Fu Qingjun felt the realm for a while.


   is stronger for several levels in one breath, and my heart is very refreshing.


   "I just pretended to be drinking tea next to them, pretending to be cold, watching them in the cabin of the ancient ship, going crazy to the next future, and I was actually practicing secretly."


  They are pushing time crazily, pushing the time cabin, taking the opportunity to completely absorb the life dependents they gave me, enhancing their authority to control life, eating crazily, and slashing magical thoughts crazily.


   During that time, Fu Qingjun stripped away his magical thoughts seven or eight times.


   At this time, a condensed demon infant in the lower abdomen is slowly circling, he is the demon fetus that Fu Qingjun cut down and split countless magical thoughts, and gathered in the lower abdomen to suppress it.


   If it weren't for the new race that had cultivated this immortal and demonic body, it could suppress it in the body by itself.


   "In this way, I can increase my realm crazily without any worries." Fu Qingjun raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's smoother than I thought."


   He looked at his realm,


  Zannen Nane!


   is equivalent to 7% of the mastery of the rules of the universe.


   "It's worthy of being the highest rule for opening time, it doesn't make sense at all. How long have I just entered the seventh rank? Is it so close to reaching the level of a middle saint?"


   He naturally understands realm,


  Zhannian from 00 to 10 is the lower saint.


   10 to 20 Zan Nian is the median saint.


   20-30 Zhannian is a high-ranking saint.


   But this is the fighting power of the realm, and the same high-ranking saints, because of the different rules, the fighting power is very different.


   For example, some high-ranking saints are called Tianzun, and some high-ranking saints are always only high-ranking saints because of the weak rules.


   Of course, even those who have lived for tens of billions of years, the rules they master are almost 30% to 40% or so, that is to say, forty levels, 100 levels are just theory.


  Because you cut your mind, it is equivalent to dividing your power in half, so you can never exceed 50% of the authority of the rules.


   "However, this demon mind that should have been cut off is held in my body, which is equivalent to perfecting the rules of demon mind in some way... I seem to be 7%, but in fact it is equivalent to 14%."


   "Zhannian 14th floor, real combat power, has already begun to be regarded as a middle saint."


   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "Fudge them like this a few more times. I only need to read 15th floor, doubled to 30th floor. In theory, I can reach the lowest Tianzun level combat power."


   It doesn’t look far away.


  Although, a Tianzun-class combat power has no great effect on those ancient beings at all.


   People like You Tianzun and Xia Zun have always been unable to resist, and the same is true for myself, but this surprise and joy of improvement is true after all.


   I have fundamental hard power, and it is also one of the most reassuring problems.


   Although hard power seems not to be very useful in the eyes of the Tianzuns, they are all ancient chess players playing the pattern.


   "The rest is to leave the position of God...Although I am still cultivating crazy, but I don't have to worry about being detained in the position of God after the completion of the new universe."


  Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "Those gods all escaped the gods, reincarnated as immortals, turned their own rules into Yuan Ying, suppressed them in the body, and so did I."


   This method is equivalent to getting out of the rules of the Dao, and you are no longer the rules of the Dao itself.


   But the disadvantages are also obvious.


He is no longer the **** of the rule concept itself, but a mortal who controls the Nascent Soul of the rule concept in his body. If someone wants to take away the rules in his body, he just needs to defeat him.


   Theoretically, as long as they are killed, snatched from the body of the regular Nascent Infant, and stuffed in one's own body, they can replace them and become the next heavenly deity who walks the way for the sky.


   But, is it easy to kill them?


   only theoretically gave them a "chance" to overthrow them.


   But this opportunity, really has to fight, the probability is very small, after all, the power of the concept-level rules against the sky is the most clear.


   Travel through time, accelerate time, master life...


   Under all kinds of unconventional forces, other saints can't even touch their fur.


   lock blood, read files, headshots...


   also only the same plug-in can defeat the plug-in.


  Fu Qingjun thought, and came to the cafeteria, chatting with Little Speaker, Bai Yu and others. This period of time is considered the most familiar and friendly.


   At the same time, Fu Qingjun also learned about Bai Long's development.


   The lower sage, chopped up more than one layer.


   But what he cultivates is also the same body of immortals and demons, which is doubled.


   "It seems that Bai Long and others are also developing secretly, and Qin Hong and others are also considered to have entered the seventh stage, which is not easy."


   "It's a pity that they don't have the heavenly rulers, and they can't reach the heavenly class as quickly as I did. The period of their rise is too slow to help me."


  Fu Qingjun was eating, "It seems that I can only continue to suffer silently, in the heaven, I continue to endure humiliation, dare not say anything, and silently buy time for them."


   "After opening the world, the establishment of a new universe allows them to accumulate general trends at that time and take the opportunity to rise."


   After all, I saw part of the general trend of the future.


   After the opening of the new universe, although they are newcomers, they can still rise by chance.


   "After all, it's not without a chance..."


  Fu Qingjun thought, "If you can capture the divided Demon Venerables and give them to Bai Long, Qin Hong and others to suppress them, they will be great masters of the Demon Venerable!"


It’s not impossible to get the magical thoughts of the celestial beings~www.readwn.com~ After all, we are now an evil organization in the dark, secretly capturing the tail beasts... the devil, the one who returns, finally With their power, the whole world will be changed and the whole world will be free of wars and turmoil.


"If the number of recycling is large and everyone gets a lot, they should also distribute it to me? It is not a big problem to give a demon lord under his command." Fu Qingjun thought secretly with his cheek, "I just need to continue. From the seats, call them to come, and continue to be my second-word gods, not saying a word is enough... They should give it to me, right?"


   He has found the experience of the white prostitution of Tianzun.


   Times flew by.


   Demons and Immortals were born one after another.


   The people of the world have transformed the version of the life race with the good fortune of the heavens, re-establishing the foundation of the cultivation system of the universe life, and joined hands with the two heavens of life to transform the perfect life.


   The common people began to practice a new system, training Qi, building foundations, golden cores, Yuan Ying...


   At this point, the fairy clan and the demon clan have become popular.


   and overthrew the old Heavenly Lord’s new ruling heaven, and began to be called the fairy and devil world, the chaos world.


The name of Tianzun of Good Fortune, with the secret help of a famous Tianzun, became more and more prosperous. Everyone knows that he has grandeur, big-mindedness, and is an unprecedented sacred heaven and earth. Bow down and proclaim himself a courtier.


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