My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 377: Is it my turn to chew the tongue?

"My hair can create a demon country (!

This! ? ? ?

"The creatures from the future, are we ancient creatures in the era of the wild and chaotic universe before the opening of the universe?"

Hearing the unwilling, questioning, and suspicious voice of Emperor Xia, the other two great heavenly masters who were hidden in the dark were completely stunned.

I planned to listen in secret and watch the show, but it seemed that I heard something extraordinary.

It seems to have seen a huge shady conspiracy, which is slowly kicking off.

At the same time, their previous doubts about the existence of Tianzun for good fortune completely broke out.

His origins are indeed mysterious, even their tens of billions of years old can not trace him, and he has lived for tens of billions of years?

Have you reincarnated and reincarnated to one era after another?

Dressed in various identities, has he ever appeared in one cosmic age?

"Shhh! There are outsiders." Fu Qingjun's face turned dark and couldn't help but whispered.

Emperor Xia also reacted, and didn't say more about this. After all, although he couldn't figure it out, he didn't want to be known by those heavenly venerables.

? ? ?

This made the other two gods completely stunned.

I didn't go on talking when I saw it, and my heart felt like it was tickling.

They thought that the entire universe had nothing to hide from them, but they overheard such an earth-shattering secret...

There is no doubt that these two people are acting at all. Because they are the gods who master life, that is to say, as the life saints of the rules of the universe, no life can lie in their eyes.

The two of them were a little dumbfounded, and they secretly said that you can go on?

But Emperor Xia had already changed the subject, and said in a cold voice, "What's the matter if you come to me?"

Fu Qingjun said: "You already know my identity in this life. I am the **** of good fortune. I want to overthrow those gods in the sky. I hope you will help me."


Xia Di pondered for a few seconds, "Yes."

He didn't suspect that God was lying to him, because the heavenly deities of good fortune had already forced those heavenly deities in the sky to reincarnate.

He has already informed everyone in the entire universe of his determination.

Therefore, You Tianzun will unconditionally believe in him, and he is also natural.

Although Jiaxia believed that the other party was mysterious and insidious and didn't know what he wanted to do secretly, but the current interests were the same, they were all overthrowing Tianzun, and they could cooperate.

Those heavenly veterans, these years have indeed forced him very hard, and his descendants of the country of the whirlpool are enemies of life and death.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Di asked directly, sensing the two Heavenly Lords in the dark, "Those two rotten guys are not easy to get along with."

Fu Qingjun also knew that they were not easy to get along with.

However, I am a real weak chicken. If I don't rely on them, I can't find you at all, okay?

"Contacting the two of them is useful." Fu Qingjun said with a confident posture, "You don't need to chat more, let's move to a place to talk first."

"Yes." Xia Di nodded.

Soon, several people came to a secret palace.

"The Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, Yuanshou Heavenly Sovereign, Good Fortune Heavenly Sovereign, and the three most supremely rule-of-life Heavenly Sovereigns are complete." Xia Di looked at the few people in front of him and fell on two of them. To be suppressed by that old man."

"Xia Di, long time no see."

Yuan Shou Tianzun ignored the words of the place, looked at the long-lost old man, and smiled: "It has been very hard to find you these years, but you will leave as soon as you meet, and you won't talk to us."

Emperor Xia kept silent, but looked at them quietly, and said: "The era has truly changed, all the rules have returned, and the final era is coming. Are you all waiting for this moment?"

"I am waiting for this moment, but the return of the last rule really made us a little panicked."

Suddenly, the Emperor Xia next to him suddenly thought of something. He looked at Tianzun of Good Fortune, and smiled: "Those false revolutionary armies are in the sky. We are the true blooded heroes. Since the real revolutionary armies are here, there is only one missing. You Tianzun, how about you secretly bring that old acquaintance?"

"Yes." Immortal Tianzun thought for a while and nodded.

Fu Qingjun didn't speak either.

He was a little absent-minded,

Looking at Jiaxia, she was already thinking about preparing for a secret recovery.

After all, Jiaxia is equivalent to the life born from the splitting of the soul through the output of his head through the hair. He himself is a part of his soul, and he can never betray.

However, although it is a good thing to be able to recycle Jiaxia, it is not in a hurry.

And even if it succeeded, it was only a small step. A Tianzun-level combat power was completely irrelevant to the overall situation.

Just after they talked for a while, a Tianzun appeared in secret, it was You Tianzun, his eyes swept around, a little surprised, "What's the situation now?"

Here's another one?

Fu Qingjun saw it with a lot of emotion.

He was really a stinky brother, and everyone's Heavenly Venerates had an unfathomable combat power, and they could secretly contact a Heavenly Venerate to come over at will.

I'm afraid that they will gather in twos and threes in private like this, drop the avatar spies, and they will do a lot of small groups.


Fu Qingjun suddenly remembered a sentence on the Internet. There are eight people in a female dormitory and three WeChat groups. Isn't it the 33-person Tianzun dormitory back then, there are 100 WeChat groups?

It's really a bunch of old yin stuff.

And what about yourself?

I couldn't find anyone, and I couldn't let people join the group chat. I had to rely on these two gods to seek skin from the tiger. They were the weakest gods in history.

At this time, the five gods present were sitting around the table and drinking tea.

Fu Qingjun glanced at the environment, it was very quiet, with green trees and green hills, small bridges and running water, an ancient table, and a few cups of hot tea. So these gods like to chat like this?

Usually they are afraid of this attitude and speak ill of me behind the sky.

Fu Qingjun thought secretly and learned from experience: "This time it's finally my turn to chew people behind their backs, their green tea **** style, I am very interested... these big capitalists, it is worthy of me to follow suit. The target, this time they have to study hard and try to get involved in it."

When Fu Qingjun was thinking about making some messy complaints...

"Good luck Tianzun?"

You Tianzun picked up a cup of tea, very puzzled.

As soon as he arrived in this land, he was planning to rendezvous with the Heavenly Lords of Good Fortune, and together to subvert the Heavenly Lords in the sky, but it was a pity that they were closely watched by the Heavenly Lords.

The Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune also didn't contact him in any actions, and it was also a ghost. Every time he appeared, he just said a few words at random and did not speak. It was called the Heavenly Venerable Two Words.

But in front of him, he was secretly released by the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, letting him come here?

But he now sees that the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune is here, and everything is the same in an instant, and some admiration said, "Mr. I took a salary from the bottom of the tank and let the internal response help me, so that I could escape the surveillance, dropped a clone and came here.

The two Heavenly Venerables next to him and Jiaxia suddenly came to their senses, and looked at the Heavenly Venerable Good Fortune more vigilantly. Didn't you think that You Tianzun was also included in this ring?

Fu Qingjun: "....."

He pretended to be deep and did not explain, but said in a serious tone: "There is no need to talk about other things, drag the blessings of the two, You Tianzun has also arrived, and now that there is a crowd, we should also talk about business."

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