My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 378: New universe

"Business, what business? Is it about the so-called righteous heroes? That has nothing to do with us."

Yuanshou Tianzun said with interest: "We relaxed You Tianzun a little, and let him drop a clone. It is not really trying to help you, but to see what you people do. , If there is no interest, we have to cut the connection."

"Something can be given to you."

Fu Qingjun nodded and gave them the new race he had promised.

They checked and laughed: "The transaction is complete, shall we proceed to the next transaction, or just make a difference?"

"These two people have evil and vicious minds."

You Tianzun looked at the two life gods in front of him and suggested: "Good luck Tianzun, although you, as the leader of the revolutionary army, are to help me escape surveillance, you still have to be cautious when dealing with these two guys."

"It's okay." Fu Qingjun said.

"What is the business?" You Tianzun is very keen to overthrow the rule of the sky, and he deserves to be the last conscience of this era.

"Do you think we can do business with the rules of existence?" Fu Qingjun asked, "Time + life, what do you think can be done?"

Test it?

You Tianzun groaned for a few seconds.

The two surrounding life gods also thought about it, and Xia Di thought about it too.

"The three complete rules of life can create a truly complete life, the rules that can travel to the past and the future, and the rules of space..." They thought about it, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Deducing the future of life?" Xia Di suddenly said.

After all, he can use the most ancient ship to deduce the future of the world, speed up the flow of time, and react the fastest.

Fu Qingjun thought so too, "That's it! Sound rules of life, creation of life, plus the passing of time..."

After all, before, I used the ancient ship to deduct it to go to the next future. It is precisely this life + time model, that is, the night banquet of gods and demons + the ancient ship of time.

This has been his old routine all the time.

"What's the use then?" The Immortal Tianzun meditated.

"It's very useful! You can create a small cosmic sand table to deduct the general trend of the world."

You Tianzun also said suddenly: "After all, the universe is dead and life is alive, so all the general trends of the universe are created by man and driven by life."

Fu Qingjun smiled and agreed.

You Tianzun continued to introduce: "Then, our life rules are all here, and now we can create real life, then we can use him to simulate the universe and deduct the future direction... After all, plus Xia Zun's time Rules, this can be done easily."

You Tianzun's words made everyone present interested.

The general trend of the universe!

This is the most important point of the gods.

Because the world can defeat them, only the general trend of the universe, the changes in the rules of the world, the change of dynasties, and the replacement of eras, will they have the possibility of being pulled off the horse.

The Heavenly Lords of Good Fortune were also forced to reincarnate because they mastered the next general trend of the universe!

If they can know the next general trend of the universe and work together to deduce the future of the universe...

There was a bang in their hearts.

Yuanshou Tianzun took a deep breath, “It’s not impossible! The most critical rules are here. Life is the protagonist of the universe. Our three heavenly veterans have complete and healthy lives, plus Xia’s time rules, plus Youtianzun Rules of space collapse!"

"Our small groups, working together, can completely try to deduce a ‘small universe simulation experiment’ and deduce the general trend of the establishment of the universe." Immortal Tianzun said.

After all, they are now on the cusp of the times.

All the rules are gathered here, which means that the new universe will reopen as all the saints gather together!

However, this is also the most unknown thing.

A new universe is born, what will happen on earth?

Whether there are any irreversible factors is unknown, and they can't help but worry and fear.

If you can deduct it...

"It seems that Tianzun of Good Fortune is looking for us." Yuanshou Tianzun's expression eased.

"It's okay." Fu Qingjun smiled. After all, he is not good at other things, but he is still very experienced in farming. He and the rising experience of these gods are not the same. He is farming, developing civilization and starting his business, cultivating watches, snail powder, Ant wine production line, so I thought of this all at once.

Moreover, I did think of a way to win over these two heavenly venerables, what benefits they can get from joining hands with me, I only thought of this, but it was not bad.

"The general trend of the world seems to be a temptation." Yuanshou Tianzun thought: "We can indeed work together to deduct it. It is feasible, and we all have benefits."

As for the other gods?

Naturally, they will not let them participate and deduct the future direction. Of course, the less you know about this kind of thing!

The more people who know the future, the less one's own advantage.

"So, what should I do?" Immortal Tianzun asked.

"It's very simple."

Fu Qingjun can’t play with them in other places, but he still has a lot of experience in this aspect. “I have ready-made ultra-small creatures here. We let You Tianzun create a model of the shape of the universe, and deduced it in this way. The power of the world, pushing towards the future."

"Yes." Everyone nodded, "As for those of us present, rules are indispensable. If we can join hands to deduct certain possibilities in the future, we can try to join forces temporarily."

Soon, a group of ancient beings became vigorous and resolute.

And Fu Qingjun was watching the salted fish next to him, secretly observing, in a calm and leisurely posture, after all, his combat power was too low to help at all.

"Tianjin of Good Fortune, don't you do it?" someone asked.

God stretched out his white wings and said lightly: "You can do it yourself. My strength is low. I have just reincarnated into this era and haven't recovered yet."

"This person is getting a little more mysterious."

Yuan Shou Tianzun looked at Tianzun Tianzun who was sitting in the distance drinking tea. UU Reading continued to accompany several beings, secretly constructing a new miniature universe model, while secretly thinking: "Xia Di just said a few words and said he It may come from the distant future time and space... And now, he guides us to deduct the general trend of the future. Is it possible that he wants us to know something about certain things and certain patterns in the future?"

They can only press down on this hesitation in their hearts and continue to construct.

Under the acceleration of Xia's time rules, the universe that took a long time to build was completed in the blink of an eye. This made Fu Qingjun have to sigh that this is indeed a time plug-in.

"Successful." Xia Di glanced at each other with a few people next to him, all curious about the future, looking at the small universe model built now,

"Well, the current state of the universe is already in place. The ruled saints of wind, fire, and lightning are all dead. They created this continent by rules, and they only need to take the continent. It doesn't matter whether they are there or not, after all, they are all subordinates. The rules, what will happen in the future, depend on the variables of life, time, and space."

"However, the rules of time and space are not complete, but it doesn't matter. To show the deduction, life is enough. Although there may be deviations, you can try it first."

Xia Di kept finishing his thoughts, "Look at the future scene."

"Go to the next future."


This small universe model is full of organisms the size of fungi, multiplying rapidly.

Soon, an unimaginable picture appeared in the new universe, allowing everyone to see an unimaginable future.

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