My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 523: 1 system, new universe heaven

Soon, as Fu Qingjun expected, with the constant collisions, the heavenly sages of the present universe finally gradually appeared inferior.

The internal response of people like Qin Hong and You Tianzun undoubtedly broke the entire balance of combat power.


The first Tianzun fell and was completely defeated, no longer able to fight.

It didn't take long before the second Tianzun also fell.

After that, there was a chain effect like a bone-noble card. The stronger the enemy, the weaker our side. Gradually, the speed of being encircled and suppressed increased gradually, and the deity of Tianzun completely disappeared.

In the end, only Yuanshou and the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign remained, the two first-order Life Heavenly Sovereigns persisted.

But the two also knew that the trend was over.

"We are defeated, but you don't want to insult me!"

Yuan Shou Tianzun was stained with blood, standing in the endless sea of ​​corpses, holding a book of life and death, like an unyielding **** of war, "I am defeated, but I would rather die than surrender, and I would like to be buried with all the monarchs and Tianzun."

"Me too."

The Immortal Heavenly Sovereign has been wounded and completely exhausted. He is a dying body, but he looks resolute and yells: "Your comrades-in-arms are dead, I don't want to drop, I will go first!"


After saying that, although he is immortal, he has been extinct in the center of the battlefield, and a generation of heroic souls disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

The entire battlefield has been shattered, the sky has collapsed, but the final battle has been completed.

Ta Ta Ta.

Next to him, Yuan Shou and the Immortal Tianzun came and looked at the two unyielding bones at their feet. After choking for a while, he stooped down and bowed, saying, "Even though the two of you are rotten, they are upright and courageous. After exhausting the last drop of blood, the bones are shattered, the soul is broken, but they still fight to the end, and can be called a martyr."

"The Yuanshou Tianzun of this universe has unexpected appetite for me. If it were not for a different position, we or our close friends would not know it." Yuanshou Tianzun's complex expression was very touched, and he slowly absorbed this universe. A seat of Yuan Shou Tianzun was integrated into the body, and the combat power was doubled in an instant.

The same is true of the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, absorbed the opponent's seat of the same origin, and its combat power is elevated.

In fact, raising the combat power is somewhat inconsistent, and it is more appropriate to use seats from other universes to restore the previous combat power.

"These two gods of life"

Soon, the corners of the Heavenly Lords of the Age of Truth twitched, but they knew that the seats were not as high as them, so they didn't dare to say anything. They quickly followed the same pattern one by one, and came to their seats in front of the corpses of the Heavenly Lords in the same seat.




One after another aura exploded, suddenly expanding.

Qin Hong Tianzun sensed the strength in his body, took a deep breath, and said, "Don't bother with Yuanshou and Immortality. The older you get, the more serious you are."

"How can it be trouble?"

Yuanshou and the Immortal Tianzun are speechless, "This is our traditional method, and it is the same for many Tianzuns to overthrow us. In the past years, Jiaxia was mixed in by us. As young heroes, we personally overthrew our own eyes. It's here again, and it's also our own overthrow of ourselves, but we are very serious, full of a sense of ritual."


Qin Hong was so angry that he didn't bother to care about them, and said to the side: "Everyone, we have already defeated the other party's subordinates. It's time to send Wen Ce Tianzun on the road."


A Zun Tianzun flew directly to the battlefield next to him.

"Wen Ce Tianzun, you are about to punish you!"

"Your Heavenly Lords have all been killed!" Qin Hong strode forward.

In the middle of the battlefield, Amiruo and Wen Ce Tianzun were all in ruins, but they had stopped fighting, standing and staring at each other.

"I am defeated after all."

Wen Ce Tianzun sighed, looked at the surrounding Tianzun and besieged him, all of his subordinates have died out, knowing that the general situation is over, and the tree is hard to support.

This is also something in my budget,

"Yes, you are defeated." Qin Hong said earnestly: "Our earth civilization, members of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons, have waited for this day for hundreds of millions of years. Senior Bai Long of our earth, Emperor Xia, are all for this. One day, I paid too much."


Suddenly he raised his head, disheveled his head, and no longer had the previous heroic posture and majesty, looked at the deity of good fortune, "good fortune, you are an incredible person, I hope you will lead the universe to glory after my death."

Fu Qingjun was silent for a while, and after all, he was a little bit emotional, and said goodbye to him on his deathbed, "No, I can't do it. I am an old man of your age. I am as old as you are, and I have no achievements. ."

Like an old friend, Fu Qingjun said softly: "The meaning of my life is to overthrow your rule, and if I succeed, my mission is also over. I will live in seclusion, behind the scenes, the future of the times, The splendor of the universe and the splendor of civilization will be given to the young people and to the new hero Amiro."

"Leave it to me in my youth."

Tianzun of Good Fortune glanced at Emperor Qianyuan next to him.

The Emperor Qianyuan suddenly became resolute, "definitely live up to expectations."

Fu Qingjun looked kind and pleased.

The bond of acknowledging the ancestors and returning to the ancestors still has to be done by you.

"Yeah, you are old, you leave it to the young you."

Wen Ce Tianzun suddenly sighed when he heard the words, and said in his heart, you handed over to you in the young age, why didn't I give it to me in the young age?

"The times will really change."

Wen Ce Tianzun looked up at the universe sky inexplicably, dumbfounded.

Everyone was silent, and Fu Qingjun didn't let other people do it, accompany him in a daze, watching the last moment of this deity's existence, leaving with dignity.

"Fine, nothing"

After a while, he slowly lowered his head, suddenly smiled softly, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Go, young people, fulfill my dream and see what the eighth-tier era is like."


Tianzun Wen Ce turned into a fragmented mirror image and was generally broken, dissipating in the wind and sand.

Everyone looked at Tianzun Wen Ce with complex expressions, the strongest black hand in the history of the universe, the strongest overlord in the history of the universe, and finally left himself in place and dissipated at this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded, standing in the **** battlefield dumbly, watching the scene after this tragic battle.

History will be frozen at this moment.

for a long time,

"we won."

"we won."

Countless people cheered and were elated.

"Wen Ce Tianzun, after all, is dead, but there is another him who fled to the past, we still have to be vigilant." You Tianzun said at this time.

"Yes, he is dead, he must be vigilant in the past." Tianzun Good fortune also sighed, Tianzun Wen Ce finally closed his own curtain of the times.

But in Fu Qingjun’s eyes, Wen Ce Tianzun is over.

Although one of him had escaped to the past by himself, he had already been infected and became a dependent, which was not enough to be afraid of.

"Go, Amiro in the prophecy, you have defeated the opponent, to receive the seat of Wen Ce Tianzun, you are the young hero of this era, the new emperor of the universe." Tianzun Good fortune said.

For Fu Qingjun, it doesn't matter who it is.

It's just that someone will be introduced on the surface.

But Chen Nianzi was out of Fu Qingjun's expectation. It was indeed very strong, so it didn't matter if it was directly given to him.

"I see, no one is allowed to decay in this world."

When Chen Nianzi heard the words, his eyes became firm, and he slowly touched the corpse of Wence Tianzun, and the rules integrated into it became an oath Tianzun.


The power of a contract exploded.

A golden light shone down, and an ancient Heavenly Court of the Beginning flew across from the void.

In the center of the vast and endless palaces like the kingdom of God, outside the wall of the cosmic chaos high above, endless golden light sheds on the throne,

A young man in white clothes gradually changed his robe into a gorgeous golden texture. Wearing an emperor crown on his head, under the gaze of twenty-four deities on both sides below, step by step, slowly Boarded the Supreme Seat.

"The culprit is Fu Zhu, and today I heard Ce Tianzun is here."

"I will ascend to the throne and create a new century."

He waved his sleeves and sat on the throne. All the people in the entire universe seemed to feel the birth of something in the dark, unified.

That is the will of rules, the overlord of all things, and the belief of all living beings.

Like a figure that has mastered the entire vast universe, mastered all the laws and principles of the universe's strongest force, overlooking the heavens on both sides below.

The silver brilliance suddenly pierced the void of the universe and turned into a beautiful and rotten gold, like a huge sun rising from the universe.

"The new era has begun."

Amiruo sat on the throne, overlooking the entire era of time and space, with a majestic and domineering voice, "I, I am about to fight in the prehistoric era, open up the territory, and look for the legendary eighth-era civilization."

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