My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 384: The biggest trap

At this time, above the palace.


   Fu Qingjun sits on a high place and yawns,


   He is like a nine-year-old emperor who is supported by the prime minister, empress dowager, and eunuch, as long as he is responsible for sitting on it.


   I am a facade myself.


   Even if they love to come, they will pretend that you are in the seat.


"Yesterday, when the small group secret meeting of Tianzun was opened, it was barely able to win over a few people..." Fu Qingjun looked down. Among a famous Tianzun, he saw Immortal, Yuanshou Tianzun, Youtianzun, Xia Zun, etc. Et al.


   They looked like normal, as if nothing happened yesterday.


   deserves to be a group of old foxes!


Below   , one and the other celestial beings are discussing the major events of the universe with each other, nothing more than: suppressing magical thoughts and opening up the world, these two major events.


A Tianzun laughed and said, "Although the demon minds outside the territory have the strength close to those of my heavenly beings, they are ultimately karma demons formed by the confluence of remnant thoughts, evil, and chaotic consciousness. The stronger the demon's wisdom, the closer the wisdom is. Ordinary people, but after all, they are not rational enough, because of the world's karma, their spirits, tyrannical madness, and constant fear."


   This is a matter of course.


   For a long time, although the demon lords are similar in strength, they are also suppressed because of their tyrannical and chaotic nature, even if they are wise, they are not real creatures and can't play with these old yin goods.


   "It's a monster, it's still huge."


"Before the establishment of the new universe, it must be resolved. Those demon venerations are incomparably against the sky, and ordinary saints cannot be defeated, but you still have to be careful. Certain unruly gods will secretly defeat those demon venerations. If they fall into their hands, give it to The power of the demon deity of trusted people, and the wisdom of the power of the demon deity, I am afraid that the combat power is no weaker than our Tianzun."


   A saint spoke, showing concern.


   In fact, this is what all Tianzun must be vigilant about.


   Demon Lords are powerful, but they are not afraid. What is afraid is that after they are defeated, they will be handed over to the powerful people of wisdom. At that time, they will be a truly smart Tianzun-level combat power.


   The Tianzun present, in fact, everyone wants to secretly capture a Demon Lord and reclaim their own share of the Demon Lord.


After all, this is a newly-emerged Tianzun-level combat power, who will reshuffle the pattern of playing cards. This is what they really worry about.... As for the Tianzun of good fortune on a high place, it seems insignificant in front of them. .


   He is just a butterfly that turns on the trend.


   "The devil, we must conquer, lest they fall into the hands of the wrongdoer and do evil."


   A famous Tianzun kept communicating, "We have dispatched countless troops, saints, and they are extremely enthusiastic. They are frantically cleaning out the magical junkyard outside the territory, I am afraid the real battle is coming."


   "Yes, this time, the scale of the encirclement and suppression is unprecedented! It was also the last time the justice army of the demon race was encircled and suppressed before the opening of the new universe. Our army has gone straight and deep, I am afraid that the demon is right in front of us."


   "I'm waiting for Tianzun, I'm afraid to ask for it, Yujia personally asks for it!"


   A famous Tianzun communicated with each other.


   After all, encircling and suppressing the Demon Lord must be an important matter to open up the world.


   "Your Majesty, what do you think?"


   A famous Tianzun arched his hands and looked at the heavens of good fortune from a high place.


   Fu Qingjun's face turned dark, they talked for so long, and now they think of me?


  What can I say?


   A puppet.


   Fu Qingjun sorted out his thoughts, sat on a high place, looked majestic, and looked down below and said:


   "Since you all have to fight outside the realm, for the good of the world, and clean up the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in the outer chaos, this is also a feat, and it should be a feat."






   "His Royal Highness Shengming!"


   Above the hall, a famous Tianzun bends down and salutes.




   In less than a few hours, the entire Chaos World of Gods and Demons had shrunk into a small disc, on which was a group of various ancient and majestic celestial palaces, transformed into a huge Tianzun palace, and fought outside the domain.


   "Tianzun's Procurement"


   A piece of news spread throughout the entire universe.


   A huge palace flew across the sky, letting the common people of countless universes hold their breath.


   Even, countless aspiring people and heroes who are going to capture the magic thoughts outside the territory and clear them, also look forward to the sky with longing, "That is, the **** of good fortune, the imperial conquest!"

   Outside the Chaos Realm, on a piece of land.


   Ziying, Isaac, and others, were hunting a monster, suddenly raised their heads, looked at the behemoth at a high place, and said in shock: "That is, Tianzun is going!"


   They vaguely saw in the ancient palace, a powerful and majestic sacred figure sitting on the throne, and the highest place was a leader of the strongest heavenly sovereign who ruled over them.


   "That is the legendary **** of good fortune, the whole world is a legendary ancient god, majestic, majestic, upright and fierce." Isaac's face was full of longing, as if he saw the object of his worship.


   "That is a righteous hero. He is indeed worthy of admiration. Over the years, he has made rapid and violent changes. In a short period of time, he has been very quick to overthrow the rule of the old Tianzun."


   Zi Ying also looked towards the sky, "It's a pity, that stalwart universe is the strongest and most sacred. It is difficult for us ants to pursue in our entire life, and we can't even see it from the front."


   "Yes, let's continue to kill and clean up the inferior magic thoughts." They killed the magic thoughts again.




   Fu Qingjun sat on a chair, looking at a famous man below, worshiping and awe of the saint, some goose bumps appeared in his heart.


   build momentum,




   pushed me to the altar, admired by the world...




   After all, they are all commanding the world in my name and raising the banner of justice in my name.


"But, they have always created momentum for me, saying that they are headed by me. This is too much, right?" Fu Qingjun sat on a chair and looked down. "They declared to the outside that they would obey me to expel the Demon Lord. Will, this kind of obvious good thing, they still hold my face?"


   Fu Qingjun kind of feels a bit bad.


   These Tianzuns have praised themselves too much, and all good things are in their own name.


   "The higher you hold me, the worse you will fall?"


   Fu Qingjun seemed to have grasped something, "They acted in my name and lifted me high, and then they were afraid that something bad would be done soon and let me take the blame?"


   Fu Qingjun, as a veteran who often keeps people behind and hides in the dark, is very proficient in this matter himself, and there are goose bumps in front of him.


   "These capitalists, want to **** me?"


  Everyone is the same type of person, so he had a strong hunch, and violently thought of a general trend. After clearing the magical thoughts, he would break the ground.


   and what happened?


   I just saw it.


   destroy the old universe and build a new universe.


   "No one can get on this big ship of the new universe." Fu Qingjun said: "The old universe under your feet will be destroyed and torn apart, and the planets inside will be completely dead."


"The old universe under our feet is still extremely large, there are countless galaxies, there are still 90% of the life in the entire and they have been destroyed and dried up the matter in the starry sky. This will be unprecedented. massacre!"


   "They, these heavenly lords, now, lift me up high, and after that, they want me to take the blame."


   Fu Qingjun's hair is terrified, and the whole person is like falling into an ice cave


   "At that time, it was me, the Heavenly Lord of Good Fortune, who ordered the killing of 90% of the life in the universe, and I would be named by them another decaying Heavenly Lord, and be called the biggest and most evil villain in the universe."


   This is the best way to deal with yourself.


   To destroy a hero is to completely destroy his reputation.


   In this way, no matter how much the resistance army acts, no one will believe it.


   This has completely abolished myself, and there is no possibility of turning over. If I reappear in real form, everyone will only shout and beat!


   "As expected of the oldest gods, they can't find my true identity, and I have avoided the terrible trap that can catch me several times, but they can still put me to death."


   "No wonder they acted in my name and created momentum for me, saying that I am Xianjun. This is to step on me directly in the dirt, and there is no possibility of even turning over."


   Fu Qingjun sat on the throne, overlooking an ancient and majestic sacred heaven below, and felt their eternal indifference and malice, "I will become the biggest back-hand man in the history of the universe."


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