Endless matter rushed along the epoch, vast and endless.

These substances are constantly filling this withered and decayed dark ancient tree, moisturizing and rebirth, allowing this ancient and dead era to rejuvenate, and the dead wood is in spring.

Boom! !

He looked like an old man who had taken off his old skin, and slowly opened his eyes.

In the cosmic era, the tombs of the ancient dark planets have faded away from mottled, black and strange rust, and withered palms climb out.

"I, live again."

A sound after another, with the long vicissitudes of life, and indescribable joy.

A giant in the forbidden zone of the Primordial Universe, stretched out and awakened their sleeping and buried soldiers, like a delicate gear, mobilized quickly, and went crazy.

"Wake up my king."

"An ancient Tianzun is about to wake up."

"Looking at the long river flowing this time, the main road has completely rushed into our era!"

"It's flowing to our last era!"

They were born together, like an ancient terracotta warrior, opened their sharp eyes.

Different from other era dynasties, they are at a loss, not knowing why, but waiting for this moment for a long time.

Soon, in the highest palace complex in the universe, accompanied by a large amount of material injection, a cosmic era emperor finally awakened, his bright red eyes opened.

"I, for this reason, the last emperor of the 21st Dynasty of the Indestructible Era, the Forbidden Heavenly Sovereign."

The immortal dynasty once ruled the 21st generation era.

They have led the universe to reopen the world for twenty-one times, repeating the fire, wind and thunder.

He is the last emperor,

Although it was the last emperor, he was not the real last emperor. It was so absurd and absurd that led to the destruction of the dynasty.

His aptitude can be called the second person in the twenty-first cosmic era, majestic and grandiose, second only to the immortal emperor of the ancestor, and the dynasty is not destroyed in his hands, but asleep in his hands.


When he waved his hand, there were twenty-four Heavenly Sovereigns on each side of the palace, slowly waking up.

"Forty-nine Heavenly Sovereign, all wake up."

His eyes lowered, "Back then, my biological father, the founding father of the Yuan Dynasty, calculated that our immortal dynasty would die in the 21st dynasty. After the age, our bloodline became more and more unconnected, and the emperor came out in large numbers, which made me fall asleep in the tomb of immortality. , To cross to the last dynasty, our twentieth grandson's faint king, take over the twenty-first, and lay out the end era."

He is the first emperor, the second-generation heir dominated by the ancient taboo, and he was specially sent to the last 21st generation to deal with the end of their dynasty era and the recovery of his father.

"I wait, the immortal dynasty has already awakened from the long river of epochs."

He glanced over the forty-eight gods in front of him, "For all the monarchs, and even for me, our sense of time is still at the moment we just fell asleep, but for the entire universe, we don’t know how many thousands have passed. Trillion years!"

"Future Era, the version does not know the update geometry? Era Tianzun, do not know how many levels it will evolve?"

He slowly said, "The heavenly masters of space, awaken the saints of the Era Hall of Actress, and divination and stargazing with them, observing the celestial phenomena, and sharing the geometry of the future universe? Where is the rule of the universe updated? Come and report."


A statue of Tianzun below opened his mouth and disappeared in place.

The Forbidden Tianzun swept his eyes and looked at other Tianzuns, "At various times, Tianzun observes the changes in my universe era, and monitors the time changes of the 70 million quasars, river systems, and star clusters under the rule of the universe. If there is any abnormality, it is Some people from later generations have smuggled into my era, and they still need to report and catch them!"


A **** of time disappeared and disappeared in this world.

Commands, as if they had been anticipated, were waiting for this moment to run, and they began to be executed with great precision.

"Exterminate the ruler of the universe."

Fu Qingjun’s phantom was sitting next to the emperor’s seat, with a leisurely look, and accompanied him to look at the courtiers below. This ancient and majestic emperor of the Universe Era was issuing orders.

He looked at him curiously.

Unfortunately, the other party didn't notice Fu Qingjun at all.

It’s been seventeen epochs, and the 100% rule has been completely successful

70% probability is my son, it becomes 100%!

When these universes are split again, they are all split according to their own rules, and they are all their own people.

One life two, two life three, three life all things

Fu Qingjun has turned "one or two" into his own rules, and no matter how he splits it, it's all his own.

"The great heavenly saints have begun to appease the fusion of the galaxies and universes under their command, and they are about to usher in a big change. Whoever masters the rules of the next major protagonist can own the world."

The emperor of the universe is still issuing orders, "All saints and scholars, let them observe the changes in the universe with all their strength, find out the general trend, and raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while."

But Fu Qingjun looked calm beside him.

He knew in his heart that infecting them was not a matter of establishing a victory.

The other party is just a member of the strong competition. It suddenly appeared, although it attracted the attention of the entire universe, it made everyone feel that their behemoth, the terrorist layout was very fearful and awe.

But the real protagonists are not them.

Even they know that the protagonist is not them, they are waiting for the general change, the drastic change of the birth of the fusion of the universe! Finding new protagonist rules

"They are looking, why am I not looking for?"

Fu Qingjun leaned Erlang's legs and looked down at the heavenly memories below, with a calm expression, "When the protagonist appears, he must overthrow my old rule. It must be like I overthrew Wen Ce Tianzun’s vows, and overthrew my son’s family members. Once he has my rules, I’m afraid it will drop by 99%. His rules, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, are out of my control!"

Fu Qingjun was waiting for that moment to come.

He is very vigilant, knowing that a new cosmic protagonist will be born, a new era hero will appear, and he will become a terrifying black-handed dragon, waiting for his crusade!

"His rules, out of my control, will even be like me overthrowing Wence Tianzun, without reducing my control over the universe, 99%, 98% is like I killed Wence Tianzun, killing me."

Fu Qingjun has a huge anxiety and panic.

Theoretically, that rule becomes the protagonist. If you are out of your own control, you must be aware of it. After all, at the moment of 99%, you know who the new protagonist of the 1% change is.

However, Fu Qingjun felt that things were definitely not that simple!

"What is the general trend? It is unpredictable. It is inevitable to overthrow the old and bring forth the new. Only when the old rule is overthrown is the general trend." Fu Qingjun looked at the prehistoric heaven and ruled the world with a cold heart, "I have a hunch that this general trend will change. It's a direction I didn't expect at all, and it will overthrow my rule."

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