My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 522: Life is like a play


Countless people killed the most at the same time.

Everyone knows that after waiting for countless epochs, it is the final moment.

The lifelong dreams of You Tianzun, Qin Hong and others must come to an end in front of their eyes.

Even Fu Qingjun feels so,

Tianzun Wen Ce is an extremely important node in his life trajectory. To completely defeat him today and overthrow his old rule represents ushering in a new era of his own dynasty.

"kill him!"

Tianzun of countless ages of truth growled low.

"You don't want to be rampant!"

In the cosmic era of the Buddhism of the present world, a statue of the present Tianzun signed an oath with the Tianzun of Oath, and could not help but start fighting hard.

The outer membrane of the universe has become a mess.

Countless rules collided one after another, the heavenly masters of the two eras were fighting each other, the earth was torn apart, and the dense and gloomy energy shocked into countless black whirlpools, swallowing everything.

puff! !

Large swaths of blood are spilling on the earth.

Soldiers against soldiers, kings against kings.

Wen Ce Tianzun with his hands on his back, white clothes fluttering, standing high in the void, looking at the oath Tianzun, Amiro, "So, young girls, we are the same as the oath Tianzun, you have the same rules, you Want to fight for your dreams, fight for your lover, fight for your master, and overthrow me?"

"After all, you are too old, you should die!" The young Amiro had sharp eyes, "Don't talk more, bewitching people!"


The two people fought in an instant, and terrifying energy erupted.

The two Cosmos Supremes instantly turned into afterimages, running on the earth and collided fiercely.

Wen Ce Tianzun flashed a touch of surprise, "It is worthy of the ancient prophecy, the first in line, the symbol of life Amiro, the prophecy is about to open up an unprecedented stalwart and prosperous universe dynasty, the strongest genius who will lead the common people to glory!"

"Thank you for your exaggeration, but I still want to kill you!" Amiro growled.

As expected of Amiro!

Sure enough, justice, passion!

In the distance, everyone sighed, but they all watched the battle with a worried expression.

The war between the two leaders will affect the future pattern of the entire universe, and I am extremely worried and nervous!

But no one knows that while they are fighting, they are bluffing with each other in business.

Seeing the praise and excitement beside him, Wen Ce Tianzun felt coldly and calmly in his heart.

Haha, the universe is so cruel and reality, what you expect is just a dream dream.

There are no dreams in this adult world.

I have never been overthrown, but reborn in another way

The other side.

boom! !

Countless Tianzun also played against here.

Here, is the real sword and gun, the fish die and the net is broken!

Today, only one of them can survive, and there must be the other side of the universe, who has completely fallen, died and disappeared, and disappeared into the era.

Neither Tianzun wants to die!

This is a fight for life!

"Victory against these decaying present-world gods! I will return the world to peace at all costs! Overthrow the rule of Wence Tianzun!"

Yuanshou Tianzun and the immortal Tianzun are two people who have mastered the strongest rules of life. They are naturally the leaders, leading the Tianzun of the Taiyuan Heavenly Court to fight.

"Huh, do you think you can win?"

Standing on the opposite side, Yuanshou and Immortal Tianzun of the Tianzun Wence camp also sneered, "We and Tianzun Wence have ruled countless epochs, like you two young and brave genius heroes. , There are countless, I have seen so many heroes who have been so passionate and fought like you, and they all fell under our feet in the end!"

"Brothers, kill with me!"

Yuan Shou and the Immortal Tianzun on the opposite side scolded them, "How do you two don't know in your hearts that, under the leadership of Tianzun Good Fortune, Tianzun Wen Ce is in danger today? He is almost bound to come here! Are you not surrendering quickly? Maybe I can spare your lives!"

"Ridiculous, surrender? We will only die for Wence Tianzun!"

The two life gods on the opposite side quickly charged with the old decaying gods, and while fighting each other, they shouted in a loud voice, "Every **** friend, kill them!"

The heavens on both sides, under the leadership of the two life heavens, the longevity and the immortality, fought hard, and their expressions suddenly became bad.

If it is normal, the leaders on both sides have such a dialogue and clamor, which is extremely correct and normal, boosting morale, and even both sides have a heroic spirit that would rather die than surrender and fight to death on the battlefield.

But in fact, who doesn't know that the Yuanshou and the Immortal Venerable of the two universes are the same person?

You two, what about this singing?

You sit back and relax, you are on both sides, no matter which side is dead or which side is overthrown, you are one of the greatest founders of the country, and you will be rewarded for your merits.

The other gods fought wildly, but felt that their mentality was getting more and more jumping.

Your own life is at stake, fight for the future with your life!

And the other party? Far inferior to the situation of the other party, it is worthy of being one of the two most decadent ancient heavenly beings, they are ashamed of it, this egg is not put in a basket.

Although I was thinking about getting angry, it was hard to say something. After all, the other party was really fulfilling his duties as the leader of the heavenly sovereign, and even had a fierce fighting spirit and a scolding war. Even though he was scolding himself, he had no bias at all. The clumsy leader led the team to fight with all strength.

Whether or not they can win depends on the talents of the Heavenly Lord below them.


Although the heavens on both sides vomited blood, they tried their best to fight for their lives.

Fu Qingjun, as the phantom of Tianzun of Good Fortune, sat in the distance and watched indifferently. His expression was a little bit wrong. "These two walls and grasses are indeed very upright and upright, but they inexplicably give the atmosphere of serious war. It’s destroyed, and they’re pretty bad on the battlefield where Tianzun had fought fiercely."

Fu Qingjun looked into the distance, Amiro and Tianzun Wence were fighting, he couldn't help but relieved, "Fortunately, here is a little more serious, the two of them are really fighting hard, and they are finally sending away Wence Tianzun. This fellow Daoist."

He could see that Wen Ce Tianzun and Amiruo were evenly matched.

In fact, Amiro is too young after all, far inferior to the other party.

However, after experiencing the polishing of the last Wence Tianzun, he knew the opponent's fighting method and figured out the details, and then hit this stronger Wence Tianzun body, and it was a little handy.

"The pattern is already obvious."

Fu Qingjun said indifferently, "The battle of the leaders can be deadlocked. It is the group of gods who really decides the victory or defeat. Originally, the seats of the gods on both sides are almost equal. Both sides have 49 seats, but they can't bear it. In the present universe, there are inner ghosts, Qin Hong, You Tianzun, etc., using their present seats, the inside should be combined with the outside, to encircle and suppress those heavens."

As a result, there is a power gap, and it is a matter of time to grind the opponent to death.

And once those Tianzuns under his command are surrounded and suppressed, Tianzun Wence will be hard to support. Under the encirclement and suppression of countless Tianzuns, he will die.

This kind of ending was deduced before it started.

"What is Tianzun, the end of the brute force battle is only a means to establish the final result. Before the shot, the two sides have already calculated the victory or defeat of both parties." Fu Qingjun's expression was calm, and he could feel this more and more in his heart.

To be honest, his rule-based combat power is the strongest. Tianzun is his family, and can absorb their power into himself, but has he ever shot?

There has never been a shot.

To be the strongest emperor of Tianzun, Emperor Jiyuan, the moment when he wants to take action himself is that he is already facing a desperate situation and is not far from death.

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