianzun and Shouyuan Tianzun discussed in the dark.

"Tianzun of good fortune, unexpectedly asked you to ally? Then he asked you to contact me? Form a life camp?" Yuanshou Tianzun was surprised, pacing back and forth in the palace, constantly meditating, "What is his idea?"

Fu Qingjun thinks that their routines are deep, so why don't they think that Tianzun's routines are also deep?

They are people who like to think carefully and are good at calculating, otherwise they will not live today.

"He not only knows about Emperor Xia, but he must know that Emperor Xia is not decayed, so he has spent so much time looking for him!"

Yuan Shou Tianzun let out a suffocating breath, put his hands on his back, and indifferently speculated:

"In that case, he must have seen Emperor Xia, so he is so sure of Emperor Xia’s character, and Emperor Xia has been missing for more than 10 billion years. It is very difficult to run around, escape and time turbulence, because We have mastered his magical thoughts and can also use his rules to chase him down, making him afraid to jump into the past time and space, making it more difficult to survive and moving. Therefore, the other party can only be the Xia Emperor who has seen Xia before he flees wildly. emperor...."

Their whispers are reasonable, and they are indeed true.

They had guessed that for some reason Fu Qingjun knew Emperor Xia and knew the character of Emperor Xia. This Tianzun was not as rotten as they were.

"Tianzun of good fortune is indeed an ancient existence, hiding for tens of billions of years, and knowing the prehistoric Xia Di." Yuanshou Tianzun thought about it: "If he really lived for tens of billions of years, even without the common people we gave him, he The strength can reach the lowest Tianzun level, far from being as weak as we thought."

Tianzun Immortal then curiously asked: "Since he doesn't have such a strong demand for cultivation base, why is he looking for Emperor Xia strongly? He even said he wants to ally with us?"

"This is strange." Yuanshou Tianzun thought for a while.

In fact, what is the cultivation level of the good fortune gods, these ancient beings don't care, even the other party's cultivation level, how about reaching their level?

One more Tianzun-level, one less Tianzun-level, it is innocuous.

After all, in front of a large group of giant dragons, it makes no difference whether the opponent is another giant dragon or an ant. They are all the same weak and small. Instead, they are afraid, instead of fighting head-on, fearing that the opponent will use the general situation as before.

Therefore, they have an indifferent attitude towards the improvement of Tianzun's cultivation level. It is not unacceptable for him to become stronger, so they are willing to carry out this transaction.

"Let’s sort out our thoughts again. He wants to unite the two of us. It is a sound rule of life for the three of us, plus Xia Zun who can deduce the past and the future, plus the ally You Tianzun who must be contacted, a complete life. , Time, space..." They frowned, always feeling vaguely grasping something, but not grasping anything.

"No matter, let's go to Xia Zun first, so as to remain unchanged and adapt to changes." They didn't care.

Time flies, a month later.

This angelic incarnation of Fu Qingjun was still waiting in the hotel next to that restaurant, and finally another letter came.

He glanced at the letter and tore it lightly.

Brush pull.

A space gate appeared in place, and Fu Qingjun strode into it.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he had come to the outside of the Chaos Realm, and the surrounding area was deserted, "Is this the back of the universe continent?"

If the old universe is a sphere, then the new universe continent established by the gods is a huge flat mushroom rooted on the sphere.

And here is the back of the sphere where the mushroom roots, and the place where the cosmic continent has the lowest dominance, and it is deserted enough.


The front is colorful.

A voice came:

"Xia Zun, is in the beam of light in front of you, but it is your problem whether you can not disturb him and let him escape. Even if it is us, we can't stop him from escaping."

"We have also found Xia Di many times, but it is difficult to catch him. He left as soon as we met."

Fu Qingjun nodded.

It is worthy of being the top overlord of the universe, if I let me find it by myself, I won't find a place for another ten thousand years.

Fu Qingjun stepped forward and lightly touched the opposite light gate.

Sure enough, a familiar breath came from the other side.

A voice came, "Is it you? God? I haven't seen you for 20 billion years. You have appeared in this era. Sure enough, have you changed your identity and become the **** of good fortune in this era?"

It was the voice of Emperor Xia.

Hidden in the dark, the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign and Good Fortune Heavenly Sovereign, their hearts throbbed, "Sure enough, we know! The Emperor Xia ran away as soon as we saw us, but when he saw Good Fortune Heavenly Sovereign, he stayed in place, very strange!"

"Furthermore, he is older than we thought. Xia Di said: You keep changing your status. Who is the God of Good Fortune?"

However, Xia Di's next sentence ~www.readwn.com~ made them more silent.

"It's been tens of billions of years, and I still remember the scene that year, and I couldn't fight back."

The two great gods were a little shocked.

Ten billions of years ago, Tianzun of Good Fortune was already a very strong Tianzun-level, and he could not fight back against Emperor Xia. However, tens of billions of years have passed, and he is definitely one of the strongest Tianzun-level masters.

He was pretending to be tender! ! !

The two gods looked at each other, and their hearts were horrified.

This Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune concealed more deeply than they had imagined, and did not see the bottom.

And he has been hiding for so long, what is his idea, what is his earth-shattering plan in secret to overthrow their rule?

At the moment of their reverie.

Xia Di was like a big enemy, and said something that made them even more shocked:

"Who are you? What era are you, the evil behind-the-scenes man? What is the place of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons?"

"I have heard that you have reincarnated and reincarnated one era after another through the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons. You were reincarnated 20 billion years ago, and now you are reincarnated in this era?"

"You are afraid that you are still not a person in this time and space. Could it be that it is still from the distant future? Your true body is tens of billions of years after the complete completion of the new universe?"

"You come from the newly established and mature universe in the future, to observe us, the indigenous people and prehistoric apes of the prehistoric, unopened universe, to find fun?"

The soul questions that had been separated by tens of billions of years shocked everyone present.

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